File:, Node: Top, Prev: (, Next: (, Up: ( ****************************************************************************** SONY ****************************************************************************** * Menu: * Technical info:: * Tape:: * DAT:: * Video:: * CD:: * Amplifier:: * Phono:: * Tuner:: * TV:: * Laser disc player:: * Video camera::  File:, Node: Technical info, Prev: Top, Next: Tape, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** TECHNICAL INFO ****************************************************************************** Code length: 12 bits (15 bits for some videocamera functions) Carrier: 40kHz +--------+ Header: | | + +--+.. 4T T +----+ 1 is coded: | | ..+ +--+.. 2T T +--+ 0 is coded: | | ..+ +--+.. T T T = 550us approx Space between data: 25ms data: hhhhxxxxxxyyyyyy ^ ^ MSB LSB xxxxxx command yyyyyy address ( the number of the apparatus ) tape deck a # 20 tape deck b # 1C dat # 38 cd # 22  File:, Node: Tape, Prev: Technical info, Next: DAT, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** TAPE ****************************************************************************** deck a deck b Code Code Function ---- ---- -------- #70E Memory #70F Counter reset #716 Open #717 Monitor #74B Display change #830 auto play #832 #71A play #833 #71B rew #834 #71C ff #835 #71D rec #836 rec pause #837 #720 reverse play #838 #718 stop #839 #719 pause #83A #712 reverse rec  File:, Node: DAT, Prev: Tape, Next: Video, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** DAT ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #E3A play #E3B rew #E3C ff #E3E rec #E38 stop #E39 pause #E00 1 #E01 2 #E02 3 #E03 4 #E04 5 #E05 6 #E06 7 #E07 8 #E08 9 #E14 0 #E20 open/close #E21 counter mode #E22 counter reset #E25 display PGM time #E26 display absolut time #E27 display custom counter #E28 display remaining time #E29 date, present #E2A date, recorded #E36 repeat one/all #E4B display mode (all/time/none) or E77 #E4E margin reset #E57 rewind and play #E5B skip play mode #E5F fader #E6C music scan #E2D record pause #E3E record at once #E4F record mute #E69 title + #E68 title - #E50 start id auto #E53 start id renumber #E51 start id write #E52 start id erase #E54 skip id write #E55 skip id erase #E58 end id write #E59 end id erase #E71 display mode (level/sampling) #E71 dimmer low #E70 dimmer mid #E6F dimmer high #E1B RMS enter #E1D RMS check #E1E clear #E56 ?? <- I don't know what this exactly #E73 ?? <- is; maybe any service-features  File:, Node: Video, Prev: DAT, Next: CD, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** VIDEO ****************************************************************************** vtr 1 vtr 2 vtr 3 Code Code Code Function ---- ---- ---- -------- #100 #380 #580 1 #101 #381 #581 2 #102 #382 #582 3 #103 #383 #583 4 #104 #384 #584 5 #105 #385 #585 6 #106 #386 #586 7 #107 #387 #587 8 #108 #388 #588 9 #109 #389 #589 0 #10B #38B #58B enter #110 #390 #590 ch+ #111 #391 #591 ch- #114 #394 #594 x2 #115 #395 #595 power #116 #396 #596 eject #117 #397 #597 audio select #118 #398 #598 stop #119 #399 #599 pause #11A #39A #59A play #11B #39B #59B rew #11C #39C #59C ff #11D #39D #59D rec #128 #3A8 #5A8 search << #129 #3A9 #5A9 search >> #12A #3AA #5AA ant #12E #3AE #5AE power on #12F #3AF #5AF power off #130 #3B0 #5B0 frame <- #131 #3B1 #5B1 frame -> #13A #3BA #5BA rewind/play #13D #3BD #5BD slow motion + #13E #3BE #5BE slow motion - #142 #3C2 #5C2 menu up #143 #3C3 #5C3 menu down #146 #3C6 #5C6 counter reset #148 #3C8 #5C8 mark index #149 #3C9 #5C9 erase index #14A #3CA #5CA shuttle >> #14B #3CB #5CB shuttle #14D #3CD #5CD menu #14F #3CF #5CF input sel. #151 #3D1 #5D1 execute #152 #3D2 #5D2 quick timer #153 #3D3 #5D3 index select #158 #3D8 #5D8 rec. mode #159 #3D9 #5D9 go to 0 #15A #3DA #5DA data screen #161 #3E1 #5E1 menu right #162 #3E2 #5E2 fcn memory #162 #3E2 #5E2 menu left #163 #3E3 #5E3 timer clear #174 #3F4 #5F4 channel scan Note: Only the "VTR3" position codes have benn tested; the others I calculated by simple arithmetic subtraction, as this seems constant for all of the VCR codes in the first codes. From: (Graeme Hiebert) File:, Node: CD, Prev: Video, Next: Amplifier, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** CD ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #880 1 #881 