File Finder Pack Version 5.2 March 14, 1996 by Jim Derr Member of Association of Shareware Professionals CSERVE ID 76266,2634 HARDWARE SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 QUICK START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PERFORMING A FUZZY SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 BUILT IN DEFAULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DATE FORMATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CONFIGURING THE FFF.EXE ,FFD.EXE, and FF2.COM PROGRAMS . . . . . . 6 MEMORY USAGE IN THE FFF.EXE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FF2 PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FFF PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 FFF HOT KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 MODIFYING THE FFF FILE LISTING FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 MODIFYING THE FFF PRINT FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 FFD PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 SMART LAUNCH FEATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 MEMORY SWAPPING OPTION IN FFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 MONOCHROME MONITORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 MISC. INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 THE SGREP PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 REVISION HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-3- This is a shareware product. If you find these utilities useful please register and keep shareware alive. Only registered users will be supported.. HARDWARE SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FF2, FFF, and FFD can be run on any DOS based PC having a CGA, MDA, EGA, VGA, or HERC monitor. The DOS operating system must be 3.1 or greater. Both program will also operate correctly in the DOS compatibility box of OS/2 1.2 or greater. Token ring networks or Novell networks are also supported. DOS memory requirements range from a low of 160K to a high of 400K depending on how the FFF program is configured. QUICK START The FF2 program performs file search operations and will show the results on the screen or the output can be redirected to a file. The FFF program performs file search operations and will display the results on the screen in a scrollable window. Numerous operations can then be performed on user selected files. The FFD program performs directory search operations and will display the results on the screen in a scrollable window. FF2, FFF, and FFD use basically the same format for the command line option. All command line parameters MUST be separated by blanks and all options MUST begin with a forward slash /. The options may appear anywhere on the command line. The format of the command line for both programs is: FFx [options] [[drives:] [filespec]] [options] If the drives parameter is omitted the programs will search all hard drives that can be identified. If the drives parameter is included then only the drives specified will be searched. (PLEASE NOTE THE COLON MUST BE ENTERED AFTER THE DRIVE LETTERS). FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-4- PERFORMING A FUZZY SEARCH Both FF2 and FFF can also perform a fuzzy search. This is useful if you are trying to locate a file but don't know the exact filename. The fuzzy search routine will attempt to locate files that sound like the filename entered on the command line. To indicate that you want a fuzzy search use the /~ command line parameter. PLEASE NOTE: WHEN PERFORMING A FUZZY SEARCH DO NOT INCLUDE A FILE EXTENSION. See the examples below. If the colon is entered without any drive letter preceding it then FFF and FF2 will only search for files on the current default disk drive. For example: FFF : *.bat This will search for all files on the current default drive that have a file extension of bat. Multiple filespecs may be entered along with multiple drives. For example: FF2 *.BAK CD: \UTILITY\*.COM DE: \TEMP\*.* C:\JIM\*.* This example will: 1) Find all files that have a file extension of BAK that resides on any identifiable hard drive. 2) Find all files that have a file extension of COM in the UTILITY directory or any sub-directory of the UTILITY directory ONLY ON HARD DRIVES C AND D. 3) Find all files that reside in the TEMP directory or any sub- directory of the TEMP directory ONLY ON HARD DRIVES D AND E. 4) Find all files that reside in the JIM directory or any sub- directory of the JIM directory ONLY ON THE C DRIVE. FFF QRT /~ Perform a fuzzy search looking for all files that sound like qtr on all drives. Any options that appear on the command line are active for all search operations. BUILT IN DEFAULTS If you use any of the date or size search parameters and DO NOT specify a filespec FF2 and FFF will both default to a filespec of *.*. For Example. FF2 /G09-01-95 FF2 will search for all files that have a date greater than or eqaul to 09-01-95. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-5- DATE FORMATS The FFCFG program has an option allowing the user to indicate the date formats to be user. There are three choices: U.S. Style - MM-DD-YY European style - DD-MM-YY and Japanese style - YY-MM-DD The style chosen is used when displaying file dates AND when entering dates on the command line. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-6- CONFIGURING THE FFF.EXE ,FFD.EXE, and FF2.COM PROGRAMS The FF series of programs have numerous configurable options. To configure the programs the configuration program FFFCFG.EXE must be run. Simply enter FFFCFG at the DOS command prompt and the answer the questions as they appear. The FFFCFG program will create an FFF.CFG file that is used by all FF programs. THE FFF.CFG FILE SHOULD BE MOVED INTO A DIRECTORY THAT IS LOCATED IN YOUR DOS PATH. When the CTRL-ENTER keys are pressed FFF can execute a user defined program against the currently highlighted file based on the file extension. Up to THREE sets of file extensions and program names can be defined. When prompted for an extension list enter the file extensions you wish to operate on, each extension MUST have a period preceding the extension, i.e. EXT1=.ZIP.LZH.ZOO When prompted for the program to execute, please include the full path and use the ! character to indicate where to substitute the filename, i.e. PGM1=C:UTILITYSHEZ.EXE ! FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-7- MEMORY USAGE IN THE FFF.EXE PROGRAM The FFFCFG program now allows you set the number of files and unique directories that the FFF program can handle. The FFF program comes pre-configured to handle 3000 files and 300 unique directory names. Under this configuration the FFF program uses approximately 317,000 bytes of memory. If you increase or decrease the number of files FFF can handle it's memory usage increases or decreases by 49 bytes for each additional file you tell FFF to handle. If you increase or decrease the number of unique directory names FFF can handle its memory usage increases or decreases by 70 bytes. To determine the amount of memory FFF will need, use the following formula: 149300 + (49 * number of files to handle) + (70 * number of dirs to handle) For example, the memory requirements for FFF to handle 5000 files and 400 unique directories would be: 149300 + (49 * 5000) + (70 * 400) = 422,300 The FFF program will automatically use EMS memory if it is available. EMS memory will be used to store directory information thus freeing conventional memory allowing FFF to handle more file names. