Ultimate MK3 for the HP48GX:Technical Notes ---------------------------------------------------- HMOVE: Moves a GROB horizontally across the screen. It takes 6 arguments from the stack as follows... 6:#y-coordinate 5:x-start 4:x-end 3:step 2:GROB 1:delay(in seconds) The program moves the GROB from x-start to x-end at height #y with the given step. It pauses for the delay between each step. Both x-start and x-end are pixel coordinates, without the # designator. PUT1: Places a GROB on the background screen. It takes 3 arguments from the stack as follows... 3:#x-coordinate 2:#y-coordinate 1:GROB The program stores the pre-overwritten background in the variable 'SC1'. The program PUT2 does the same thing, but stores it into 'SC2'. REM1: Places the GROB 'SC1' on the background screen, overwriting anything underneath. It takes two arguments from the stack as follows... 2:#x-coordinate 1:#y-coordinate The program is sort of the inverse of PUT1. These two programs are used together to place GROB's on the screen without disturbing the background. REM2 does the same, but uses 'SC2' instead. PUTSPRITE1: Similar to PUT1, but is capable of placing a GROB on the screen without that annoying white area surrounding it. It uses a method known as a bitmap mask. It takes four arguments from the stack... 4:#x-coordinate 3:#y-coordinate 2:GROB 1:Masked GROB The masked GROB is the same size as GROB, but is essentially a shadow of the given GROB. In other words, any part of the shadow GROB that isn't black becomes transparent over the background. The program's main use is to put character GROB's over a background without creating an ugly blank area around the GROB. It takes a copy of the underlying background, NEG's it, GOR's the mask over that, NEG's the resulting GROB, and then GOR's the normal GROB on top of all that. The result is a nice, clean image! Of course, it saves the background into 'SC1'. PUTSPRITE2 does the same, but with 'SC2'. Unfortunately, this masking approach is memory-intensive, since it requires the creation of a mask for any GROB that is to be used this way. FLIPH: Written by Randy Ding, it takes any GROB and mirrors it from left to right. I would have been up a creek without it!!! It's written entirely in machine language, so it's fast!