VIEW 13.0 ========= Starting with version 12.0 a new feature has been added. If you press F4, the display starts to scroll at a user-definable rate. The top line displays the current line numbers and can be used as an indicator that something has changed. The line number display starts in column 51. This means that visually-impaired people using a speech synthesizer can get a continuous read-out of the file. F4 is a toggle - when in scroll mode, press it again to pause the display and yet again to start it again. The keys available are: Esc - leaves scroll mode and goes back to regular mode. Home - takes you back to the beginning of the file. End - takes you to the last few lines of the file. Up arrow - moves back one line. Pg Up - moves up one screen (normally 23 lines). Pg Dn - moves down one screen. Left arrow - decreases the scroll rate. Right arrow - increases the scroll rate. Shift-F5 - go to a particular line. After pressing Shift-F5 just enter the line number to move to and press Enter. Important notes 1. You should normally allow at least a second - possibly more - between each key press to allow the program time to respond. If you need to scroll back more than one line or screen, you will need to press the appropriate key more rapidly. If the display stops scrolling wait a second then press the key again. 2. If you find a scroll rate you are comfortable with you can enter it on the command line using the /v switch The format is /vnnnn where nnnn is a four digit number that specifies the number of microseconds to display a line before scrolling. If less than 1000 the first digit must be zero. For example to set a scroll rate of one second the command line switch is /v1000 The default is 1.5 seconds.