SEMS electronics DOSaver 1.0á Introduction We here at SEMS electronics noticed that there weren't that much screen savers for DOS around. So we decided to develop one. We came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be effective make a the screen saver self-starting, because it would take so much memory. After all people usually know when they are going to go away for a while so that they can then put the screen saver on. The first version has only six modules, we are going to make some more. System requirements We haven't tested this beta version that much, but we know that it requires a vga display card. About 500k of base memory should do. On 386 based machines the modules will run slow, but it works. Even the delay at start before fading will take almost 10 seconds, you might want to use the /s option (more of the options below). Using DOSaver DOSaver is easy to use. You can start the modules from the gorgeous rendered mouse driven menu, or from the command line. In the menu you can simply click on the boxes to start the modules. The mouse cursor is quite dark, but don't worry, after all it's not the cursor that you are looking, it's the screen savers. The box names are a bit short so that they fit better. After the module the program exits to DOS, so that you can get back to work, or what ever you're doing. If you want the program to start again after the module, there's a batch file included (DOSAVERL.BAT). If you want to start the screen saver from the command line, you'll just need to type the option after it, eg. dosaver /p for the plasma module. The options can be displayed by typing dosaver /? . If you don't want the texts and the beautiful rendered animation at start and end, you need the /s option. However, you can only specify one option on the command line (others will not be noticed). The program will only accept the options in lower case. If you type an invalid option, there will come text and a fade, but nothing will happen, so you won't be informed about the invalid option. Troubleshooting You must have the DOSAVER.* and the FLAMES5.MAP files, which are included in the ZIP, in the same directory in which you run DOSaver. Otherwise there will come a runtime error 002 message on the screen and it will stay in 320x200x256 screen mode. You'll need a mouse driver to use the menu, it can't be used with the keyboard or anything else. The SEMS electronics DOSaver 1.0á is FREEWARE! (for now). The only abligation is that you keep all the files together, and without changing them. Preferably in the original ZIP. If you want to report any bugs or you have some improvement ideas, you can send Email to Every message will be readed and noticed. The next version of DOSaver will contain: - more modules - starfield simulation - more rotating 3d objects - rendered animations - fewer bugs Watch out for other magnificent programs by SEMS electronics Fli Player - 90% done. - to be released this spring - the same kind of glorious rendered mouse driven menus