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-8- FF2 PROGRAM This program will find files on your hard disk. It as fashioned after the whereis program but has more features. Format is: FF2 [options] [[drives:] [filespec]] [options] Where options are: /C comma delimited listing /R raw listing - full path name only /S short listing - filename.ext only /B list in bat file format /P pause when screen is full /Q quite mode /I also look inside archive files /A only look inside archive files /G Greater or Equal to mm-dd-yy /L Less or Equal to mm-dd-yy /= Equal to mm-dd-yy /SD Single Directory search only (do not recurse) /1 stop after finding one file errorlevel 1 returned if no files found errorlevel 0 returned if files are found /Z[RHSA] Show files with specified attributes /X"cmd" execute a cmd against all files found /@ Prompt for options. /NN No-Network drive search /LN Look for network drives /! Exclude files that match specified pattern /w Find files that were created or modified on a specific day(s) of the week. /t Find files that contain a specified text string. /F Create a fixed format listing /SL Find files with size less than or equal to x. /SG Find files with size greater than or equal to x. /D Display compressed filenames being searched. /4x Also search the 4DOS/NDOS descriptions for the text x. (NOTE: IF THE TEXT X HAS EMBEDDED BLANKS YOU MUST ENCLOSE THE ENTIRE PARAMETER IN QUOTES. For Example. "/4grep program" /~ Perform a fuzzy search. /O[filespec] Write output to specified filespec. Filespec can include drive and directory information. /CD Also search for files on CD-ROM if one is found. /#n Search for file n days old. If n is omitted defaults to 0 days old. The filespec's that are specified on the command line can include a disk and directory. If a disk and or directory is specified than the search will be restricted to the specified disk and directory and any sub-directories under the specified directory. Each filespec can contain different starting disks and directories. When specifying the file to search for FF2 has a quick complete algorithm. If you do not include a period in the file extension FF2 will expand the filespec using the wildcard character ? for the remainder of the filespec. For example if you entered FF2 AB, FF2 will expand the filespec to AB??????.???. If you enter FF2 C:\BAT\B FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-9- FF2 will expand the filespec to C:\BAT\B???????.???. However if you enter FF2 B.* , FF2 will not alter the filespec since you included a period in the filespec. FF2 also has an expanded wild card search algorithm. If you include an * on both sides of the filename, FF2 will find all files that contain the characters entered between the *'s anywhere in the filename. For example: FF2 *inst* This will find all files that contain inst somewhere in the filename. E.G. D:\ANY\PINST.BAT C:\ONE\PCINSTAL.BAT C:\TWO\INSTALL.COM To find files with no extension include the period but no file extension. I.E. FF2 *me*. If no disk or directory is included with the filespec than all hard disks will be searched. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-10- FF2 now has the capability to automatically identify all hard disks on your system. You can over-ride this automatic detection by setting the environment variable FF to the disk letter your wish the search to be performed on. For example. SET FF=CD tells FF2 to search the C and D drives if you have not specified a disk in the filespec on the command line. All output from FF2 can be redirected or piped by using the DOS redirect and pipe characters. The default output produced by FF2 file-size, file-date, file-time, disk:\directory\filename.file-ext. This can be changed by using the following command line options: /C Produces a comma delimited listing, this listing can be imported into most spreadsheet and database programs. /R Produces a raw listing containing disk:\directory\fn.ext only. /S Produces a short listing containing filename.ext only. /B Produces a listing that can be used as a bat file. The output is as follows: %1 filename.ext %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 /P Will case a pause when the screen is full. /Q Quite mode no output produced but results can be tested by using the if errorlevel command in a .bat file. /I This option tells FF2 to also look inside any archive files for the indicated files. The archive files that are supported are ZIP, ARC, ARJ, ZOO, PAK, LZH, SQZ, and RAR files. /A This option tells FF2 to ONLY look inside archive files for the indicated files. /1 This option tells FF2 to stop looking for files after it finds the first file that matches the specified pattern. /G This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Greater than or Equal to the date specified. The format is /Gmm-dd-yy. I.E. /G01-01-90 or /G1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate greater than or equal to 1-1-90. (Note this option may be combined with the /L option to specify a date range) /L This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Less than or Equal to the date specified. The format is /Lmm-dd-yy. I.E. /L01-01-90 or /L1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate less than or equal to 1-1-90. (Note this option may be combined with the /G option to specify a date range) /= This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Equal to the date specified. The format is /=mm- dd-yy. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-11- I.E. /=01-01-90 or /=1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate to 1-1-90. /Z[RHSA] This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have specific attributes. For example, specifying /ZA will list files that have the archive attribute, /ZRH will list files that have the read-only attribute OR the hidden attribute set. ***PLEASE NOTE IF YOU SPECIFY THE /A OR /I OPTIONS THAN THIS OPTION IS IGNORED*** /SD This option informs FF2 to only search the directory that was specified on the command line and not to search any directories that exist under the specified directory. