GXDUMP v3.0 Mika Heiskanen mheiskan@delta.hut.fi This programs dumps a binary image of HP48GX calculator. The image will be suitable as is for various emulators and disassemblers, but one should make sure by reading the documentation of the respective program. Usage in detail: o Download a xmodem program to your PC, for example the one at ftp://ftp.tu-bs.de/rz/pub/pc/msdos/modem/dsz.exe o Download GXDUMP to your HP48. o Execute GXDUMP program on the HP48. o Execute 'dsz port 2 speed 9600 d rx dump' on the PC. The status display will immediately show the progress of the transfer by showing the amount transferred so far. If this does not happen then press the ON key the HP, ALT-N on the PC and try again with 'dsz port 1 speed 9600 d rx dump' instead. o Both GXDUMP and DSZ will automatically finish once the transfer is complete. The result is in the file called 'dump' on the PC, the size of which is 524288 bytes. The full transfer will take approximately 11 minutes unless aborted by pressing the ON-key on the HP48 or ALT-N on the PC. Mathhew Mastracci noted that the nibble order dumped by the original GXDUMP is not correct for emulators such as EM48 for DOS. Thus I made a second version which does the nibble reversing while dumping so that further postprocessors are not needed. The instructions for this program, named gxdump2 in this package, are the same as before. Unfortunately I do not have a list of which nibble ordering each disassembler or emulator uses. However if the documentation for the program recommends using ROMDump then one should use GXDUMP2 since the problem was detected by comparing ROMDump and GXDUMP outputs.