-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Distribution If you would like to distribute this software on CD-ROM, BBS, floppies or any other mediae please mail me with a pointer to where it is distributed from (e.g. BBS name and number). IMPORTANT NOTE!! If you distribute this software you may not charge any more than the cost of distributing this software. What you can charge for is the medium it is distributed on and the maintenance of your archive. If you have been charged for more than this please mail me and tell me about it. On the Internet you can find it at: http://home.sn.no/~wickmann/drivesi.html And on Simtel and Simtel mirrors. You can find it on this Bulletin Board Systems: No one yet. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: cp850 Comment: Remember security iQEVAwUBMrrTu5qvcJdBw69FAQEdlwgAi1aqXYm1ASdHD27ViSVONYdzCrUBHqVf CWs5PRqxdMgB4xrZ5a2l9RTDbFMRzkrWV+y3F8jviE2vHx8MbiDZJNzrtAy37ueJ JyxR5XNZJnvklSPCqBebvdNLCbEFqiVJxjhSiVdRdmTP5y433PoSVey1ey99NcBd ZG5bUc+cQVI62XGdrl2KuWOWNPpUZEy+DQP5HhEnjXje6JCp6Ljnv8LGz8Mn7y25 903bvF05huKbO0V+V8K6ykxDBncufzI5Rcrn7bteXKmmJ7CRom6DsbXmkbXS88qk 1EBUjTUlV0jryUGhzKJTRdYpxiFJQ/IQrqswRPKgwSM8BmyFF/devA== =Kw3g -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----