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-12- /X"cmd" This options allows you to tell FF2 to execute a specified against all files that are found. For Example: /X"del &" will execute the delete command against all file that were found. The command can be any DOS command or another program. FF2 will insert the disk:\dir\fn.fext of the found file into the command where you place the & character. For example if you specify the following: /X"grep any & -s" and FF2 finds the file c:\data\any.doc it will execute the following command: grep any c:\data\any.doc -s If you do not put the & in then FF2 will insert the found filespec at the first blank in the command you specify, or at the end of the command if no blanks exist. /@ This options instructs FF2 to prompt the user for the command line parameters. PLEASE NOTE NO OTHER PARAMETERS ARE ALLOWED ON THE COMMAND LINE IF THIS OPTION IS SPECIFIED. The use of this option also allows the user to use the DOS redirect feature to feed FF2 it's parameters. For example: FF2 /@ < FF2.DAT This instructs FF2 to read its parameters from the file names FF2.DAT. /NN This option allows you to bypass the searching of Network drives. If you configured FF2 to search for network drives you may use this option to temporarily bypass the network drive search. /LN This option allow you to search for files on Network drives. If you configured FF2 to ignore network drives you may use this options to temporarily look for files on any networked drives. /! This option allows you to exclude files. Files that match the excluded file pattern will not be listed. For example if you entered the following command: FF2 *.c /!f*.c This would list all the files with a .C file extension EXCEPT for files that begin with the letter F and have a file extension of .C. /Wx This option allows you to search for files that were created on a specific day(s) of the week. Replace the x with one or more digits in the range of 0-6 where 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc. Example: /W123 This would find files creates on Monday, Tue, or Wed. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-13- /Tx This option allows you to find files that contain specific text strings. Replace the x with the text string you wish to search for. For example, to find all files that contain the word TIME use the code the parameter as follows: /Ttime If the word or phrase you wish to search for has embedded spaces you MUST ENCLOSE THE ENTIRE PARAMETER IN QUOTES. For example, to find all files that contain the phrase NOW IS THE TIME code the parameter as follows: "/Tnow is the time" /F The F option will produce a fixed format listing of found files. This listing can be input to a sort program if needed. /D The D option will display the compressed files that FF2 searches through. This can be helpful for finding damaged compressed files. /SLx The SL option allows you to find files that have file sizes Less than or Equal to x. Where x is the number of bytes. /SGx The SG option allows you to find files that have file sizes Greater than or Equal to x. When x is the number of bytes. /4x When searching for files also search the 4DOS/NDOS descriptions and show all files that have the text X in their description. (NOTE: IF THE TEXT X HAS EMBEDDED BLANKS YOU MUST ENCLOSE THE ENTIRE PARAMETER IN QUOTES. For Example. "/4grep program" /~ Perform a fuzzy search. /O[filespec] This tells FF2 to write it's output to the specified file. EXAMPLE: /Od:\out\fff.sav This will force FF2 to write it's output to the file D:\OUT\FFF.SAV NOTE: If you specify a directory the directory must exist, FF2 will no automatically build it. /CD Also search any attached CD-ROM drives for files. FF2 will automatically find any CD-ROM drives attached, there is no need to tell FF2 the drive letters. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-14- FFF PROGRAM This program will find files on your hard disk, and present them in a scrollable list. Format is FFF [options] [[drives:] [filespec]] [options] Where options are: /2 25 line mode display /4 43 line mode display /5 50 line mode display /d Search for dup files. (filename.ext only) /D Search for dup files. (filename.ext and file size) /G Greater or Equal to mm-dd-yy /= Equal to mm-dd-yy /L Less or Equal to mm-dd-yy /I also look inside archive files /A only look inside archive files ( T H E A RCHIVE FILES THAT ARE SUPPORTED ARE ZIP,ARC,ARJ,PAK,LZH,SQZ, and RAR) /Z[RHSA] Show files with specified attributes /SD Single Directory search only (do not recurse) /NN No-Network drive search /LN Look for network drives /@ Prompt for options. /! Exclude files that match specified pattern. /w Find files that were created or modified on a specific day of the week. /t Find files that contain a specified text string. /I This option tells FFF to also look inside any archive files for the indicated files. The archive files that are supported are ZIP, ARC, ARJ, ZOO, PAK, LZH, RAR,and SQZ files. /A This option tells FFF to ONLY look inside archive files for the indicated files. /d This option tells FFF to search and display duplicate files. Only the filename.ext will be used to determine duplicates. /D This option is the same as the /d option except the filename.ext and file size will be used to determine if a file is a dup. /G This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Greater than or Equal to the date specified. The format is /Gmm-dd-yy. I.E. /G01-01-90 or /G1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate greater than or equal to 1-1-90. (Note this option may be combined with the /L option to specify a date range) /L This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Less than or Equal to the date specified. The format is /Lmm-dd-yy. I.E. /L01-01-90 or /L1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate less than or equal to 1-1-90. (Note this option may be combined with the /G option to specify a date range) FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-15- /= This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Equal to the date specified. The format is /=mm- dd-yy. I.E. /=01-01-90 or /=1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate to 1-1-90. /SD This option informs FF2 to only search the directory that was specified on the command line and not to search any directories that exist under the specified directory. