SHAPES! By: Douglas R. Cannon --- Installation Instructions --------- SHAPES will work on any current version of the HP48. This includes all ROM versions of the HP48S, SX, G, or GX. Simply download SHAPES into your HP48 and store it in a convenient directory. Executing the object will begin the game. SHAPES! is just over 7Kb. I do not recommend that you attempt to modify the SHAPES game. Once you have played the game, the object 'SHAP.HIGH' will appear in the same directory. This is your high-scores object. If you ever want to clear the high scores, then just PURGE this object. I used the RPL48 tools by Detlef Muller and Raymond Hellstern to develop this game. The main code object source is 46Kb, and I typed the whole thing on my trusty HP48 (uck!) Thanks Detlef and Raymond! I also used StringWriter 2.3 by Jean-Yves Avenard to edit the source code. Thanks Jean-Yves! --- Contest Rules --------------------- This game is being released as a games contest. You may play this game for free, and you may freely distribute it. Please distribute all documents with the game. If you have a very high score (i.e. #1 in the list) then you will want to enter the contest. States or countries that do not allow contests offering a cash prize are excluded from this competition. It is the responsibility of the contestent to be aware of and follow his/her respective state or country's laws. Your entry should consist of the following: - The object 'SHAP.HIGH' found in the same directory on your HP48 where you play the game SHAPES! - $5.00 shareware fee. (in U.S. dollars) - A completed entry form. (found at the end of this document) - A self-addressed, stamped envelope. Send your contest submissions to: Douglas R. Cannon 178 Wymount Terrace Provo, UT 84604 U.S.A. The 'SHAP.HIGH' object is created in your current directory when you first play SHAPES! You may send this object via email, (uuencoded or binhexed) or you may send it on a floppy disk along with your contest entry. 3.5" or 5.25" size disks, any density, for an IBM compatible computer are accepted, also any density 3.5" disks for a Macintosh are accepted. Send any email submissions to: All contest submissions must be postmarked by midnight, December 31, 1993. Prizes will be awarded within 3 weeks of the contest deadline. No email submissions will be accepted if you have not sent your shareware fee, the addressed envelope, and filled out the entry form. If you get a new high score that is better than your first submission, then you may submit this at no extra cost. The self-addressed, stamed envelope will be used to send each contestant the results of the contest, and any prize money if you are a winner. There will be first, second, and third place cash awards offered. The awards will be based on the number of contest entries. I will guarantee that if at least 40 people enter, then the first place prize will be $100.00 !! I'm guessing that first place will actually be higher than this. You may not modify the SHAPES game, and you may not modify the 'SHAP.HIGH' object. If I determine that you have attempted modification of either of these objects to obtain a false high-score, or attempted cheating in any other way, then your contest submission is invalid, and your $5.00 shareware fee will be returned to you. --- Game Instructions ----------------- This game plays just like Mastermind. You first start the game on level 2... there are 2 shapes in the puzzle. The puzzle can consist of any combination of 8 different shapes. Press the softkeys to enter a shape, press [NXT] to see four more shape possiblilities. For a shortcut, press the number keys 1-8 to get the 8 different shapes. The up and down arrow keys (which are left and right arrow keys if you hold your HP sideways) will move the cursor left or right. You can press the softkey [F] to erase a shape under the cursor. Press [ENTER] when you have a guess, and you will be given 2 numbers for feedback. The first number represents the number of shapes that you've guessed in the correct position, and the second number represents the number of shapes you guessed that are in the puzzle but not in the correct position. For example, if you get 1-2 that means that 1 shape is correct and in the correct position, 2 shapes are correct, yet in incorrect positions. You may have a maximum of 10 guesses, but as the levels get harder, this may decrease. There is a line at the bottom which shows you how many guesses you have. If you get to the line without solving the puzzle, then the game is over. You may eventually get to level 6, which means the puzzle has 6 random shapes! The number of guesses available to you will slowly decrease until the game is over. The POT contains the amount of points you will receive if you get the correct answer with the current guess. As you make each guess, the POT decreases. The Pot will also decrease a small amount every 10 seconds. Time is of the essence! The faster players will inevitably have higher scores. Here is a summary of all keys: [B] through [E] place a shape. [F] erase the shape under the cursor [K] (up arrow) move the cursor left [Q] (down arrow) move the cursor right [ENTER] accept the current guess [+/-] toggle sound on/off [<-] (backspace) quit the game, save high-score, if any. [ON] exit the game, losing high-score, if any. [1] - [8] place shape number (1-8). Summary of keys while entering a high score: Arrow keys : Move cursor. [B]-[F] : type the letter under the cursor. [<-] : (backspace) erase one letter. [ENTER] : Accept the name [ON] : Exit --- Entry Form ------------------------ SHAPES! Game contest entry form: Name: _____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip, Country: ________________________________ Phone: ______________________ (optional) Age: ____________ SHAPES! high score: _______________________________________ By signing this entry form you agree that you have read, understood, and complied with the contest rules as stated in this document. You also understand that you may not use any other computer to assist in playing this game, and that any attempt at cheating will result in an invalid submission. I reserve the right to make that determination. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________