READ THIS! This is a beta-version of the program. It might contain several bugs. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, don't use the program, but wait until the `real' version is available. If you do not accept the following, please do not use the program: * The program should not be used longer than three months after the release date. At that time a new version should be available at the same location you got this one. * Any bugs (minor or major) must be reported to the author. See the .DOC-file for my full address. I'm also happy to know of any spelling or grammatical errors in the text-files. * If you give this program to others, you must let them know that this is a beta-version, and tell them to read this file. When a new version is available, you are responsible for giving it to those you gave the beta-version. That way all beta-versions will disappear. If you don't want this responsibility, don't make the program available to others. If all this demanding talk didn't frighten you away, start enjoying the program now. I hate saying all this, but I want as few as possible of _my_ bugs beeing spread around the world! :-) Sverre.