v0.60b - 23.11.96 * If keyboard routines seem to work slowly in Win32 version (0.5sec delays or something), try starting SkyReader from 4DOS (or command.com etc..) prompt and it should help... Why does this happen in some computers?? How do I fix this?? + Keyboard configuration now in SkyReader's setup. KEYCFG.EXE is finally useless.. + Setup -> Global -> Mail packet options -> Display directories: If directories should be shown in "open message packet" list. + Change to @TAG@ macro: Now new tagline is randomized only after @GETTAG@ macro. You may also specify a different tagline file where to get tagline like @GETTAG.filename.txt@ + "Move mail packet" option put into "Closing mail packet" box. Means that if SkyReader should move message packet to "Old msg packets" path. This can be also set to default from Setup -> Global -> Mail packet options -> auto move msg packet. + "Display archiver output" switch finally working.. + "Info box" (at least some of it) is now also displayed in reply manager + Over 200 new lines to language file! Finnish and english language files included. + "Setup -> Global -> Mail packet options -> Mixed case in QWK msgs" Means that if SkyReader should convert From and To fields in replies to uppercase. "Always" = Yes, "Detect" = Only if MIXEDCASE is set to YES in DOOR.ID file. + SkyReader can finally manage Blue Wave v3 style .OLC offline host configuration files. But I still haven't done "advanced configuration"... + @UPTIME_DAYS@, @UPTIME_HOURS@, @UPTIME_MINS@ and @UPTIME_SECS@ macros work now also in Win32 version. + SkyReader can now reformat message text. Affects only reading, not eg. replies or saved messages. Check Setup -> Global -> Misc sets: - Left and right marginal settings - Justify: NONE: Don't do anything to text. LEFT: Left justify, use left&right marginal settings. BOTH: Justify text to both left and right marginals. + New keyboard command: '.' = Text reformatting on/off + New command line switch: /t : Don't change title name in OS/2 version. Without this switch SkyReader/2 crashes under TShell. + OS/2 and Win32 versions can now change its title to Setup -> Global -> String settings -> Title Name. Could be eg. "SkyReader/2 - @BBS@". + "Tagline after or before signature?" switch to Global -> Misc Settings. + "Reply to Net/E-Mail" key: If more than one Net/E-Mail area, put a list of areas to screen and ask in which of them to reply. + New macros: @BBS@ and @SYSOP@ + Search tagline + You can put these (BW-style :) commands to tagline file: - [COMMENT] - comment .. - [ALTLIST] - Load new tagline file - [EXTERNAL] - Run external tagline manager - Packet/area override preferences didn't always work correctly. - Message packet comments didn't work - Rot13 didn't quite work.. - Decrypting PGP message didn't work - File requesting didn't work - In OMEN reply packets "Reply at" field was set wrong. - SkyReader put nul-terminated strings to OMEN reply packets. I always forget that they should be "Pascal style" strings.. - QWK replies had wrong date. - If SkyReader crashed and you hadn't write any messages, SkyReader thought that you had written couple of million replies.. :) - Indexing QWK packets crashed.. - Replying to netmail: Netmail address wasn't taken from origin line - "Show only areas with msgs" switch didn't work if it was set to 'no'. - Clock displayed wrong date and time - Keyboard routines in Win32 version didn't work for some reason with Watcom 10.6. I put keyboard routines into .C file instead of .CPP and now they work.. (weird) - Some minor bugs fixed v0.59b - 23.10.96 * Finally upgraded Watcom to 10.6 version. :) Removed problems with DOS and PM editors in OS/2 version. Also DOS editors might work in Win32 version now without always saying "Message aborted". * Internal reply handling completely rewritten in OMEN, QWK and Hippo formats, I hope there's no bugs left in it.. + Keyword message search (key 'K' by default) + SkyReader takes much less memory, so 8088 version should be "usable" now. + Hippo, OMEN and QWK packet handling should be now _much_ faster, also removed 999 