File:, Node: Top, Next: Disclaimer, Up: (dir) rem34bg a general remote control program ver 3.4 11 January 1995 Made by: _ Bjorn Gahm ****************************************************************************** INDEX ****************************************************************************** * Menu: * Disclaimer:: 1.1 * Update info:: 1.2 * General remote info:: 1.3 * General info:: 1.4 * Getting started:: 2.1 * The general remote control program:: 2.2 * How to customize the general remote control program:: 2.3 * Learning a new remote control:: 2.4 (how to create a new infostring, this part is NOT working well due to the speed of the HP48) * Tips on saving memory:: 3.1 * Using alarms:: 3.2 The following chapters are for people that wants to know more about how the program works. * How to use the transmit program:: 4.1 * Edit an infostring:: 4.2 * Contents of the directories on the HP:: Appendix A * Contents of the infostring:: Appendix B  File:, Node: Disclaimer, Next: Update info, Prev: Top, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 1.1 DISCLAIMER ******************************************************************************* WARNING!!!! Even though this program works fine with my HP48GX version P I cannot be responsible for memory loss or even hadware damage on your HP48. I also apologize for any errors in the language since english is not my native language. This package is freeware. That means that it can be copied freely and may not be sold. If you give away a copy, please copy the whole package. All the strange lines in all of the documents (like to one before the next chaper) are there because I use the gnu info system to keep track of all the information. It is easier for me to browse through all the remotes and so on.  File:, Node: Update info, Next: General remote info, Prev: Disclaimer, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 1.2 UPDATE INFO ******************************************************************************* Differences from 3.3: * The documentation for the remotes has been updated. * A bug in the user interface is fixed (the bug made the reading remote codes impossible with the program.) Differences from 3.2: * The keyhandling and all programs for transmitting are now written in sys-rpl. * There are installations routines for easier setup for SX and GX. Differences from 3.1.1: * The display routines are rewritten to support the G(X) series. * The transmission program is rewritten for the G(X) series. * All graphics now only uses the text grob. Differences from 3.1: * It is possible to switch remote using left and right arrow when a remote is displayed. * The switching between remotes is faster. Differences from 3.0b: * the program is faster now (the drawing is made in sysrpl + ml) * The learning programs has been rewritten to work more reliably. * The infostring format is rewritten (again). But 3.0 strings still work. * The TRANSMIT program checks the string so it wont use strings older than 3.0 since older strings will get the HP to lock up. * The general remote program has been changed to use various datasizes and not just maximum of 16 bits. (It was needed for Funai). * A bug with older technics and panasonic remotes fixed (the bug was introduced in ver 3.0). * Pulsemodulated codes can now be sampled right. (Sony codes can now be sampled right). Differences from 2.0: * It can now learn new remotes by itself. (Only if the remote uses pulse or space modulation) * The length of code to transmit has been increased from 48 to 63 bits * The length of pulses and spaces has been increased (the previos versions could not cope with canon codes) * The infostring has been changed so old infostrings must be converted. * All routines involving displaying info has been changed to display the info in microseconds instead of loops. * The TRANSMIT program now cleans the stack, so there is no need for the DROP2 after TRANSMIT that were needed in previous versions * There is a general remoteprogram included, to make it easier to customize your hp to be a remote control.  File:, Node: General remote info, Next: General info, Prev: Update info, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 1.3 GENERAL REMOTE INFO ******************************************************************************* All of the remotes that uses IR to transmit signals uses same kind of coding of the sent signal. The signal is binary and varies in length (both in time and bit length). The remotes transmits pulses of light. When the remote control transmits light, the light is modulated with a frequecy ~40kHz. This is done so that the recieving unit can cut out other IR sources such as normal lamps. The most common way to code the signals is to vary the length of the pulses or the length of the spaces or alter the order between pulses and spaces. That means that 1 and 0 has different pulse lenghts or different lengths in the space between the pulses. * A pulse coded signal varies the length of the pulses: +--+ +--+ +----+ +----+ Sony uses this kind of coding | | | | | | | | --+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +-- 0 0 1 1 * A space coded signal varies the length of the spaces: +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ Panasonic uses this kind of coding | | | | | | | | --+ +--+ +----+ +----+ +-- 0 1 1 * A shift