================================================================================ ENVIMAX.COM : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992,93) by Philip B. Gardner ================================================================================ ENVIMAX.COM is the "move master environment" function split from earlier versions of DOSMAX. Its function is to move the Master Environment of COMMAND.COM into upper memory. ENVIMAX does not support other shells like 4DOS/NDOS which move their own environments to upper memory. Support is provided for: * moving COMMAND.COM's master environment into upper memory * DOS Versions 3.1 - 3.31, DOS 4.x, DOS 5.x, and DOS 6.x ================================================================================ (Requirements):: * Requires MS-DOS Version 3.10 or better ================================================================================ (Installation):: Install ENVIMAX.COM in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. I recommend that ENVIMAX is the first program run in the AUTOEXEC.BAT ================================================================================ (Syntax):: The only thing to remember about syntax for the command line is that just about anything works. What this means is that you should be able to type in the options on the command line the way they make sense to you. To illustrate this point, the following command line example is mutated several different ways. ENVIMAX.COM /E+ ENVIMAX.COM E+ ENVIMAX.COM E ENVIMAX.COM -E ENVIMAX 2.0 and above adds optional full word syntax. The new syntax looks like this: ENVIMAX.COM /MASTERENV:+ ENVIMAX.COM MASTERENV:+ ENVIMAX.COM MASTERENV ENVIMAX.COM -MASTERENV:+ Obviously when using full words, it is easier to keep the words separated so that is clear to read. An optional [:] or [=] may be used for switches (i.e. REPORT:+ or REPORT=+). These optional delimiters are used interchangeably and can also be used with the single letter switches. Remember to check your spelling because the single letter interface is still intact. (Switch Options):: The following list of switch options is organized by: - Control of ENVIMAX Reports (/R:/P:/N:) - Control of ENVIMAX Operation (/E:) - Response file for ENVIMAX (@) (Control of ENVIMAX Reports):: (REPORT):: R[+ or -] (toggle: default +) Use /R- or /REPORT:- to disable the report after you are satisfied with the configuration of DOSMAX.EXE (PAUSE):: P[+ or -] (toggle: default +) Use /P- or /PAUSE:- to disable the pause after the report as long as there are no errors or warnings. (NOPAUSE):: N[+ or -] (toggle: default -) Use /N+ or /NOPAUSE:+ to never pause after the report, even if there are errors. This switch can be used if your configuration generates a warning or error message which you choose to ignore. (Control of ENVIMAX Operation):: (MASTERENV):: E[+ or -] (toggle: default +) Use /E- or /MASTERENV:- to disable locating and moving the master environment to upper memory. This switch is for diagnostic purposes only. (Response file for ENVIMAX):: Parameters for ENVIMAX may be read from a response file by using the @pathname syntax: ENVIMAX.COM @RESPONSE.FIL Response files may be commented by using a ";","#",or "*" character before the comment. There is also a feature implemented for DOS 6.0 config menus. If a menu is configured for DOS 6.0, DOS puts the name of the effective section in an environment variable. This environment variable is "CONFIG=." You may optionally divide the response files into sections, identified with the familiar [SECTION] syntax, where "SECTION" is the name of the DOS 6.0 menu item selected. * everything in square brackets "[]" is optional ================================================================================ (Report Format):: ENVIMAX.COM : Ver. 2.1, Copyright (1992) by Philip B. Gardner ERROR : (Error Messages) WARNING : (Warning Messages) ADVICE : (Advisory Messages) : (Report Messages) : (Allocation Status) PAUSE : Press any key to continue... ================================================================================ (Error Messages):: MS-DOS version 3.10 or above is required ================================================================================ (Warning Messages):: Unknown option in command line Unknown option on line #0000 Extra characters on command line Missing or invalid option file XXXXXXXX.XXX Line length overflow at line #0000 Master Environment is not moveable ================================================================================ (Advisory Messages):: ================================================================================ (Report Messages):: Processing option file XXXXXXXX.XXX Effection section is [XXXXXXXX] Master Environment located at 0000 ================================================================================ (Allocation Status):: MASTRENV moved to 0000 Not enough Hi Memory for MASTRENV ================================================================================ (Changes):: (Version 2.1):: (1) Fixed problem with finding DOS 6.0 CONFIG variable for machines whose bios'es don't intialize memory properly. ================================================================================