RENDIR (Rename Directory) John Dickinson Command No. 26 ______________________________________________________ Purpose: Permits renaming subdirectories directly, without creating a new directory, moving the contents of the old one into it, and then removing the old directory. Format: RENDIR [d:][path]oldname[.ext] newname[.ext] Remarks: PC-DOS has always provided a REName command for filenames, but not for directories. A bug in DOS 3.0 permits you to use the immediate mode of BASIC to NAME olddir AS newdir but this bug has been removed from subsequent DOS versions. RENDIR.COM permits renaming directories in DOS 3.0 and later. While RENDIR allows you to change the name of a directory on another drive than your current one, it does not permit you to transfer a directory to another drive by RENDIRing it. Thus, for example, if you are on drive C: and have a directory on drive D: named \TAXES, from the C> prompt you can RENDIR D:\TAXES \TAXES85 You cannot, however RENDIR D:\TAXES C:\TAXES85 Furthermore, you should not use RENDIR to try to change the name of the subdirectory you are currently in. Notes: 1. Unlike RENAME, RENDIR does not support use of the ? and * wildcard characters. 2. Requires DOS 3.0 or higher.