coded signal alters the order of pulse space: +--+ +--+--+ +--+ Philips uses this kind of coding | | | | | | --+ +--+ +--+--+ + 0 1 0 In addition to this are headers often used. A header is a pulse that are transmited before the actual code, and is used to activate the reciever. The header is always the same for a brand and does not differ for different codes. +----------+ +--+ +--+ | | | | | | + +----+ +--+ +...... \______________/\_________...... Header Code The header and code are transmitted over and over as long as a button is pressed on the remotecontrol. A normal repetition time is ~50ms. The actual code is normally divided into two parts: 1. An Adress (selects which equipment to send to, called GROUP in my docs) 2. A Command (tells the equipment what to do, called FUNCTION in my docs) In addition to this some remotes alters the codes between transmissions. This is not captured by the learning routines. The learning routines does not recognize if the code is changed in the last reansmission hwen the button on the remote is released. This is only a problem if you try to learn a new remote that is not supported in this package.  File:, Node: General info, Next: Getting started, Prev: General remote info, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 1.4 GENERAL INFO ******************************************************************************* The only problem is that all the remotes I have tried have different codings. (And I think that there are many more codings that I haven't seen yet). It also seems that some remotes use different timing in Europe and US. This is the case with older Panasonic and Technics remotes. The types of codings that the program can generate is: * Pulse modulated (the length of the pulse is the coding 1 is longer pulse, 0 is shorter) * Space modulated (the space between the pulses is the coding) * Shift modulated (1 is space+pulse and 0 pulse+space or or vice versa). The code can be reversed. The codelength can vary between 1 and 63 bits. An inverted copy can be added to the code. The number of repetitions can be set between 0 and 15 (it is useful whe you want the hp48 transmit a signal as a batch job, since 1 transmission of the code is most of the time not enough for the reciever to recognize) There is a read function to read codes from known remotes. The carrier frequency generated by S(X) series are 32kHz. This means that some remotes will not work good. The G(X) series generate a carrier frequency of 38kHz. This means that the G(X) series can produce a signal that is more accurate than S(X) series can do. There is a program to learn new remotes that are not supported yet. But that part is not stable yet (I have tried that part on some remotes and it is not working all the time). This is due to the sampling theorem. If the signal is to be smpled correctly the HP must sample it with a rate that is atleast two times higher than the highest frequency. That is not possible on a HP48. The S(X) series can sample in approx 29kHz which is less than half the required speed. Therefore cannot the HP sample the signals well. The G(X) samples in 44 kHz. That too is too slow. But the signal is read and with adjustments it is possible to make a fuctional remote. This is not an easy task though.  File:, Node: Getting started, Next: The general remote control program, Prev: General info, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 2.1 GETTING STARTED ******************************************************************************* When this package in unpacked on your computer it is divided in several directories. Under hp48bin you find the programs to run on the HP. Under remotes you will find all the remotes that are supportes so far. They are divided into brands. The package contains (as HP binaries) in hp48bin: REMOTE - The main directory. MAKE - Contains all the programs for reading codes from remotes. LEARN - Contains Programs for learning new remotes (this part is not functioning well but is included to play around with remotes - that is a directory with some remotes in to start with. They are divided in brands with documentation on each brand. Before you can use the program you need to download the REMOTE dir to the HP and set it up for the right type (SX or GX). Here is what you do: * Download REMOTE to the HP48 and go to that dir. There you will find two programs: SX and GX. Run the program that corresponds to your calc. (HP48S and HP48SX run SX, HP48G and HP48GX run GX). Those programs will be deleted after they have run. They will set up TRANSMIT for the right version of HP48. * Now you need to download a remote. The example below is for the JVC video. You will find all the remotes in the dir remotes in the package (not the REMOTES dir on the HP). They are sorted by brandnames. Go to REMOTE and then REMOTES on the HP. This directory is initially empty. Now go to remotes and then jvc on the computer. There you will find jvc.doc (it describes the details on how JVC works). You also find video. That is the remote. Now download that to the HP. You need to be in the REMOTES dir on the HP. After you have downloaded the remote go to REMOTE dir. Press Start. How the HP will show a text saying "Remote 3.3 by Bjorn Gahm" and the menubar will show VIDEO. That is the remote that you have installed.  