@@BRAID SG Three cylinders twisting together. See the KNOT document for details. @@KNOT SG KNOT and BRAID By John G. Stebbins CompuServe 75320,3000 August 29, 1993 Each of these HP48 files is a directory containing an example of the HP48GX's parametric ploting functions. These examples were inspired when I looked at the example in the built-in 'EXAMPLES' directory and was quite disapointed. I decided to try something more challenging and came up with these two equation sets. KNOT is a torus that loops back on itself and is tied in a simple overhand knot. BRAID is three cylinders twisted together in a standard braiding pattern. Each directory contains a list of the GROBs for the animation and a program called SEEIT which runs the animation. Also in each directory are the programs, equations and settings variables used to create the animation. For compatibility with the HP48SX the SEEIT program determines whether it is being executed on a GX or SX and either uses the inbuilt ANIMATE function on the GX or the program ANIM inlcuded in both directories. To exit the animation on a GX press the ON key, on an SX press any other key.