================================================================================ DOSMAX.EXE : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992,93) by Philip B. Gardner STOPMAX.SYS : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992,93) by Philip B. Gardner FREELOAD.SYS : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992,93) by Philip B. Gardner SHELLMAX.COM : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992,93) by Philip B. Gardner ENVIMAX.COM : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992,93) by Philip B. Gardner ================================================================================ EXAMPLE CONFIGURATIONS: If you have a configuration that is significantly different, perhaps a different memory manager or special switches that are used, please send me a copy and I will include it in this file. If you have problems, check out GENERIC at the end of this file. ;------------ QEMM386 ---------------------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: dos=high,noumb stacks=0,0 REM=default /B+ requires no resident memory device=stopmax.sys device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram rom i=b000-b7ff i=cc00-f7ff fr=e800 REM=no report, no pause, (default is now /c:- or effectively /a0) REM=or loaded high with loadhi device=c:\boot\dosmax.exe /r-/p- REM=s for shrink device=c:\boot\freeload.sys /s device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=shellmax.com /r- c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p REM=use /S+ option to create a 256 byte low stub (networks? enviroment editors?) REM=shell=c:\boot\shellmax.com /r- c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p buffers=20 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ QEMM386 + 4DOS --------------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: dos=high,noumb stacks=0,0 REM=default /B+ requires no resident memory device=stopmax.sys device=d:\qemm\qemm386.sys r:2 ns nv ram rom i=0400-0fff st:m fr=c000 REM=a0 for 4DOS, no report, no pause device=c:\boot\dosmax.exe /r-/p- REM=m1 for best fit, f to change pathname of loader, s for shrink device=c:\boot\freeload.sys /m1 /fd:\qemm\loadhi.sys /s REM=disable windows support device=d:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\mouse\mouse.sys device=d:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:2 c:\boot\hyper386.exe c:2048:1024 s ox REM=path parameter to 4DOS may be required to initialize properly shell=shellmax.com /s- c:\4dos\4dos.com c:\4dos /p REM=if the /S+ option is required (networks? enviroment editors?) REM=then using shellmax with 4dos is pointless REM=shell=c:\4dos\4dos.com c:\4dos /p buffers=5,4 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM not necessary at all, but no harm, /E- switch avoids environment warning c:\boot\envimax.com /E- ;------------ 386MAX ------------------------------------------------------ (CONFIG):: dos=high,noumb stacks=0,0 REM=default /B+ requires no resident memory device=stopmax.sys device=f:\386max\386max.sys pro=c:\386max\386max.pro REM=default loader name is c:\386max\386load.sys REM=use /F option if necessary REM=device=c:\boot\freeload.sys /sd:\386max\386load.sys device=c:\boot\freeload.sys /s REM=a0 for SHELLMAX, m1 for best fit, no report, no pause device=f:\386max\386load.sys prgreg=2 flexframe prog=c:\boot\dosmax.exe a0m1r-p- device=f:\386max\386load.sys prgreg=2 flexframe prog=c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=c:\boot\shellmax.com /s c:\dos5\command.com c:\dos5 /e:768 /p REM=use /S+ option to create a 256 byte low stub (networks? enviroment editors?) REM=shell=c:\boot\shellmax.com /r-/s+ c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p REM=only a few buffers required if a disk cache is loaded in autoexec buffers=5 files=35 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment c:\boot\envimax.com /e+ ;------------ 386MAX + 4DOS ----------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: dos=high,noumb stacks=0,0 REM=default /B+ requires no resident memory device=stopmax.sys device=f:\386max\386max.sys pro=c:\386max\386max.pro REM=default loader name is c:\386max\386load.sys REM=use /F option if necessary REM=device=c:\boot\freeload.sys /sd:\386max\386load.sys device=c:\boot\freeload.sys /s REM=a0 for 4DOS, m1 for best fit, no report, no pause device=f:\386max\386load.sys prgreg=2 flexframe prog=c:\boot\dosmax.exe a0m1r-p- device=f:\386max\386load.sys prgreg=2 flexframe prog=c:\mouse\mouse.sys REM=probably not enough high memory to use shellmax with 4DOS shell=c:\4dos\4dos.com c:\4dos /e:768 /p REM=only a few buffers required if a disk cache is loaded in autoexec buffers=5 files=35 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM not necessary at all, but no harm, /E- switch avoids environment warning c:\boot\envimax.com /e- ;------------ LASTBYTE --------------------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: dos=high,noumb stacks=9,256 REM=alternative to dosmax /i+ switch, use stopmax.sys REM=device=stopmax.sys REM physical=(CHIPSET or fixed) device=c:\tlbmm\lastbyte.sys ? physical=fixed REM=i to force DOS to UMB even with HIMEM, m1 for best fit, no report, no pause REM=a0 since shellmax is used device=c:\tlbmm\highdrvr.sys c:\boot\dosmax.exe /a0/i+/m1/r-p- REM=himem.sys cannot be loaded after highumm.sys device=c:\tlbmm\highdrvr.sys c:\dos\himem.sys REM=must load highumm.sys for DOSMAX (/replace is for himem.sys) device=c:\tlbmm\highumm.sys /replace device=c:\tlbmm\highdrvr.sys c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=c:\boot\shellmax.com /r- c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:512 /p REM=use /S+ option to create a 256 byte low stub (networks? enviroment editors?) REM=shell=c:\boot\shellmax.com /r-/s+ c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p buffers=20 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment, reports on COMMAND space c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ UMB_DRVR --------------------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: dos=high,umb stacks=9,256 REM=alternative to dosmax /i+ switch, use stopmax.sys REM=device=stopmax.sys device=c:\umb_drvr\umb_drvr.sys REM=i to force DOS to UMB even with HIMEM, m1 for best fit, no report, no pause devicehigh=c:\boot\dosmax.exe /i+/m1/r-p- devicehigh=c:\dos\himem.sys devicehigh=c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=shellmax.com /r- c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:512 /p buffers=20 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment, reports on COMMAND space c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ UMB_DRVR + 4DOS + NO HIMEM (no Extended Memory) ------------------ (CONFIG):: dos=high,umb stacks=9,256 device=c:\umb_drvr\umb_drvr.sys REM=i to force DOS to UMB even with HIMEM, m1 for best fit, no report, no pause devicehigh=c:\boot\dosmax.exe /a0/m1/r-p- devicehigh=c:\mouse\mouse.sys REM=probably not enough high memory to use shellmax with 4DOS shell=c:\4dos\4dos.com c:\4dos /p buffers=20 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM not necessary at all, but no harm, /E- switch avoids environment warning c:\boot\envimax.com /E- ;------------ DOS 5.0 ---------------------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: dos=high,umb stacks=0,0 REM=stacks=9,256 REM=if you really want DOS in UMB, use stopmax REM=but it will cost you 30k for HIMEM (try alternate XMS driver like QEXT.SYS) REM=device=stopmax.sys device=c:\dos\himem.sys device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram 4096 i=b000-b7ff i=cc00-f7ff frame=cc00 b=1000 REM=h because DOS goes to HMA, m1 for best fit, no report, no pause REM=no a0 necessary since DOS (and part of command.com is in the HMA) devicehigh=c:\boot\dosmax.exe /h/m1/r-/p- REM=if stacks=0,0 is not used, you may need to add /U9 to dosmax.exe line REM=this is a workaround for a emm386.exe warm-reboot problem devicehigh=c:\boot\dosmax.exe /h/m1/r-/p-/u9 devicehigh=c:\dos\smartdrv.sys 1024 512 devicehigh=c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=shellmax.com /r- c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p buffers=5 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment, reports on COMMAND space (if no /A0) c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ QEMM386 + DOS 4.01 ----------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: stacks=9,256 REM=stopmax.sys not necessary device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram rom i=b000-b7ff i=cc00-f7ff fr=e800 REM=m1 for best fit, no report, no pause device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\boot\dosmax.exe m1r-p- REM=or let DOSMAX load itself high REM=device=c:\boot\dosmax.exe m1r-p- REM=s for shrink device=c:\boot\freeload.sys s device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=shellmax.com c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p REM=buffers low buffers=20 REM=or use buffers in EMS REM=buffers=20 /x files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ QEMM386 + DOS 3.30 ----------------------------------------------- (CONFIG):: (NOTE: REM really not allowed, just shown for clarity) stacks=9,256 REM=stopmax.sys not necessary device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram rom i=b000-b7ff i=cc00-f7ff fr=e800 REM=m1 for best fit, no report, no pause device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\boot\dosmax.exe m1r-p- REM=or let DOSMAX load itself high REM=device=c:\boot\dosmax.exe m1r-p- REM=s for shrink device=c:\boot\freeload.sys s device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 c:\mouse\mouse.sys