New Features Version 5.7 - Added response logging features (/LG, /LGC, /LGD, /LGI, /LGM, /LGT) - Changed help screen formatting - Added /LGC and /LGM to options setting screen Version 5.6 - Added /DF to allow a default response to be entered. - Changed time and date displaying so fewer interrupt calls would be made. - Default screen saver message now turns off cursor - Added ability to change how date and time are displayed - Changed date display to default to country specific layout - Added option to /BL to change screen blanking message Version 5.5 - Ability to modify the Windows master environment (/YW) NOTE: Windows 3.x and WFW 3.x ONLY Version 5.4 - Ability to 'pipe' responses into GetKey (/PI) Version 5.3 - An adjustable left margin feature for messages (@MR) - New date and time display options (@DD- @DD+ @DT- @DT+) Version 5.2 - Bouncebar look display feature (@B @BZ) - More tone playing options (@TF @TR) - New 'jump' commands in display files (@JH @JI @JK @JO @JP @JW) - Ability to specify command line switches in a display file (@/) - Ability to insert current display file section label into environment (@V) - Tones now played in background - Ability to specify options by using the GETKEY environment variable Version 5.1 - Screen blanking added - Unlimited file size for display files - New environment handling options - 'Flash' screen display option added (@F)