File:, Node: The general remote control program, Next: How to customize the general remote control program, Prev: Getting started, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 2.2 THE GENERAL REMOTE CONTROL PROGRAM ******************************************************************************* Every remote with up to 72 buttons will take approx 500-800 bytes. Once the program is started the menubar will be a selector between remotes. Pressing one of the menu keys will customize the HP to be a remote. Eg. Press VIDEO. Now the display will show 8 meny rows on the screen, and only one of them is displayed as a normal menubar (all the others are inverted). ##REW## #PLAY## ##FF### #STOP## #PAUSE# ##REC## OPERA CH- CH+ SLO- SLO+ PRGM CANC GOTO DISP CRES SP/LP AMON EJECT All the keys now have three functions: 1. If pressed unshifted it will transmit the code for that key. 2. If pressed with shift left it will let you alter the code for that key. 3. If pressed with shift right it will read a code for that key from a remote. To play the video press B. By pressing Arrow up or Arrow down you can switch to the other menu rows. The row that is normal is using the keys A-F to transmit the code. To turn on the video press Arrow Down and then A. To end the remote program just press ON (Pressing ON once will exit the remote and return to the main screen). Shift right and ON will switch off the HP (as normal) without leaving the remote program. To switch faster between remotes it is possible to press rigth and left arrow. The program will switch to remotes in the order they are in the REMOTES directory. The advantage of using this program is that when you have sampled a remote and made a directory for it on the HP, it is easy to pass it on to others since all the information about the remote is in that directory. That makes it easy to trade remotes with others. I would be glad to have a copy of new working remotes so that I can keep a database of all the remotes this program can cope with. It would also be good if you make a new remote to include the codes for it. in the same way they are listed in the docs for all the remotes.  File:, Node: How to customize the general remote control program, Next: Learning a new remote control, Prev: The general remote control program, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 2.3 HOW TO CUSTOMIZE THE GENERAL REMOTE PROGRAM ******************************************************************************* This chapter describes what is needed for a remote to work. And what to do to change the remotes to cope with new codes. I use this little program assinged to right shift NXT to start the remote program: << RCLMENU PATH HOME REMOTE Start EVAL MENU >> It will leave the HP in the same status as it was before the REMOTE program was started. And it makes it possible to start it from any directory. ************* ENTER CODES ***************************************************** When you look in the documentation for the remotes you might find codes that you want to use and that they are not in the remote that you have intalled. To enter new commands just select the right menurow and press shift left and the key you want to program (or shift left and one of the keys from enter and down). If it is one of the menukeys you will be able to alter the command name first and then alter the code. If you don't want to alter the command name just press ENTER, otherwise alter the name and then press ENTER. If it is the ENTER key row and down you will only be able to alter the keys code. All the codes must be entered as binaries and in HEX. ************** READING CODES ************************************************** If you have the remote control but not the codes in the doc for that brand you can let the HP read the code from the remote control. This assumes that you have the MAKE directory installed. And MAKE must be installed as a subdir to REMOTE on the HP. MAKE also needs to be set up for the right verion of HP48. In there is two programs in MAKE: SX and GX. Run the programs that corresponds to your HP48. Those programs will be deleted after they are run. To read new codes just select the right menurow and press shift right and the right key. If it is a menu row the program will let you alter the name of the command. Once that is done the HP will turn off the screen and wait for a code from the remote. Try to hold the remote as close as possible to the IRport on the HP. If you have a SX or GX take the cover off. Try also to find exactly where the transmitting diod is on the remotecontrol in order to put that as close as possible to the IR port on the hp. | | | | | Remote | | Control | ------ | -------- /------------------\ |/----------------\| I have had best results in learning || || new remotes when I took off the cover on the HP || HP48 || and held the remote close to the IR-port || || and had the remote sligtly tilted to || || the HP48. |\----------------/| |[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |[] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]| |[] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]| |[] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]| |[] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]| \------------------/ Press the key on the remote that you want to sample. When you press the key on the remote