From Fri May 12 14:58:33 PDT 1995 Article: 31334 of comp.sys.hp48 Subject: Re: Killer library startup-code: how to bypass? Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp48 Date: Thu, 11 May 95 01:13:51 PST writes: > I installed a library on my GX, which I subsequently learned was an > SX-only library. The start-up code (i.e. the code that attaches the > library and runs after an ON-C) contained code that caused violent > crashes, clearing main memory and port 0. Unfortunately, the > library was installed in port 2, which was the first port of a 1 meg > ram card. The crashes never affected the port memory. After much > hardware resetting, removing and inserting the card, and weeping and > gnashing of teeth, I finally removed the card and took the battery > out to clear it. Is there some other way I could have solved this > without killing 600KB worth of data and software? YES!!! Here's exactly what you need: ************* XPUB.LIB *************** Library written by ???; documentation by Joe Horn Received on a floppy from France. A new Config Aborter, and this time it works on both SX and GX. Lets you disable your libraries temporarily. This can be very useful when hacking. For example, suppose you load a library into port 2 of your 1Meg RAM card, and it locks up your HP48. HP would say that your only option is to clear the entire RAM card (!!!). Instead, merely remove the RAM card, activate XPUB, replace the RAM card, purge the offending library (which is rendered toothless by XPUB), and deactivate XPUB again. Your RAM card is saved, and all's well. INSTRUCTIONS: Just load it into PORT 0, and your libraries' configuration routines will be disabled whenever flag 63 is set. Clear flag 63 to disable XPUB. (Note: Flag 63 is also used by the Multiple Equation Solver in the G/GX and in the HP82211B EQ Library Card [not HP82211A] to enable UDF-Toggle mode.) REMOVING XPUB: Since the Library number is 4, getting rid of it requires a bit of monkey business. Just run this little program: << #4017h SYSEVAL #76AEh SYSEVAL :0: 4 PURGE >> > I think I will test unknown libraries in port 0 from now on... That's wise. But with XPUB in memory, you need no longer fear bad libraries in your high ports. -Joe Horn- -- [*] Message Origin: KBBS Los Angeles! [*] [*] Modem: 818-886-0872 Telnet: E-mail: [*]