Rot13 en-/decoder V.1.1 by Joel Korhonen Apr/05/1994 Usage: Rot13.Exe [source] {target} Rot-13-en-/decodes "source" and saves it to "target". If target is not present, output is directed to screen. You can then redirect output from screen to file, like "rot13 foo > bar" Rot-13-coding: Replace characters A-M with N-Z and N-Z with A-M. Note: This encodes a normal file and decodes a Rot-13-coded file. Handles both capitalized and noncapitalized characters. Redirection notes: While it is possible to redirect output of Rot13, it is not possible to redirect input to Rot13. That means, you can't type "type foo|rot 13>bar". As said, the command "rot13 foo > bar" is acceptable. Note, when you don't specify target (output) file, Rot13 doesn't print it's copyright message, just the output, so they will not be saved to the output file (or wherever you redirect them). One nifty trick is to type "rot13 con foo". Now, Rot13 expects input from console, and after you have pressed F6 (Ctrl-Z) to end the input, it then en-/decodes it and saves it to file "foo". Another way would be "rot13 con > foo", which differs only in one way: it adds CRLF in the end of the file foo. And of course, it doesn't mind if the output file foo already exists as the program does (in which case Rot13 asks the user whether or not to overwrite the file). Contact: InterNet: or FidoNet: Joel Korhonen, 2:220/180 (foreign connections unreliable)