TROUBLESHOOTING PC-PROOF If you have a problem or a question, please read this section before contacting Intellect Systems. WHEN I RUN PC-PROOF ON MY LAPTOP, SOME OF THE MENUS AND DIALOG BOXES ARE HARD TO READ. CAN THE COLORS BE CHANGED? If you are using an LCD or monochrome screen, you can use a black and white screen color set by selecting 'Use LCD color set' under the 'Options' menu. I CANNOT RUN PC-PROOF. WHEN I TRY TO START PC-PROOF, IT HANGS MY MACHINE. Check if you have a good copy of PC-Proof. Try to load PC-Proof on another machine. Go to a computer store if you don't have access to another computer. If you can't get PC-Proof to run on any machine, then your copy of PC-Proof is defective. Get another copy of PC-Proof and try again. If PC-Proof won't work on just your machine, then you may be using an incompatible utility or driver. Old mouse drivers can hang PC-Proof on startup. The latest version of the Microsoft mouse driver is 8.2. Try to use the latest mouse driver. If PC-Proof still won't work, then boot your machine from a plain DOS disk (no autoexec.bat or config.sys file). If PC-Proof runs, then one of the programs in your startup files is incompatible with PC-Proof. Eliminate programs from your autoexec.bat and config.sys files one at a time, until you find the incompatible program. Please report any incompatible programs and drivers to Intellect Systems. If you find that the program crashes or behaves in an unusual manner when you go through a particular sequence of events, then you may have detected a defect in the program. The first person to report a defect will be eligible to receive a registered copy of PC-Proof with the correction. THE PROGRAM SAYS THAT I NEED TO WAIT FOR ANOTHER USER TO QUIT USING PC-PROOF. WHAT IS HAPPENING? PC-Proof will only allow a limited number of users to access the program at the same time. You can increase the number of users by calling Intellect Systems and requesting additional network user licenses. If you are certain that no one else is currently using PC-Proof and you are still getting this message, then the network tracking files need resetting. To reset PC-Proof, run the batch file RESET.BAT, which is included with the program. You should make sure that everyone who uses PC-Proof, quits the program normally. If someone quits PC-Proof by just turning off their machine or their machine crashes, this will cause the network tracking files to become unsychronized. WHERE ARE MY CONFIGURATION FILES BEING WRITTEN TO? HOW DO I USE THE SAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILES. It is important to remember that when you use the "Save Options" command, your new configuration file is normally saved in the same directory that you started PC-Proof in. For example, if you started PC-Proof from your C:\USR\MIKE directory, your new configuration file will be stored in this directory. If you use "Retrieve Options", only the configurations files in C:\USR\MIKE will be displayed. If you want to use the sample configuration files, you will need to type in the directory where PC-Proof is installed. For example, you could type C:\PCPROOF in the Retrieve Options dialog box. The configuration files found in C:\PCPROOF will then be displayed. If all else fails, you can reset your configuration by deleting the file PCPROOF.FIL from your personal directories. You can also install the program from the original disks. THE CHANGES I MADE IN THE DOCUMENT DON'T SHOW UP WHEN I LOOK AT THE FILE? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CHANGES? First, you can only modify your original file if you are using either a WordPerfect, PC-Write or a pure ASCII file. If you are using any other file format, your changes will not be written to the original file. I GET A DISK ACCESS ERROR WHILE USING PC-PROOF. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This usually means that you cannot write to the disk that you are using. Check if you have ample disk space. HOW CAN I RUN PC-PROOF FROM ANY DIRECTORY? You can run PC-Proof from any directory by including the PC-Proof installation directory in your DOS Path statement. WHEN I RUN PC-PROOF, IT SAYS THAT THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MEMORY. HOW DO I GET MORE MEMORY? PC-Proof requires a minimum of 277K of main memory to run. Use CHKDSK to see how much memory is available. Check if you can remove any TSR programs that are loaded on your system. If you cannot resolve the problem, write to: Intellect Systems, P.O. Box 58213, Renton, WA 98058 Send EMAIL to: CompuServe 72630,3457, Internet If you cannot wait for a written reply, call (206) 226-0429 M-F 10AM-4PM PST