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-16- /Z[RHSA] This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have specific attributes. For example, specifying /ZA will list files that have the archive attribute, /ZRH will list files that have the read-only attribute OR the hidden attribute set. **PLEASE NOTE IF YOU SPECIFY THE /A OR /I OPTION THAN THIS OPTION IS IGNORED.** /NN This option allows you to bypass the searching of Network drives. If you configured FF2 to search for network drives you may use this option to temporarily bypass the network drive search. /LN This option allow you to search for files on Network drives. If you configured FF2 to ignore network drives you may use this options to temporarily look for files on any networked drives. /! This option allows you to exclude files. Files that match the excluded file pattern will not be listed. For example if you entered the following command: FF2 *.c /!f*.c This would list all the files with a .C file extension EXCEPT for files that begin with the letter F and have a file extension of .C. /Wx This option allows you to search for files that were created on a specific day(s) of the week. Replace the x with one or more digits in the range of 0-6 where 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc. Example: /W123 This would find files creates on Monday, Tue, or Wed. /Tx This option allows you to find files that contain specific text strings. Replace the x with the text string you wish to search for. For example, to find all files that contain the word TIME use the code the parameter as follows: /Ttime If the word or phrase you wish to search for has embedded spaces you MUST ENCLOSE THE ENTIRE PARAMETER IN QUOTES. For example, to find all files that contain the phrase NOW IS THE TIME code the parameter as follows: "/Tnow is the time" /@ This options instructs FFF to prompt the user for the command line parameters. PLEASE NOTE NO OTHER PARAMETERS ARE ALLOWED ON THE COMMAND LINE IF THIS OPTION IS SPECIFIED. The use of this option also allows the user to use the DOS redirect feature to feed FF2 it's parameters. For example: FFF /@ < FFF.DAT This instructs FFF to read its parameters from the file names FFF.DAT. /SLx The SL option allows you to find files that have file sizes Less than or Equal to x. Where x is the number of bytes. /SGx The SG option allows you to find files that have file sizes Greater than or Equal to x. When x is the number of bytes. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-17- /4x Also search the 4DOS/NDOS descriptions for the text x. (NOTE: IF THE TEXT X HAS EMBEDDED BLANKS YOU MUST ENCLOSE THE ENTIRE PARAMETER IN QUOTES. For Example. "/4grep program" /~ Perform a fuzzy search. /CD Also search any attached CD-ROM drives for files. FF2 will automatically find any CD-ROM drives attached, there is no need to tell FF2 the drive letters. /Mx Stop searching after x matches have been found. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-18- The filespec's that are specified on the command line can include a disk and directory. If a disk and or directory is specified than the search will be restricted to the specified disk and directory and any sub-directories under the specified directory. Each filespec can contain different starting disks and directories. When specifying the file to search for FFF has a quick complete algorithm. If you do not include a period and the file extension FFF will expand the filespec using the wildcard character ? for the remainder of the filespec. For example if you entered FFF AB, FFF will expand the filespec to AB??????.???. If you enter FFF C:\BAT\B FFF will expand the filespec to C:\BAT\B???????.???. However if you enter FFF B.* , FFF will not alter the filespec since you included a period in the filespec. FFF also has an expanded wild card search algorithm. If you include an * on both sides of the filename, FFF will find all files that contain the characters entered between the *'s anywhere in the filename. For example: FFF *inst* This will find all files that contain inst somewhere in the filename. I.E D:\ANY\PINST.BAT C:\ONE\PCINSTAL.BAT C:\TWO\INSTALL.COM To find files with no extension include the period but no file extension. I.E. FFF *me*. If no disk or directory is included with the filespec than all hard disks will be searched. FFF now has the capability to automatically identify all hard disks on your system. You can over-ride this automatic detection by setting the environment variable FF to the disk letter your wish the search to be performed on. For example. SET FF=CD tells FFF to search the C and D drives if you have not specified a disk in the filespec on the command line. FFF will display all the files it found, up to it's internal maximum of 3000 files, on the screen in a scrollable list. You can use the cursor keys, Pgup, Pgdn, HOME, END, CTL-HOME, and CTL-END to scroll the list. Pressing the ESC key will exit the program. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-19- FFF HOT KEYS ALT-X ALT-Q ESC Any of these keys will immediately exit FFF. CURSOR-RIGHT CURSOR-LEFT Scroll screen right or left. HOME Pressed once will take you to top of screen. Pressed twice will take you to top of list. END Pressed once will take you to bottom of screen. Pressed twice will take you to bottom of list. F1 will display the help panel. F9 This will allow you to sort the file list that is displayed on the screen. The list can be sorted by filename, file extension, file date, or disk:\dir location. ENTER Pressing the ENTER will do one of three things depending on how the ENTER key was configured. 1) The ENTER key will do nothing. 2) The ENTER key will exit the FFF program and will change the default disk and directory to the one that contains the file currently highlighted on the screen. 