Shareware Registration RIO is distributed as a shareware program. You're encouraged to try the program prior to purchase, and to give copies to your friends and colleagues who you think may find it useful. However, the software is not free; if you decide to use RIO on a regular basis, please do the right thing and support the author. You'll help further the development of this software and gain the benefits of registration. The cost of registration is $25. Registered users will receive 5.25" or 3.5" disks (your choice of disk size) containing: * The latest version of RIO.EXE, RIO-TSR.EXE, and RIO.DOC * A scaled down version of RIO-TSR that saves about 30K when resident, but logs fewer types of interrupts * A printed booklet with RIO's documentation. * A set of public domain text files describing in detail the DOS and Novell interrupts - close to 500 pages of info if you print it out. The $25 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. Call for quantity purchases/site licenses. Support Rock will answer any questions about its products from registered users, or even from unregistered users who are thinking about registering. Writing via U.S. mail, or better yet, if you have a telephone modem, through electronic communication, is the best way of reaching us. However, telephone support is available if you lack modem access and need help right away. Rock may, at its discretion, limit total telephone support to 30 minutes per registered user. The software is sold on an "as is" basis, as described in the Limited Warranty section of the documentation, but we will try to correct any serious bugs (see the "Known Imcompatabilities" section of the documentation for a list of currently unresolved conflicts). Updates are available free through Rock's BBS, and major updates are also available from CompuServe. Registered users order an update disk through the mail for $5. If you're unhappy with your purchase, we'll refund the purchase price up to 90 days from the date of purchase. Contacting Rock If you would like more information about the current line of Rock software, you can write us at the U.S. Mail and E-Mail addresses below. We appreciate any suggestions, bug reports, and other constructive criticism. Bug reports are of the utmost interest! Even if you have not registered the product, your feedback is valued; what would make you want to pay for it? E-Mail (electronic mail) is the preferred method of communication. Failing that, regular ("snail") mail can be used. If you leave a message on our answering machine, long distance calls may be returned as collect calls from Rock Systems. If you want written information on current products, just leave your address. Electronic mail (e-mail) can be sent to CompuServe account [71270,146], or to "Rob Argy" on the DBK/Rock Bulletin Board System, a tech support system at (313) 662-9160 (2400 Baud, None, 8, 1). Anybody can call the DBK/Rock BBS, and there's no waiting period to download files; all of Rock's other programs are there, in addition to a lot of other files. Rock's current mailing address is: Rock Systems 101 N. Main St., Suite 150-125 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Rock's current phone number is (313) 971-9123; while it may change in '91 or '92, the address should stay the same for quite a while, and registered users will be informed of any changes.