@@BACKFLIP SG (Comp.sys.hp48) Item: 1413 by randyd@csd4.csd.uwm.edu [Randall Elton Ding] Subject: BACKFLIP animation, SX & GX versions. -- slight modification of program originally by Doug Cannon DON'T RUN 'GOSX' ON A GX, instead delete it and use 'GOGX'. [Note: The SX version is superimposed on the stack display, which looks really cool, and is exited by pressing ON. The GX version is exited by pressing DROP (backarrow); if a lot of keystrokes are in the buffer, it may take a long time to exit, so press ON to empty the buffer and then press backarrow and wait for one backflip to finish. Both versions use + to speed up and - to slow down, but it's incremental, one keystroke per backflip, so be patient. -jkh-] Randy.