conference limit from QWK. + You can now use different editor for each bbs and msg area if you like + SkyReader can finally create QWK indexes if they don't exist + New command line switch: /C : Read configuration from file instead of the default SKY???.CFG. + Reply packet manager finally working! BUT there's no open reply packet detecting. If computer crashes, you will have to pack reply packet manually or changes will be lost! + External PGP.EXE support. Remember to put your User ID to Setup -> Global -> String settings -> PGP USER ID! Works at least with PGP v2.6.3i, don't know about others.. Internal PGP support might come to next version. - "Enter new message" put message to wrong area. - Many small bugs fixed and features added and code optimized and.. v0.58b - 23.09.96 * 3 new colors (scroll bar colors) to COLORS.CFG * Again.. SKY???.CFG changed, SkyReader needs to be reconfigured. Shouldn't happen anymore.. * 8088 version. It takes about 400kb of memory to handle Blue Wave packets. Other formats takes more.. Don't know how much, maybe too much. + Macro 'commands', see readme.txt for details + You can now define yourself what files should be shown in download directory (Setup -> Global -> Mail packet options -> Show file in list). Beside those, SkyReader will show also *.000..*.999 files. + More icon resolutions to OS/2 version. Before only 32x32, now also 16x16, 20x20 and 40x40 + Option to write mode preferences in setup: "Quoting: Remove spaces" + Scroll bar when reading messages + New macros: @TAG@ - Randomized tagline, could be put for example to sig file And only for OS/2 version: @THREADS@ - Number of threads running currently @PROCS@ - Number of processes running currently - Bugs only in 0.57b: - Taglines didn't work - BW, OMEN and Hippo had some trouble with over 4kb messages (next message was full of garbage) - some minor bugs fixed.. v0.57b - 10.09.96 * SKY???.CFG format changed! You have to reconfigure SkyReader! ("Preferences" still work). * _MUCH_ FASTER!! All messages are read to memory after opening mail packet. Sorting 753 messages in one area with my P90 took about 0,5 sec. :) (OK, Blue Wave is at least as fast as SkyReader..) + Icon to OS/2 version by Ari Kemppainen (2:224/0) + For OS/2 version some new macros: @PID@ : SkyReader's Process ID @TASKS@ : Number of tasks running currently @UPTIME_DAYS@ : Number of days computer has currently been on @UPTIME_HOURS@ : "" hours "" @UPTIME_MINS@ : "" minutes "" @UPTIME_SECS@ : "" seconds "" + "Reply path" to setup, now replies are kept in there instead of work path. You shouldn't see "Warning: SKYLINER.PDQ not found!" texts anymore. + Replies are now sorted + "Reply via netmail" key works + Tabulator now works in area selection, msg selection and msg reading. + Netmail address is now displayed after from/to field in netmail area and netmail replies. + Quoting routines wholy rewritten. Behaves a little different than old routines. - OMEN: Removed "Subj: " prefix from subjects - QWK: message time wasn't displayed - PgUp/PgDn/Home/End keys didn't work right in ANSI newfiles list - Saving message crashed in some situations - Some Hippo bugs fixed v0.56b - 28.08.96 + QWK: If reply's first line begins with "To:" (netmail address is normally stored in that line) and Rot13 crypting is used, the "To:" line won't be crypted. + "Remove spaces from the beginning of line" option added when replying. + Offline config almost finished - only BW's "Advanced Options" are missing (because SkyReader doesn't make the new .OLC file yet) + ANSI newfiles list + Saving messages now saves also message header ?? Does this work right in Win32 version ?? + Added "Ask" selection to "Append to save file" question + Added "Save settings?" question to setup + Home/End/PgUp/PgDn keys now working also when selecting mail packet and reading replies. + Hippo packets are opened much faster now + OMEN packets are also handled much faster - many small bugs fixed - PgDn key didn't work right in new files list - OS/2 version crashed to division by zero v0.55b - 16.08.96 * FIRST PUBLIC BETA VERSION