Subject: Telemetry (tank battle) [0/1] Telemetry, the Tank Battle Game. It's similar to a game posted a while back called silo? but it has much more variation in the land. It also has a one player mode, but it's not very challenging. The computer doesn't try to figure out where you are. It just randomly alters its shots. The two player mode is fun though. There are five levels of wind in each direction, the angle goes from 0 to 130? (can't remember), and the power goes from 0 to 50, so there is a wide range of variation to keep the game interresting. Flaws: To determine whether a shot hits the opposing tank, the last two positions of the shot are checked. If a shot goes 'through' the other tank, but doesn't hit the ground for a while, it will not 'hit' the tank. This could be construed as a strategy rather than a flaw, but I call it a flaw. Like all of my games, it's entirely User RPL, so don't worry about conflicts or data loss due to programming on my part. I can't remember if there is an 'about' file in the zip or not, so here are a few necessary keys for playing the game... Use the arrow keys to change the angle (left and right to change by 1, and up and down to change by 5?). Use + and - to change the power by 1, and use * and / to change it by 5?. Enter fires and drop ( <- ) surrenders the game. Sorry about all of the question marks. I wrote it about a year ago and can't remember how I did it. My link to my calc is down too, so I can't test it. Sorry... Hope you enjoy it!