Protect! EXE/COM v6.0 (C) 1993-1996 Jeremy Lilley All Rights Reserved ***************** Bug Fixes/Updates **************** Protect! EXE/COM v6.0 August, 1996 Many customizability options have been added to this version, in addition to fixing a few minor bugs occuring in small COM files and in some cases under Windows NT. * ProtExCm.INI file has been created for many of Protect's new functionalities. * Passwords can be prompted for when desired. Registered users can change the prompt from "Password?" to something else. * Serialization features have been added to track files and their sources. * ModMsg tool -- This lets you view the message displayed when a file is modified by actually creating a TEMP file and modifying it. You can then run this TEMP file. * Code to kill a Borland language-specific hack called Intruder has been added to the registered version * Come see my Protect! page at -Enjoy!-