Animathematics @1997 by Scott Stevenson 3/11/97 Animath Info: What: The Animath libraries are a series of animations of 3 dimensional mathematical functions (primarily of the trigonometric variety) plotted using the 3D graphing utility built into the HP48(G,GX). Pre-rendered, each animation took from anywere between an hour to 4 hours to have the calculator produce. These are impressive animations! My current personal favorites are Anmath1, Animath 5, Animath 9, and Animath 10. When: I started to produce them in 1996 and am continuing today. Why: Just for the fun of it and also to familiarize myself with some concepts of taylored mathematical functions....also to impress my friends and associates with the power of the HP48 line of calculators. Requirements: Most of the Animations are somewhat large (even with compressed images...thanx Mika Heiskanen for the use of BZ.). The average size is about 22k. So essentially they will not work on anything with less than 128 k of memory [sorry G,S and SX(without memory card) users]. If interest is sufficient I will however produce some limited animations for those who have less memory than 128k. The Animation program was developed on a GX however it should work on any calculator with enough memory. The animation function for this series is independent of the ANIMATE command available on the G line of calculators. Installation: Download library to your Calc then place the library object on the first row of the stack, then enter a zero. It should look something like this: 2: 0: 1750 Anm... 1: 0 then press the [STO] key, next turn off your calc and on again. Now goto the library menu and your should see the new addition. Enter the library ÒAnmXÓ and press the Anm(X) key to watch the sure to have at least 25K of free memory of else the animation probably wonÕt work. The equations that produced the animations are included in the libraries youÕll find then stored under EQ. Thank you, I hope you all enjoy the micro-show! -Scott Stevenson (President of The Engineering Club-TEC, Santa Rosa Junior College) Email me if you have questions of would like a copy of the rendering program Also if you have experienced problems trying to make the libraries work. :-)