the screen on the HP should turn on again. Then wait a while, then you will be able to see the old code stored and the read code. On the bottom row you will have the code to store. Normally you just press enter and the code will be stored. If you wait too long between pressing the key on the HP and the remote the HP will timeout and continue. If that happens then you have to start over again. Be aware of one thing: If the code Read: #...h contains a binary with more than 4 numbers check that the starting numbers are the same as the ones in the GROUP var. If not you will not get the right codes. If the code differ then you have to store the new group. The GROUP should be the numbers before the numbers on the input line. Eg. When the HP shows: ------------------------ Old: # 48h Read: #11648B7h Enter code: # 48h [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Then the number #116 is the number that needs to be matched in the GROUP var. ************** CREATING A NEW REMOTE ****************************************** This is the hardest part to get working. If the brand you have is supported but not the equipment you want, you can take one of the exsisting remotes for that brand and just alter the codes. This will work in 95% of the cases. If your brand is not supported please read the chapter learning a new remote. If you can only find the documentation for the remote and not the HP48 binary look at TABLE.TXT. That file lists all the supported remotes. Compare the brand you want to use with other brands in the list. If you find a match you can take a remote from the other brand and use it for sampling your remote. If you have found the brand then copy one of the remotes and rename it to the equipment you want to use. Then download it to the HP under REMOTES. Now do as the READING A CODE section says. If the brand you have is not supported then you need to read the chapter LEARNING A NEW REMOTE.  File:, Node: Learning a new remote control, Next: Tips on saving memory, Prev: How to customize the general remote control program, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 2.4 LEARNING A NEW REMOTE ******************************************************************************* Please read the chapter above first (creating a new remote). The learning program has been improved since the previous version but it still has problems. It is not functioning well at all times. It has a higher probability to work better on a G(X). The problem is that the HP cannot sample fast enough, so the carrier frequency that many remotes use could make the HP to decode the signal wrong. I am trying to go around that but the fact remains that the sampling theorem says that it can't be done since the HP48S(X) only can sample at a frequency of 29kHz, and a G(X) can sample in approx 44kHz. And they need to sample at a rate of > 80kHz to sample the signal right. To learn a new remote, go to the READ directory in the MAKE directory. Now you have to install LEARN (if you haven't done that already). In LEARN directory you will find LEARN Draw and TEST. LEARN is the program to generate data to make a infostring. Draw is used to draw the sampled signal on screen. TEST will sample and draw the tree first transmissions. Use TEST first. It will show you how the signal looks like. TEST is used as LEARN below. TEST will draw the three first signals from the remote. If they look the same then you should be able to generate a infostring. One thing though, some remotes sends a stop code after the real code and that is not shown by TEST. Yamaha works this way. If this is the case then this package will not help you. This is because then you will need more than one infostring to make it work. This type of codes will not be detected by this package. (Note for G/GX users: If the sampling doesn't seem to work at all, if the HP just seems to be running the program endlessly you can try one thing: In the READ directory (under { HOME REMOTE MAKE } there is a variable called SAMPLE which is a string. Try to double the length of that string.) Press LEARN and when the screen goes blank hold the remote control as close as possible to the HP's irport (you should also take the cover off). Press any button on the remote until the screen goes back on again. Then wait a while (about a half minute). Now you will have a list on level 1. The list will consist of: { n (h1,h2) (p1,p2) (s1,s2) (sp1,sp2) m } Where: n is the length of the code in bits. (h1,h2) is the length of the header (of there are no header then this will be missing). (p1,p2) is the length of one codeing (s1,s2) is the length of zero coding (sp1,sp2) is the length between transmissions m is the coding type 1 means space modulated, 0 means pulse modulated All lengths are in micro seconds. If there are more than 4 complex numbers in the list then the sample was no good. Then you have to try again. I know that Bang&Olufsen will not work due to their high carrier frequency (550kHz). I have tried it on JVC, Sony, Funai and Canon with successful results. When you have a list that seems right then press MKSTR. now you will have a string that ought to work. In the package there is a file called TABLE.TXT. It has all the data from all the supported remotes. Look in that and compare the data that you got. If you find a remote that has very close timing