PROGRAM : Yatzee version 1.1 AUTHOR : Joris Wijpkema SIZE : 3687.5 bytes CHECKSUM: # 2624 h DESCR. : The famous dice game as a library on your HP48g(x) ( NOT HP48s(x) ! ) Instructions: Download the library into your HP48g(x) and store it in a port as described in the manual. Any port should work. It has been succesfully tested in ports 0 and 1. Provided commands: Yatzee : Start the game. ScoresYatzee : View the highscores if recorded. AboutYatzee : My name and e-mail address. How to play the game: Although it is fairly straightforward, this is how you play the game. ( How the dice game Yatzee is played normally is presumed to be known by the reader. ) - Upon start, five dice are rolled and shown. - For every turn, do the following - select the dice you wish to keep by pressing the corresponding menu key. The label will switch from 'roll' to 'hold'. Press GO!. Repeat two times. - select to which category you wish to attribute the score by moving the bar and pressing one of the menu keys. repeat thirteen times. - Total score will show. Press a key. - If you have a highscore, you will be asked for your name. - Highscores are shown. Press a key. CANCEL will abort the game at any time. Changes since version 1.0: - I fixed a bug that could crash the calculator when pressing a wrong key. - Changed the library number from 1221 to 1299 since 1221 is used by a certain hacking library. Comments: E-mail me at: Have fun ! Joris Wijpkema