2 #882 3 #883 4 #884 5 #885 6 #886 7 #888 8 #889 9 #88A #88B #88C #88D Check file text #88E #88F Clear #890 17 #891 18 #892 Line Out Volume Up #893 Line Out Volume Down #894 #895 #896 Open/Close #897 19 #898 Custom Index #899 File #89A File recall #89B Erase #89C #89D Continue #89E #89F Program #8A0 10 #8A1 11 #8A2 12 #8A3 13 #8A4 14 #8A5 15 #8A6 16 #8A7 +10 #8A8 Time #8A9 20 #8AA Repeat A<->B #8AB #8AC Repeat 1/All #8AD #8AE #8AF #8B0 AMS Backward #8B1 AMS Forward #8B2 Play #8B3 Fast Audible Search Backward #8B4 Fast Audible Search Forward #8B5 Shuffle #8B6 Index Backward #8B7 Index Forward #8B8 Stop #8B9 Pause #8BA Slow Audible Search Backward #8BB Slow Audible Search Forward #8BC Music scan #8BD #8BE #8BF #8C0 Select Disc #1 #8C1 Select Disc #2 #8C2 Select Disc #3 #8C3 Select Disc #4 #8C4 Select Disc #5 #8CE Auto space #8CF Peak search #8D0 #8D1 #8D2 #8D3 #8D4 #8D5 #8D6 Display mode #8D7 #8D8 #8D9 #8DA #8DB #8DC #8DD DSP Select #8DE DSP Flat #8DF Fade #8E8 Level file #8E9 Memo input  File:, Node: Amplifier, Prev: CD, Next: Phono, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** AMPLIFIER ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #631 dbfb #642 rear lvl+ #638 off #639 dolby #63A hall #63B simulated #643 rear lvl- #644 delay time #812 vol+ #813 vol- #814 muting #815 power #81E video 2 #820 phono #821 tuner #822 video 1 #823 tape #825 cd #842 video 3 #843 video 4 #846 dat #63F DSP  File:, Node: Phono, Prev: Amplifier, Next: Tuner, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** PHONO ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #828 start #829 stop  File:, Node: Tuner, Prev: Phono, Next: TV, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** TUNER ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #63B shift #690 scan+ #691 scan- #680 1 #681 2 #682 3 #683 4 #684 5 #685 6 #686 7 #687 8 #688 9 #689 10 #68A 11 #68B 12 #6A6 >12 #6B0 A #6B1 B #6B2 C #6B3 D #6B4 Tuning/Preset #6CB Display #68E Memory #68F Band #692 Tune + #693 Tune - #6A1 Stereo/Mono #84B Clock disp  File:, Node: TV, Prev: Tuner, Next: Laser disc player, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** TV ****************************************************************************** Note: Many of the codes were taken by Frank Hepmann from a Sony monitor. But since the monitor has the same adress as a normal TV these codes were included here. Code Function ---- -------- #080 1 #081 2 #082 3 #083 4 #084 5 #085 6 #086 7 #087 8 #088 9 #089 0 #08B enter #090 ch+ #091 ch- #092 vol+ #093 vol- #095 power (toggle) #0AE power on #0AF power off #0A5 tv/video #098 picture + #099 picture - #09A colour + #09B colour - #09E brightness + #09F brightness - #0A0 hue + (purpur) #0A1 hue - (green) #0A2 sharpness + #0A3 sharpness - #0A6 balance L #0A7 balance R #096 normal values #0C0 input line A #0C1 input line B #0C3 input AV #0C5 input digital #0C7 input vtr #094 mute From: Howard Chu These codes are for my Sony XBR50 TV. It's about 3 years old now, so I bet there are still new codes out there... #097 MTS Stereo mode (Stereo/Mono/SAP) #0A4 TV (tuner input) #0A8 SuperWoofer level #0A9 SRS Sound Retrieval System mode (Stereo/Mono/Off) #0AA Antenna/Aux RF input toggle #0B0 Time display #0B6 Sleep #0BA Channel display #0BB Jump (previous channel) #0C2 Video 3 input #0CE Cable toggle #0E0 Guide menu #0E1 Video menu #0E2 Audio menu #0E3 Exit menu #0E4 ASC (Automatic Signal Correction) #0E8 Auto program channels #0F4 AV+ menu selector #0F5 AV- menu selector #0F8 Add channel #0F9 Erase channel  File:, Node: Laser disc player, Prev: TV, Next: Videocamera, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** LASER DISC PLAYER ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #315 power #318 stop #31A play #31B rew #31C ff #335 skip rew #334 skip ff  File:, Node: Videocamera, Prev: Laser disc player, Up: Top ****************************************************************************** VIDEOCAMERA ****************************************************************************** Code Function ---- -------- #398 Stop #399 Pause #39A Play #39B Rew #39C FF #3DA Data screen #5C99 Start/Stop #6C9A Tele #6C9B Wide Tele, Wide and Start/Stop uses 15 bits and requires SONYCAM as infostring in order to work. The other codes the normal SONY infostring.