3) The ENTER key will invoke the SHEZ program on the currently highlighted file. CTRL-ENTER The CTRL-ENTER key invokes the SMART LAUNCH feature of FFF. FFF looks at the file extension of the currently highlighted file and execute the program that is associated with that extension. The associations are defined during the configuration of the FFF program. Before the program is launched, FFF will attempt to swap itself out of memory if the memory swapping feature was selected during program configuration. If no smart launch program has been defined FFF will than launch the default BROWSE program. G Pressing the G key will exit the FFF program and will change the default disk and directory to the one that contains the file currently highlighted on the screen. (THE ENTER KEY WILL ONLY FUNCTION IF THE USER SPECIFICALLY TELLS THE FFFCFG PROGRAM TO ACTIVATE THE ENTER KEY.) R Pressing the R key allows you to run any program you wish against the currently highlighted file. A window will pop-up in which you must enter program name that you wish to execute. The program can be a DOS internal program, i.e. del, rename, or any EXE, COM, or BAT file. When you enter the program to execute you FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-20- must tell FFF where to place the highlighted filename in the command by using the ! character as a place holder. Before FFF runs the command the ! will be replaced with the highlighted filename. When you enter the program name to run, if the first character is a ~ FFF will pause after each execution allowing you to view the output from the program. S Pressing the S key will invoke my Compressed file manager called SHEZ. The Program file SHEZ.EXE must be in the DOS path for this options to function. E Pressing the E key will execute the program or BAT file currently highlighted on the screen. Before the Program is executed FFF will prompt you for any command line parameters that you want to pass to the program. It will then change to the disk and directory that the program is contained in, unload itself from memory and execute the program. T The T key will toggle the tagged status of the highlighted item. U The U key will untag all tagged items. ALT-A Change file Attributes of the currently hightlighted file. CTL-SPACE Change the file Attributes of all tagged files. ALT-D will delete the currently highlighted file. ALT-L The ALT-L key will invoke the browser program on the highlighted file. The BRZ.COM program must be in the DOS path for this option to function. ALT-E The ALT-E key will invoke an editor of your choice. The default editor is QEdit by Sammy Mitchell, however you can change this default by using the FFFCFG program. ALT-C ALT-O The ALT-O or ALT-C keys will allow you to copy the highlighted file. A window will appear prompting you for the destination drive and directory. ALT-W The ALT-W key will invoke a word processor of your choice. The wordprocessor program name must be set using the FFFCFG program before this options can be used. ALT-T Write out the displayed file list to the file FFF.LST. (Also see section titled: MODIFYING THE FFF FILE LISTING FORMAT) ALT-P Print out the displayed file list to user specified device. (Also see section titled: MODIFYING THE FFF PRINT FORMAT) ALT-I Display a windows containing configuration and file stats information. ALT-S Shell to DOS ALT-V Move the highlighted file. A window will appear prompting you for the destination drive and directory. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-21- ALT-Z Create a ZIP file containing all tagged files. PKZIP.EXE or ZIP.EXE MUST be in a directory in your path for this function to work. You will be prompted for the location and name of the ZIP file to create. If you do not provide a location for the ZIP file it will be placed in the current working directory on the current drive. CTL-D will delete all tagged files. CTL-C CTL-O The CTL-O or CTL-C keys will allow you to copy the all tagged files. A window will appear prompting you for the destination drive and directory. CTL-R Pressing the CTL-R key allows you to run any program you wish against all tagged files. A window will pop-up in which you must enter program name that you wish to execute. The program can be a DOS internal program, i.e. del, rename, or any EXE, COM, or BAT file. When you enter the program to execute you must tell FFF where to place the tagged filename in the command by using the ! character as a place holder. Before FFF runs the command the ! will be replaced with the filename. CTL-T Write out a list of all tagged files to file FFF.LST. CTL-P Print out a list of all tagged files to device STDPRN. CTL-G Pressing the CTL-G keys will allow you to run the included SGREP program against a group of tagged files. (See the section titled SGREP PROGRAM for more information) You will have the option of performing a normal text search or a regular expression search against all tagged files. CTL-V Move the tagged file(s). A window will appear prompting you for the destination drive and directory. CTL-U Untag all files. CTL-space Tag all files. / Pressing the forward slash key will activate the FFF menu system. A menu bar will appear at the top of the screen. Using the left, right, up, and down cursor keys highlight the menu item you wish to activate then press the ENTER key to perform the highlighted operations. Pressing the ESC key will exit the menu system. CAPS-LOCK When the CAPS-LOCK key is active, a tagged file status line will be displayed on the bottom of the screen. Pressing the CAPS-LOCK key again will remove this status line. ALT-F2 The ALT-F2 keys allows the user to modify the format of the file list that is written out when the ALT-T keys are pressed. ALT-F3 FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-22- ALT-F4 The ALT-F3 and ALT-F4 keys allows the user to modify the print format when the ALT-P keys are pressed. The ALT-F3 key allows you to edit print line 1 format. The ALT-F4 keys allows your to edit the print line2 format. ALT-F5 The ALT-F5 keys allows the use to change the default print line length. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-23- MODIFYING THE FFF FILE LISTING FORMAT When writing out a file list using the ALT-T keys, FFF uses a template that defines the format of the file. The template contains variables that tells FFF what information to include in the file listing. The following variables can be used when defining the template: VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LENGTH $FF = filename.file-extension 12 characters $FN = filename variable $FX = file-extension variable $N8 = filename 8 characters $X3 = file-extension 3 characters $DN = directory-name variable $DF = directory-name 80 characters $CN = full-path-specification variable $SZ = file-size 8 characters $DT = file-date 8 characters $TI = file-time 8 characters $AT = file-attributes 4 characters The default format when writing out a file listing is: $SZ $DT $TI $AT $CN Using the ALT-F2 command the format of the listing file can be changed while FFF is currently being executed. When modifying the template please be aware that anything entered on the template line other than a variable name will also appear in the file listing file. THIS INCLUDED BLANK CHARACTERS. The default may also be changed by using the FFFCFG program and modifying the listing template when then appropriate prompt appears. