HPHP48-E,*P********************** * X-MODEM v3.1 * * by PHX * ********************** This is the latest version of the X-Modem protocol for HP48. This library is 100% S(X)/G(X) compatible and can work either on IR or WIRE whitout any problem In fact, this version is more accessible than the real HP48G(X) X-Modem built-in. This last one started to be fair when the R version appeared !!! To be sure that you have the good library, put it on the stack and type BYTES. If you get 2: # FA76h 1: 1657 It is OK If not, drop it ! ******** WARNINGS ******** This library and its whole components are absolutely FREEWARE, and therefore: IT'S STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO SELL ANY PART OF THIS PACKAGE WITHOUT MY AUTHORIZATION !!!!! Whatever the cause may be, any institution ignoring this advise shall be chased by law, ************ INSTALLATION ************ (For neophites) This library must be installed: - In PORT 0 for those who don't have RAM card(s) - In PORT 1 or 2 (or 3,,33 for the GX having RAM cards more than 128Ko in PORT 2) In short: You put the library at level 1 of the stack and type "n STO" where "n" is the port number selected. Now, turn OFF then ON your HP48. Don't be affraid if it does a WarmStart ! This is normal, for it is the way it becomes aware of any library ********** DIRECTIONS ********** For those who have a HP48G(X), this new X-Modem will be very familiar because it is similar to that one already integrated (but it is much more accessible !) Note: - The IR mode works permanently in 2400 Bauds - The WIRE mode can go up to 9600 Bauds ----- XSEND ----- It needs an argument at the level 1 of the stack. Either - A global name - A local name - A list with global and/or local names All those names must contain the objects to be sent If not The object located at the level one of the stack will be sent directly. Examples: Libraries, programs lists containing other than names, vectors, matrices, directories, equations, real and/or complex numbers ----- XRECV ----- It needs an argument at the level 1 of the stack: Either - A global name - A local name - A list with global and/or local names All those names will contain the received objects If not It is received at the level 1 directly. ---- ¨FIX ---- "Fixes" all object badly downloaded (the common "HPHP48-") in order to retrieve if possible the expected object that has been downloaded by KERMIT or X-Modem. Without using any extra octet! To fix this bad object put it at level 1 of the stack. Make sure that it has not been saved neither in VAR nor in any PORT,*only* on the stack !! (If memory is not a real problem for you, you may use instead the NEWOB command) And then execute ¨FIX. If it is corrupted, you'll have an error message **** BUGS **** Version 3.0: Problem in XSEND when sending list of names in a HP48S(X) (instead of sending the contents of each name,it was the whole list !!!) Bug corrected in this new release 3.1 If you find any other bug in this version, please report it to me by E-Mail. I'll be very grateful! ************** ACKNOLEGEMENTS ************** My thanks to: My parents, brothers and sister My family living in Ecuador and the USA My friends all over the world My girlfriend SPIKE for lending me his GX (version P) (thanxxx stud !) Irene Paz, my SUPER English translator,for helping me to debug this documentation You Kind Foreigner for having chosen this program My beloved HP48SX !!! (version E guys !!) And finally to MYSELF without whom nothing could have been done ! ************* AUTHOR'S NOTE ************* This library carries number 1295 meaning that its first version 3.0 was finished on: Febrary, 1st 1995 (and why not ???) ******** CONTACTS ******** You may reach me at Toulouse in FRANCE at this HP Club: Club HP Toulouse U.P.S. - D.V.E. 118, Route de Narbonne 31062 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE Fax: (+33) E-Mail: clubhp@cict.fr ********************** See ya "PHX" alias Le Diable en Personne. **********************