sub-tile=Manual Addendum 0. "The code grows faster the the documentation." This has been DISKED's motto for a long time. There are still features not yet in the manual (new manual will be out real soon now, honest). 1. A consistant user interface has been the most troublesome aspect of programming. I have tried very hard to keep DISKED easy to use (I am lazy, I HATE trying to remember obscure, non-sensical key/command sequences; a function key based interface for example). There may exist problems like messages appearing at weird places or command input suddenly ending when you least expect it, or lack of or extra spaces. 2. New commands: '^T' Track file. All sector movement will be limited to the cuurent file. Sector buffer offsets will be based on the size of the file and the sector offset within the file. This makes editing a binary file Much Easier! '^T' again or any Quit key will un-lock the file. While a file is tracked, many commands will be disabled; only the buffer, sector/cluster movement and misc. commands will work. (The find command may be added later.) '*' Toggle dump filter. If on, the ASCII portion of sector dumps will not display character values below 20h (space) or above 7Eh ('~'). Useful for Print-Scrn. 'D' Debug. This command was previously undocumented. This enters a debug mode where memory allocation can be examined. There are the following sub-commands: 'd' Display memory status. 'h' Display summary of used and free blocks. 'm' Minimize heap. This can be helpful for the '!' command. 'g' Grow heap. 'ln' List memory. 'k' Change memory list format. '/' Brief help. '?' Extended help. '.' Exit debug. There is much more to the memory allocation features which I will delay explaining until I finish the real manual. 3. Command changes: 'fs' Find now locates strings across sector boundries. BS Drive statistics now shows both logical and physical parameters. (Switching back and forth was driving me crazy.) 't' Tagged sectors used to be cleared everytime a new disk, even the current one, was logged. Now, an argument of 0 will ask to clear the tagged array. 4. Keyword changes: Logical This has bascially been eliminated. Sector parameters now show both logical and physical parameters. I left this in just to turn off the physical parameters. 5. Bugs: /s This command line switch will not set to a file name that begins with a number; DISKED will think it is a sector number to set to. '^Y' and 'Y' Save and Restore state. These commands need work but I have left them in with the thought that maybe someone who thinks they will be useful will give me feedback about them.