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-24- MODIFYING THE FFF PRINT FORMAT When printing out a file list using the ALT-P keys, FFF uses a template that defines the format of the file. The template contains variables that tells FFF what information to include in the printer listing. The following variables can be used when defining the template: VARIABLE DESCRIPTION LENGTH $FF = filename.file-extension 12 characters $FN = filename variable $FX = file-extension variable $N8 = filename 8 characters $X3 = file-extension 3 characters $DN = directory-name variable $DF = directory-name 80 characters $CN = full-path-specification variable $SZ = file-size 8 characters $DT = file-date 8 characters $TI = file-time 8 characters $AT = file-attributes 4 characters The default format when printing out a file listing is two lines per file. Their format is as follows. $CN $SZ $DT $TI $AT Using the ALT-F3 and ALT-F4 commands the format of print line one and print line two can be changed while FFF is currently being executed. If you do not want two print lines produced per file set the second print line template to all blanks via the ALT-F4 command or set the second print line template to all blanks when using the FFFCFG program to configure the FFF program. When modifying the template please be aware that anything entered on the template line other than a variable name will also appear in the file listing file. THIS INCLUDED BLANK CHARACTERS. The default may also be changed by using the FFFCFG program and modifying the print line templates when then appropriate prompt appears. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-25- FFD PROGRAM This program will find directories on your hard disk(s), and present them in a scrollable list. Format is FFD [options] [[drives:] [filespec]] [options] Where options are: /2 25 line mode display /4 43 line mode display /5 50 line mode display /G Greater or Equal to mm-dd-yy /= Equal to mm-dd-yy /L Less or Equal to mm-dd-yy /Z[RHSA] Show files with specified attributes /LN Look for network drives /@ Prompt for options. /! Exclude directories that match specified pattern. /G This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Greater than or Equal to the date specified. The format is /Gmm-dd-yy. I.E. /G01-01-90 or /G1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate greater than or equal to 1-1-90. (Note this option may be combined with the /L option to specify a date range) /L This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Less than or Equal to the date specified. The format is /Lmm-dd-yy. I.E. /L01-01-90 or /L1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate less than or equal to 1-1-90. (Note this option may be combined with the /G option to specify a date range) /= This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have a filedate Equal to the date specified. The format is /=mm- dd-yy. I.E. /=01-01-90 or /=1-1-90 will list files that have a filedate to 1-1-90. /Z[RHSA] This option allows you to limit the file search to files that have specific attributes. For example, specifying /ZA will list files that have the archive attribute, /ZRH will list files that have the read-only attribute OR the hidden attribute set. **PLEASE NOTE IF YOU SPECIFY THE /A OR /I OPTION THAN THIS OPTION IS IGNORED.** /LN This option allow you to search for files on Network drives. If you configured FF2 to ignore network drives you may use this options to temporarily look for files on any networked drives. /! This option allows you to exclude directories. Directories that match the excluded pattern will not be listed. For example if you entered the following command: FF2 * /!f* This would list all the dirs EXCEPT for dirs that begin with the FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-26- letter F.. /@ This options instructs FFD to prompt the user for the command line parameters. PLEASE NOTE NO OTHER PARAMETERS ARE ALLOWED ON THE COMMAND LINE IF THIS OPTION IS SPECIFIED. The use of this option also allows the user to use the DOS redirect feature to feed FF2 it's parameters. For example: FFD /@ < FFD.DAT This instructs FFD to read its parameters from the file names FFD.DAT. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-27- FFD HOT KEYS ALT-X ALT-Q ESC Any of these keys will immediately exit FFF. CURSOR-RIGHT CURSOR-LEFT Scroll screen right or left. HOME Pressed once will take you to top of screen. Pressed twice will take you to top of list. END Pressed once will take you to bottom of screen. Pressed twice will take you to bottom of list. F1 will display the help panel. F9 This will allow you to sort the file list that is displayed on the screen. The list can be sorted by filename, file extension, file date, or disk:\dir location. ENTER Pressing the ENTER key will run the FFF program against the currently highlighted directory and will display all files in the directory and sub directories. CNTL-ENTER Pressing the CNTL-ENTER key will run the FFF program against the currently highlighted directory and will displayu all files in the directory only, not in any sub directories. G Pressing the G key will exit the FFD program and will change the default disk and directory to the one currently highlighted. ALT-I Display a windows containing FFF stats and information. ALT-S Shell to DOS. DEL will delete all tagged files. ALT-T Write out directory list to file FFD.LST FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-28- SMART LAUNCH FEATURE The SMART LAUNCH feature of FFF allows FFF to execute a user defined program based on the file extension of the currently highlighted file. The FFFCFG program allows you to enter three sets of file extensions and three associated programs to launch when the CTRL-ENTER is pressed in the FFF program. The FFFCFG program will display the following prompts: ENTER/EDIT FILE EXTENSION LIST 1: EXT-> AT this prompt enter the first list of file extensions that you wish the FFF program to identify. The list must include the dot extension separator and there may NOT be and spaces in the list. If you wanted FFF to identify the following file extensions, C, H, CPP, INC, the list would be entered as follows: .C.H.CPP.INC ENTER/EDIT PROGRAM FOR EXTENSION LIST 1: PGM-> At this prompt enter the full path name of the program that you want FFF to launch if the highlighted file has a file extension that is included in list number 1. i.e. PGM->C:\UTILITY\EDIT.EXE ! NOTE THE ! CHARACTER. THIS CHARACTER INDICATES TO THE FFF PROGRAM WHERE TO PLACE THE FILENAME WHEN LAUNCHING THE PROGRAM. Through the use of this character the user can also place any needed command line switches in the PGM specification. MEMORY SWAPPING OPTION IN FFF Beginning with release 3.3 of the FFF program, a memory swapping ability has been added. When invoking the Editor, SHEZ, shelling to DOS, or invoking another program via the R or CTL-R functions, FFF can optionally swap 90% of its code to either XMS, EMS memory (3.0 or 4.0), or to disk if XMS or EMS memory is not available. This option is OFF by default. It can be turned on by using the FFFCFG configuration program. Using this option allows you to run much larger programs from within FFF than would be normally possible. FFF first tries XMS memory than EMS memory. MONOCHROME MONITORS If you are using a monochrome monitor and the screen does not appear correct set the environment variable MONO to a Y. I.E. SET MONO=Y. MISC. INFORMATION Both FF2 and FFF are both DesQview aware. Beginning with version 3.4 both FF2 and FFF will now also search directories that have hidden or system attributes associated with the FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-29- directory. