If you have been strucked by a virus: Send me the infected files (as many as possible for testing!) and I will try to make a cleaner for this virus! Check the file ADRESSE.TXT for my address! E: Please add an SAE if you what to receive your personal customized cleaner! D: Bitte ausreichend frankierten Rckumschlag beifgen, falls ich Ihnen den Virenkiller zuschicken soll! My PGP key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQBNAi847YIAAAECANEe8vGPyKnR0bVoMO9vEu0hD+pMItDzLSvxqWF8W8YWzZ3U AdhzfNDKL9uEo6BY/jHAF3m8vi5T//pgOsw3QqUABRG0HVJhbHBoIFJvdGggPHJh ckBmaC1hbGJzaWcuZGU+ =048D -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----