shell=shellmax.com c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /e:768 /p buffers=20 files=40 lastdrive=Z (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ EMM386 + DR-DOS 6.0 --------------------------------------------- device=c:\drdos\emm386.sys /f=e800 /k=7168 /b=ffff /i=b000-b7ff,f000-f7ff /r=c000-cbff,f800-ffff rem For kernel in HMA, use hidos.sys /bdos=ffff rem For kernel in a UMB, don't use hidos.sys or hidos.sys /bdos=AUTO rem device=c:\drdos\hidos.sys /bdos=ffff rem your choice hidevice= or device= rem hidevice=c:\uboot\dosmax.exe /r- /p- device=c:\uboot\dosmax.exe /r- /p- hidevice=c:\windows\mouse.sys /y country=001,,c:\drdos\country.sys rem your choice shell=c:\shellmax.com or shell=c:\drdos\command.com rem shellmax.com saves 256 bytes or shellmax.com /s- saves 512 bytes shell=c:\shellmax.com c:\drdos\command.com c:\drdos\ /p /e:512 rem your choice history=off or history=on,???,etc... rem history=off history=on, 256, off, off, off break=off rem your choice hibuffers= or buffers= rem hibuffers=20 buffers=20 files=35 fcbs=8,4 rem your choice fastopen=0 or fastopen=??? rem fastopen=512 fastopen=0 lastdrive=z rem your choice hidos=on or hidos=off rem hidos=on hidos=off rem no install= or hiinstall= rem install=???? ;------------ QEMM386 + DR-DOS 6.0 --------------------------------------------- device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys r:2 ns nv ram rom ha=64 ma=16 dma=128 i=0400-0fff st:m fr=c000 rem For kernel in HMA, use hidos.sys /bdos=ffff rem For kernel in a UMB, don't use hidos.sys or hidos.sys /bdos=AUTO rem device=c:\drdos\hidos.sys /bdos=ffff device=c:\uboot\dosmax.exe /r- /p- hidevice=c:\windows\mouse.sys /y country=001,,c:\drdos\country.sys shell=c:\shellmax.com c:\drdos\command.com c:\drdos\ /p /e:512 rem your choice history=off or history=on,???,etc... rem history=off history=on, 256, off, off, off break=off rem your choice hibuffers= or buffers= rem hibuffers=20 buffers=20 files=35 fcbs=8,4 rem your choice fastopen=0 or fastopen=??? rem fastopen=512 fastopen=0 lastdrive=z rem your choice hidos=on or hidos=off rem hidos=on hidos=off rem no install= or hiinstall= rem install=???? (AUTOEXEC):: REM moves master environment c:\boot\envimax.com ;------------ GENERIC ---------------------------------------------------------- ; fully configured ; 36K DOS 5.0 kernel in UMB, subs moved, shellmax loading primary shell high device=stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys device=freeload.sys /s device=dosmax.exe /a0 shell=shellmax.com c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p ; problem 1: not enough hi mem for drivers, subs, tsr's and DOS 5.0 kernel ; solution 1: saves 36K+ in hi mem by allowing DOS the HMA, still moves subs rem=no stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys device=freeload.sys /s rem=add /h+, remove /a0 device=dosmax.exe /h+ rem=no shellmax.com shell=c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p ; problem 2: Network hangs when loaded, or env editor can't find master env ; solution 2: create fake stub in low memory device=stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys device=freeload.sys /s device=dosmax.exe /a0 rem=add /s+ shell=shellmax.com /s+ c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p ; problem 3: CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot crashes ; solution 3: use stacks=0,0 or unhook int 09h from stacks rem=no stacks stacks=0,0 device=stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys device=freeload.sys /s rem=or add /u9 device=dosmax.exe /u9 shell=shellmax.com c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p ; problem 4: SHELLMAX reports "unable to load high, loading low" ; solution 4: don't use shellmax (or see solution 1) device=stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys device=freeload.sys /s rem=remove /a0 device=dosmax.exe rem=no shellmax shell=c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p ; problem 5: freeload seems to have no effect ; solution 5: set /f parameter of freeload and use full pathname to loader device=stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys rem=set /f parameter device=freeload.sys /s /fc:\mem\hiloader.sys rem=use full pathname to loader device=c:\mem\hiloader.sys general.sys device=dosmax.exe /a0 shell=shellmax.com c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p ; problem 6: A specific driver fails with freeload ; solution 6: load driver before freeload, or duplicate loader in another path device=stopmax.sys device=memmgr.sys rem=load before freeload device=c:\mem\hiloader.sys specific.sys device=freeload.sys /s /fc:\mem\hiloader.sys rem=or duplicate loader in another path rem=device=d:\mem\hiloader.sys specific.sys device=dosmax.exe /a0 shell=shellmax.com c:\command.com c:\ /e:256 /p