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-30- THE SGREP PROGRAM The SGREP program, supplied with SHEZ, is used by SHEZ when the ALT-G key is pressed, to scan member(s) of a compressed file for words or phrases. It is included in the SHEZ package for those user's that do not have the FGREP program written by Chris Dunford. While the SGREP program performs the same function, it is not as fast or as powerful as Chris Dunford's FGREP program. When the ALT-G keys are pressed, SHEZ first tries to locate the SGREP.COM program, if it can not be found SHEZ will than try to locate the FGREP.COM program. Which ever program is found will be the one SHEZ users to scan for text. The SGREP command line format uses a subset of the FGREP program to maintain compatibility with FGREP. SGREP does allow the user to specify two target strings in the search argument. These two target strings are connected with an and, &, or or, '|' separator. Thus allowing the user to search for two different strings, or two strings or words contained on the same line. When the specific string is found, the line in the file that contains the string is written to the stdout DOS device, which is normally the display. The output may be redirected to a file or a printer using the normal DOS redirection symbols. The format of the SGREP command line is as follows: SGREP [options] "target(s)" {file(s)...|@file} Where options are: -f display **FILE-NAME for finds only -l line numbers -c case sensitive search -x no logo -e return errorlevel only -p pause when screen is full -v verbose display output -r perform a regular expression search @file indicates an ascii file containing a list of file to process. This list MUST include the complete file specification. I.E. The disk, directory, filename, and file extension. The target string(s) must be enclosed in quotes and special characters can be specified as indicated below. Hex byte sequences can be used to search for special non-displayable characters. They are specified using a pair of hexadecimal bytes preceded by a dollar sign,$. EXAMPLES: $23 include is the string #include $252.50 is the string %2.50 $23$24$25 is the string #$% Two targets may be specified using the & and | characters to search for two targets. If the & is used the lines must contain both targets. If the | is used the lines must contain one of the targets. Example: "save|main" line must have save or main to be listed. "save&main" line must have save and main to be listed. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-31- The format of the SGREP command line is presented here for documentation purposes only since FFF automatically invokes SGREP itself using a predefined set of options. SGREP may be run from the DOS command prompt, or when using the CTRL-G command option of FFF. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-32- REGULAR EXPRESSIONS The regular_expression defines the pattern to search for. Upper- and lower-case are always ignored. Blank lines never match. The expression should be quoted to prevent file-name translation. x An ordinary character (not mentioned below) matches that character. "\" The backslash quotes any character. "\$" matches a dollar-sign. "^" A circumflex at the beginning of an expression matches the beginning of a line. "$" A dollar-sign at the end of an expression matches the end of a line. "." A period matches any character except "new-line". "*" An expression followed by an asterisk matches zero or more occurrences of that expression: "fo*" matches "f", "fo" "foo", etc. "+" An expression followed by a plus sign matches one or more occurrences of that expression: "fo+" matches "fo", etc. "-" An expression followed by a minus sign optionally matches the expression. "[]" A string enclosed in square brackets matches any character in that string, but no others. If the first character in the string is a circumflex, the expression matches any character except "new-line" and the characters in the string. For example, "[xyz]" matches "xx" and "zyx", while "[^xyz]" matches "abc" but not "axb". A range of characters may be specified by two characters separated by "-". Note that, [a-z] matches alphabetic, while [z-a] never matches. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-33- REVISION HISTORY v5.2 March 14, 1996 Added the /M command line option in the FFF program. Added the ability to modify file attributes in the FFF program. v4.8 October 4, 1994 When pressing the Enter key on a directory entry when running the FFD program, no files were displayed, - FIXED; The FF2 and FFF programs now accept one or more digits in the /W parameter to search for files created on particular days of the week. Added CTRL-ENTER hot key to the FFD program. Pressing the ENTER key will show all files contained within the highlighted directory only. The CTRL-ENTER key will show all files contained within the highlighted directory and any and all sub directories. Added support for searching inside RAR type compressed files. When searching for files inside of compressed files, FFF and FF2 will now take into account any and all search criteria. This includes filesizes, filedates, and day of the weeks search criteria. v4.7 September 16, 1994 Corrected problem when running a program against a group of tagged files. When running a program against a group of tagged files a ~ may be used as the first character of the program spec. to make FFF pause after each execution of the user specified program. FF2 and FFF may now be interrupted during the search by pressing the ESC key. Added the /4 command line option to tell FF2 and FFF to also search the 4DOS/Ndos description text for specified keywords. Added ALT-V hot key to move highlighted files. Added CTL-V hot key to move groups of tagged files. Added command line