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American Keyboard ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ Usage: AG [Enter] or AG A [Enter] Ever run an American program/utility/game and some keys didn't react as described in its document? Or a HOTkey behaved rather than a COLDkey (zero respond)? The reason for this malfunction could be a of course a bug, but it is more likely, that your keyboard differs from the American keyboard layout and you are desperately hitting њwrongњ keys. These programs (written for the American market) read only scan key codes and omit hex key codes, which causes misreadings on non-American keyboards. I've experienced this phenomena with several graphic programs, which allow to alter loaded pictures by pressing certain non-alphanumeric keys. A most recent example for missing hex key codes is graphic program XOX.EXE. The display (type: AG A) is designed to show the basic differences between American and non-American keyboards. Compare the layout of your own with the American keyboard to detect the position of the appropriate key when you encounter an above described problem. Most common keys for this failure fall into the punctuation area: ~ '`;: + = " and all brackets. Thus if you want to press a hotkey CTRL-; you have to hit CTRL-” on a Scandinavian keyboard to issue the proper hotkey. You can test these differences right on the command line by pressing the CTRL-ALT-F1 combination. This makes operations with punctuation keys pretty hard without comparing your own and the American keyboard layout. To get back to normal just press CTRL-ALT-F2. For advanced users, who know how to debug deviating keys of American programs according to their own keyboard layout KEYCODES.TBL may come handy. German keys on Scandinavian keyboard ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ Usage : AG [Enter] or AG G [Enter] This feature is meant for people, who need often or sometimes write German texts on a keyboard with already assigned umlauts keys „ Ž and ” ™ (mainly Scandinavian keyboard). It does NOT emulate the German keyboard, but generates missing German keys  š and с plus some additional key combinations on a Scandinavian keyboard. This works for text editors and word processing and can be tested right from the command line. Unlike other key remapping utilities this is no resident program (TSR). Provided KEYBOARD.DEU and a little modification of your AUTOEXEC.BAT will do. KEYBOARD.DEU is a modified version of KEYBOARD.SYS, which defines the two-letter keyboard code and number of your country and is loaded by KEYB.COM. Actually, KEYBOARD.DEU dates back to 1987 (DOS v3.0). I have updated the file in order to pass the upload time limits for this archive. Fortunately DOS doesn't check the version number of KEYBOARD.SYS, only of KEYB.COM. Thus KEYBOARD.DEU can be loaded by newer versions of KEYB.COM as well. I run the driver under DOS 6.2 by default and without any complications. Installation & additional keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose you have a Scandinavian keyboard, country code Finnish. So the corresponding line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT would be KEYB SU,437 and KEYB.COM and KEYBOARD.SYS reside in your root directory (C:). To assign the German keys copy KEYBOARD.DEU to C:\ and complete the line as follows: KEYB SU,437,C:\KEYBOARD.DEU (no spaces between numbers and chars) This will, after rebooting, turn the Scandinavian keyboard into a bilingual (in this case Finnish-German) keyboard. Writing in Finnish you'll hardly notice the difference, unless you need constantly the њ†њњ or њњ chars. They will produce an њњšњ and њсњ instead - for writing German texts. If you need these chars - either for a Finnish or German text - no sweat. Press the trema key right next to њњ (no ASCII char equivalent) and THEREAFTER њuњ for an њ†њ or trema and њUњ for an њњ. CTRL- generates њњ. KEYBOARD.DEU contains some additional enhancements for the Scandinavian keyboard. It activates a dummy key, which normally doesn't respond at all. I mean the shifted 4, which has no ASCII char equivalent. Issue AG (Enter) to see the dummy. Under KEYBOARD.DEU shift-4 generates a backlash, which is more convenient to type than the weird ALT-GREY-+ combination. Furthermore CTRL-0 produces a њјњ and CTRL-1 a њ§њ char. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ Option њPLњ [Enter] writes the Packing List to a file and option њLњ requires a [FileName] to look up a text file. Example: AG L INSIGHT.UW [Enter] ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ Mit besten Grсen und Wnschen von... оно оно онно онно ннннннноо оннннннно оннннннно нннн нннн нннннн ннннн нннн пнннн нннпппппп ннннпппннн нннн нннн нннннннннннн нннн ннннн ннннннно нннн оннн нннн онннн нннннннннннн нннн онннн нннппппп ннннннннп ннннннннннн ннннппнннннн ннннооннннн нннммммм нннннпннно пнннннннп пнн пннп ннннннннп пнннннно пнн пннн (€) All Writes & Wrongs by Josef Braun онно оннно оннннннно онннннннно оннннннно ннннн ннннн нннпппппп ннннпппнннн ннннпппннн ннннн оно ннннн ннннннно нннн онннн нннн оннн ннннноннноннннн нннппппп ннннннннннн ннннннннп ннннннннннннн нннммммм нннпппп ннн нннннпннно пнннннннннп пнннннно нн нпн пнн пннн