Protect! EXE/COM 6.0 (C) 1993-1996 Jeremy Lilley All Rights Reserved Here are the error messages that Protect! gives: "Too many relocations, try compressing first -- see docs" Some files have too many relocation pointers -- which are used to fix up FAR-model calls for Protect! to handle with its memory model. This only affects EXE files with more than approximately 16k worth of relocation data (which occurs in larger files). It is possible, however, to Protect! these files by running an external EXE compression program such as PKLite or the freeware LZEXE first. These compressors will take care of relocations and allow Protect! to do what it does best -- encrypting your programs. "Protect! can only handle files under 600k in size" To be Protected, a file must be able to reside completely in DOS memory when loading. You may want to run an external compressor such as PKLite or the freeware LZEXE as described above, which may fix the problem. If these programs can't compress the file, Protect! would not be able to encrypt them either. "Windows 95/NT EXE (Portable EXE) files not supported" "Windows/New EXE (NE) files cannot be Protected" "OS/2-format Linear EXE (LX) files are not supported" Protect! only supports DOS EXE and COM files. EXE files created for Windows or OS/2 and DOS extended files are not in the same format as regular DOS EXE files. "The file is not a valid EXE, it might be a COM file" Try renaming the EXE file to an COM file and run Protect! again. This file didn't have the standard "MZ" EXE signature. "This is COM file is really an EXE, rename and try again" Rename the COM file to an EXE file and run Protect! again. "An error occured during a file read or write" Try running Protect! again, closing and restarting the DOS box if applicable, or rebooting "Password file (see ProtExCm.INI) not found" "Password prompt file not found (see ProtExCm.INI)" If you specified a password in your ProtExCm.INI file, double check that the proper name for the password or password prompt file is right beneath the password command. No error message is given, but the resulting file doesn't work First try pre-compressing the file with LZEXE or PKLite. If that doesn't work, please contact me, letting me know the size of the file, the date of your ProtExCm.EXE, and the compiler you used.