Tamagotchi! 0.06 ---------------- Tamagotchi has hatched... yes, another beta release, but this was too soon made and released because there were a few request about it on hp48, so here it is. Keys: [A] eat [B] play [C] enject (ouch!) [D] toile [E] teach [F] info (diplay current) [1] select [2] submit [3] cancel [VAR] turn menu on/off [ON] quit & push tama string game to stack NOTE: when you quit, you have to start a new hatched tama or put in stack a tama-string game to continue your game I delay 2 days to *translate* from a Java Script to system rpl, modifying the animated gifs to work on hp48, therefore it's required some beta testing. Also I have to work out more in the graphics, they are cut off from the original (133x66). Add some new coding, like more toile function (I guess this tamagotchi goes just one time to bathroom!). I never have seen, played any virtual pet, without considering the online web browser virtual pets, so any bug reports, comments and/or suggestions are welcome. What's new: o fixed a bug o old code reduced redundance o enabled [VAR] key to turn menu on/off o graphics are 131x64 instead 131x56 o using UFL library fnt1 o load/save games German A. Gonzalez bnll4@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/2804/hp48.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next it's the help from Tamagotchi has hatched http://members.hknet.com/~ada/tama/tama3.html By clicking on the 8 icons and the 3 pink buttons around Tamagotchi. The three pink buttons, from the left to right, are A,B,C. [A] button is select button: you can choose meal or cake (which means candies). [B] button is submit button: make a decision. [C] button is cancel button: abort your selection. When Tamagotchi lives on earth for one day, it can gain one year older. If you offer more meals or candies, it'll gain weight. The score of manner shows Tamagotchi's personality. "O" is a postive score and "X" is a negative score. Offer Tamagotchi meals or candies by clicking [A] button and select a meal or a candy and click [B] button. The light bulb is inactive on the WWW. Play game with Tamagotchi. This game is called "Atchi muite hoi" which is popular in Japan. Just predicate which side, right or left by clicking [A] button for left and [B] for right. If you can guess correctly which direction Tamagotchi would face, it'll have a better mood. When Tamagotchi is ill, there'll be a crainium appear. What you should do is to offer it an injection. When you find Tamagotchi's stools on the screen, you should flush it. There is no function for the status icon since all the informaton of Tamagotchi is displayed on the screen. You should scold Tamagotchi when its manner becomes poor. Otherwise, the virtual pet will grow into different shapes based on its personality. The help icon is inactive on the WWW. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------