to what you got, then there is a very good chance that you can use that remote and just change the data in it. To see the contents of the string you made press Show. If you don't find any or if you don't get it to work, do the following. The list will be stored in L and the infostring will be stored in INFO. Recall INFO and store it under a new name in the REMOTE directory. You have to make a new directory for that remote. It can help if you take a supported remote and just save the new infostring in that. But you must store the infostring as CODE. If you get a code longer than 16 bits use the panasonic video. If the code is up to 16 bits use the Sony CD. Now you can do as in chapter HOW TO CUSTOMIZE THE GENERAL REMOTE PROGRAM to learn new codes. If the infostring seems right but the codes doesnot work then the length of the pulses might be too short. Try to make the pulses a bit longer by altering them maually. (using HEADER, ONE and ZERO in the MAKE directory). I am trying to fix this timing problem. It can also be that the remote control sends controlbits before and/or after the actual code. This is the case with Yamaha and Grundig. If that is the case then there is no possibility to easily cope with that without creating the code manually. The problem is that the remote needs more that one infostring. If you sample a new remote and use test and see that the first and the third code looks the same, but the second code is different.Then the second code might be inverted. Sharp does this. Then you can try to use the Sharp TV remote. Those remotes are little special and need more than one infostring. The best thing you can do then is to use the infostings that is in that directory, and just replace the timing of header and one and zero and space. Also you need to change the length of the code.  File:, Node: Tips on saving memory, Next: Using alarms, Prev: Learning a new remote control, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 3.1 TIPS ON SAVING MEMORY ******************************************************************************* If you don't have to learn new codes or new remotes, then you can purge the MAKE directory. (MAKE takes approx 8kbytes of memory). Just make shure to store the MAKE directory in the REMOTE directory when loaded back in the HP, otherwise it will not work properly. Every remote will take up approx 400-500 bytes. The REMOTE directory will take up approx 3500bytes and more (depending on how many remotes that are loaded in the system). If you don't want ot use the menusystem then the only program that is used for transmission is the TRANSMIT program. So if you want write your own programs you only need TRANSMIT and the right infostrings.  File:, Node: Using alarms, Next: How to use the transmit program, Prev: Tips on saving memory, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 3.2 USING ALARMS ******************************************************************************* I use the HP to wake me up in the morning. It switches on the video on MTV. To do this there is a small program in the REMOTE directory that is called ALARM. Use this a a executable when creating a alarm. Just recall the program to the stack (by pressing shift right and ALARM). And set the alarm in the TIME menu. To use the alarm with other codes just alter the ALARM program before recalling it to the stack and setting the alarm. What is does is that it is going down to the right remote and then uses the REM program to transmit the code. You will find the codes in the documentation for every remote.  File:, Node: How to use the transmit program, Next: Edit an infostring, Prev: Using alarms, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 4.1 HOW TO USE THE TRANSMIT PROGRAM ******************************************************************************* This chapter is for using the TRANSMIT program by itself. This is only for people that doesn't want to use the menusystem. Look in chapter Using the general remote program first. To transmit a code just put the apropriate infostring on level 2 and the code on level 1 and press TRANSMIT. (TRANSMIT is located in the main directory, the REMOTE directory) Note: Some remotes needs more than one INFOSTRING to work properly. Grundig uses 3 INFOSTRINGS. The easiest way to see how TRANSMIT is used in these cases is to look at how REM works for those remotes. The infostrings that I have managed to get so far are in the INFO directory. Eg to play a sony CD: You will need to have the Sony CD remote dir in the calc. Go to the Sony dir (it should be in the REMOTES dir). Press CODE. (It will recall the infostring for that remote to the stack.) Enter #8B2h Press TRANSMIT (TRANSMIT is in the main directory) or in a program << REMOTE REMOTES CD CODE #8B2h TRANSMIT >> WARNING WARNING WARNING!!!! The TRANSMIT program just checks that the data is there but not if it makes sense. If an invalid string is used the HP48 might transmit for a very long time. The only way to stop the program then is to press the reset button, since the program turns off the display and the interrupts. However it can not destroy any memory becauce is does not write to the memory except to the irled. But improperly used it can drain your batteries very fast.  