option /~ to indicate that a fuzzy search is to be performed. This will allow users to search for files that contain the ~ character. The ENTER key action in FFF can now be configured to view the highlighted file using the configured file browsing program. (This is the default). v4.6 5/18/94 Added /F fixed listing option to FF2 program. Added /D display compressed files being searched to FF2 program. Added /SL and /SG options to search for files based on file size. Fixed screen problems when screen is set to mode that has more than 25 lines. Corrected read ZIP routine to prevent machine lockup when ZIP file is corrupt. FF2 and FFF will now, by default, also search for files inside directories that contain filename extensions. v4.5 12/27/93 FFF will use EMS automatically if available for storing directory information. Added /T command line parameter to FF2 and FFF program to find files that contain specified text strings. Added /W command line parameter to FF2 and FFF program to find files created or modified on a specific day of the week. FFF, FF2 and FFD will now automatically bypass CD-ROM drives. Corrected screen scrolling problem in FF2. FFF, FF2, and FFD now use a common external configuration files FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-34- that is created and maintained by the FFFCFG program. When performing a search on tagged files in FFF a regular expression search may now optionally be performed. The file viewing program BRZ is now included in the FFF package. v4.4 09/20/93 Increased file limit in FFF to 15,000 files. Added ability to print to a file or to LPT1-9. Gave user the ability to modify the format of a saved file list. Gave user the ability to modify the format of a print file listing. Fixed problem with FFF not finding the last duplicate file. The FFD program will now show the root directory of all included search drives. When writing a file list FFF will now prompt to over-write or append the file if the FFF.LST file already exists. Added the ALT-T command to the FFD program. Added the FFFHLP.COM program to reduce the memory requirements of the FFF program. v4.3 04/13/93 Added ability to exclude user specified drives from being searched. Made correction to date/time sort. Added CTRL right and left cursor for faster screen scrolling. Made swapping type configurable. Fixed ALT-T command. Increased search speed by 15-20%. Increased sort speed by 20%. When checking for duplicate files user can optionally search inside compressed files for dups. Added drop down menu to the FFF program. Added more configuable item to the FFF program. Added new program FFD that will search for directory spanning drives. v4.2 03/14/93 Maximum number of files that FFF can handle has been increased to 10,000. Added command line option /! to exclude file during search. Added command line option /= to search for file equal to a date. Enhanced the HOME and END keys in FFF. Corrected sorting routine when sorting by filename or file extension. When sorting by extension, files with equal extensions will also be sorted by filename. Added support to search for files inside SQZ type compressed files. v4.1 11/9/92 Fixed the FFF program to correctly accept command line options that are entered in when using the /@ command line switch. Added the ability to configure the function of the ENTER key. Added a smart launch feature to the FFF program that is activated via the CTRL-ENTER key combination. v3.8 4/1/92 Added CAPS-LOCK command in FFF to display tagged file status. Increased speed of locating and identifying all hard drives. Added SGREP program to search for text within tagged files. Added ability to swap FFF program to XMS or EMS memory. Added scroll bars to FFF display. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-35- Added ALT-C command to copy single files. Added CTL-C command to copy tagged files. Added CTL-G command to run SGREP program against a group of tagged files. v3.7 7/19/91 Corrected FFF processing when searching for all files when using the /i option. Changed the FFFCFG program to retain previously configured colors. Added the ability to perform a fuzzy search. Added a configurable option to turn the file over-write warning message off when copying tagged files. V3.6 5/6/91 - Corrected floating tags. Added ALT-I to display config. and file stats. Implemented new sort routine to speed up file sorting. Added ALT-T, CTL-T commands to write out a file list. Added ALT-P, CTL-P commands to print out a file list. Added ability to configure FFF's colors. Added ALT-X, and ALT-Q to exit FFF. Added the ability to activate or deactivate the ENTER key. Added the ability to configure FFF to handle up to 9000 files and 300 unique directory names. When invoking the browse program via the ALT-L command, if swapping is enabled FFF will swap itself out of memory before invoking the browse program. FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-36- INDEX CONFIGURING THE FFF.EXE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FF2 Command line options /! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 /SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FFD Command line options /! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /LN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 /Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 FFD HOT KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 FFD PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 FFF Command line options /! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 /@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 /d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 /G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 /I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 /Z[RHSA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 FFF HOT KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 FFF PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 25 MEMORY SWAPPING OPTION IN FFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 MEMORY USAGE IN THE FFF.EXE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MODIFYING THE FFF FILE LISTING FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 MODIFYING THE FFF PRINT FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 MONOCHROME MONITORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 PERFORMING A FUZZY SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 QUICK START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 FileFinder Version 5.1 User Manual Page-37- REVISION HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SMART LAUNCH FEATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28