File:, Node: Edit an infostring, Next: Contents of the directories on the HP, Prev: How to use the transmit program, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* 4.2 EDIT AN INFOSTRING ******************************************************************************* This chapter is for editing a infostring manually. If the brand you have is supported you normally don't have to do this. If you have a remote that seems to do a command more than once look at REPS below. In order to view an infostring or edit it, the string must be on level 1 on the stack. In all the remotes it is the var called CODE. In the pacakage there is a program called Show that displays all the information in the infostring. Show is located in the LEARN dir. You have to donload LEARN to the HP to use Show. All the commands that are used to make an infostring works in two ways. The commands are HEADER, ONE, ZERO, LEN, SPACE, REV, Inv, Mod, REPS and FLAGS. And they are located in MAKE. All those programs work on two ways: If the infostring is on level 1 on the stack then the commands will recall the data. If the infostring is on level 2 and the data is on level 1 then the commands will alter the infostring and leave it on level 1. To alter a infostring: Put on stack: Level 2: infostring Level 1: data to change to Press HEADER or ONE or ZERO or LEN ...... --------------------------------------- Read infostring: HEADER ONE ZERO programs: If the infostring is on level 1 on the stack then HEADER or ONE or ZERO will reall the info for the header one or zero respectivily. Eg. HEADER Will produce: _______________________ _______________________ |_______________________| |_______________________| |4: | |4: | |3: | |3: | |2: | -> |2: infostring | |1: infostring | |1: { aaa bbb n } | |xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx| |xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx| Where aaa is the time for the pulse in micro seconds, bbb is the time for the space in micro seconds and n is the number of repetitions of the header. Some remotes only transmit the header the first time the code is transmitted. JVC does this. But normally the header (if it is transmitted) is transmitted all the time. For sony string the list will be: { 2192 592 0 } For ONE and ZERO n will be the order of transmission. n=1 -> transmits pulse space n=0 -> transmits space pulse In this case almost all remotes will have n=0. ---------------------------------------- LEN: Sets the length of the code. 2: infostring 1: real number Just put the number of bits as a real and press LEN. Eg. 2: infostring 1: 12 LEN Will set the code length to 12 bits. ----------------------------------------- SPACE: Sets the space between the transmissions. 2: infostring 1: real number Just put the length of the space as a real and press SPACE. Eg. 2: infostring 1: 23000 SPACE Will set the space between the transmissions to approx 23ms. ----------------------------------------- REPS: Sets the number of repetitions for a code. (The minimum amount of transmissions of the code). 2: infostring 1: real number Just put the number of repetitions as a real and press REPS. Eg. 2: infostring 1: 3 SPACE Will set the repetitions of the code to 3. ----------------------------------------- Rev: Sets if the code is to be reversed before transmission. (Sets the transmission order, MSB first or LSB first) THis option has nothing to do with the remote. It is only for convinience. Some codes are more easily decoded if the code is reversed. Normally you don't have to change this parameter, but it could make the codes more understandable if you change the transmission order. Eg to recall data. Press Rev : _______________________ _______________________ |_______________________| |_______________________| |4: | |4: | |3: | |3: | |2: | -> |2: infostring | |1: infostring | |1: n | |xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx| |xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx| Where n is 1 or 0. 0 means transmit LSB first. (LSB = Least Significant Bit) 1 means transmit MSB first. (MSB = Most Significant Bit) To alter put the number on level 1 and infostring on level 2: Press Rev : _______________________ _______________________ |_______________________| |_______________________| |4: | |4: | |3: | |3: | |2: infostring | -> |2: | |1: n | |1: infostring | |xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx| |xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx| ----------------------------------------- Inv: Works as Rev, but 0 means don't add an inverted copy of the code 1 means add an inverted copy of the code after the code (used by old panasonic and technics remotes). ----------------------------------------- Mod: Same as above, but 0 means don't add a pluse after the code (used if the code is pulse modulated) 1 means add a pulse after the code (used if the code is space modulated)  File:, Node: Contents of the directories on the HP, Next: Contents of the infostring, Prev: Edit an infostring, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* APPENDIX A DIRECTORY CONTENTS ******************************************************************************* When the full package is loaded in to the HP the directory tree will look like this: REMOTE | +---+--+ | | MAKE REMOTES | | +----+ +--+---------+-----... | | | | READ INFO ... | LEARN When you are using remotes and are not learning new functions you can purge the MAKE branch to save memory. Main directory contains(called REMOTE): These two programs will only exsist the first time you download the directory. SX - Customizing program for the HP48S(X) series GX - Customizing program for the HP48G(X) series Start - The main program REMOTES - subdirectory with remotes Size - The variable containing the length of the codes ALARM - The program to use with the alarm REM - The program that transmits the codes CONV - The program tha prepares read data TRANSMIT - the transmission program (machine dependent, S(X) and G(X) has different versions). The following is helpprograms and should not be used directly. Select Tog Build Prg Put Get READ DISPON DISPOFF CK K->P S->B B->S --------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE directory contains: (MAKE must be a subdirectory of REMOTE) These two programs will only exsist the first time you download the directory. SX - Customizing program for the HP48S(X) series GX - Customizing program for the HP48G(X) series READ - subdirectory for reading remote codes (see below) Show - shows all the info from an infostring HEADER - shows or sets the header data ONE - shows or sets the 1 data ZERO - shows or sets the 0 data LEN - shows or sets the length SPACE - shows or sets the space between transmissions REV - toggles if the data is to be reversed Inv - toggles if an inverted copy is to be added Mod - toggels of a pulse is to be added after the code REPS - shows or sets the number of repetitions SPOS - Shows or sets from which sample to decode Flags - Shows or sets the flags that control of the transmit program Help programs that you should not use directly: S->R R->S T->P P->T S->T T->S --------------------------------------------------------------- READ directory contains: (READ must be a subdirectory to MAKE) Programs that you can use: READIR - Reads a code for the infosting in INFO INFO - The infostring that are created or used by READIR SAMPLE - the string used by IRLEARN Help programs that you should not use directly: MAXLEN - It is a variable containing the length that decides when the code ends REVERSE - reverses the code T - Used by LEARN, READIR and Draw DECODE SHDEC IRLEARN - Mlcode used by LEARN, READIR and TEST NS GI M->T - This program is specific for S(X) and G(X) M->R --------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN directory contains: (LEARN must be a subdirectory to READ) TEST - Does a test sample and draw the three first codes Draw - Draws the looks of a sampled signal LEARN - Reads the code and produces a list with the info needed the list is stored in L L - The list created by LEARN GETLEN - Used by LEARN MKSTRING - Makes a info sting of a list (in the L var, produced by LEARN)  File:, Node: Contents of the infostring, Prev: Contents of the directories on the HP, Up: Top ******************************************************************************* APPENDIX B CONTENTS OF AN INFOSTRING ******************************************************************************* To check or edit an infostring recall it to the stack and go to MAKE directory. Press Show to view all the information of the string. Or press HEADER to see the header info press ONE to see the 1 info and so on. (Contents of an infostring see below) Infostring: (25 chars) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |XX| | | |XX| | | | | |XX| | | |XX| | | | LSB | MSB | LSB | MSB | | LSB | MSB | LSB | MSB | | | Pulse | Space Reps | Pulse | Space |Order| | Header | 1 | | | | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |XX| | | |XX| | | | | | | |XX| | | | | | | | | | LSB | MSB | LSB | MSB | | | LSB | MSB | | | | | | Pulse Space Order|Data | Trans |Rev |Inv |Add |Repeat | 0 |Len | Space |Data |Data |Pulse| | | | | | | | | | The 3 last chars in the infostring are optional 23 24 25 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Sampl| Flags | |Start| | Head: Pulse: length of pulse, if length = 0 then there are no header Space: time to next bit Reps: 0 = send header always 1-9 send header that number of times 1,0: Pulse: length of pulse Space: time to next bit Order: 48 "0" => space pulse : 49 "1" => pulse space Data len : length of data in bits Trans space: specifies the time between the repetitions of the data Rev Data : 82 "R" => reversed 32 " " => not reversed Inv Data : 73 "I" => the data is reversed and added to the data -> data+inv(data). 32 " " => ignored Add Pulse : 65 "A" => a pulse is transmitted after the last bit. 32 " " => ignored Repeat : "0"-"?"=> the transmission is repeated (0-15) times if no key is pressed (if the program is run as a batch job and not manually) Sampl start : If included specifies from which sample to decode Flags : If included they can change the way transmit program works Bit0: If the interrupts should be turned off (1 = don't turn off) Bit1: If the interrupts should be turned on (1 = don't turn on) Bit2: If the keboard should be scanned (1 = don't scan) Bit3: If a space is to be at the end (1 = make a space) Bit4: ******************************************************************************* Have fun. If you successfully learns new remotes please mail me the new code so that I can keep a database of remotes so that others don't have to sample new remotes more than they have to. _ Bjorn Gahm _ Appelstigen 2 _ 181 62 LIDINGO SWEDEN