Current QWK Related Products GUI Reader Edition by Jim Hanoian December 2, 1994 This compilation is maintained, published, and Copyright 1994 by James A. Hanoian. Permission is hereby given to use and redistribute this file in any form (electronically, paper, etc.) provided this copyright notice is preserved. Permission is granted to use/distribute portions of this file without credit, but please use common courtesy when using larger portions. The QWK-format is Copyright 1987 by Sparkware. Other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The author provides this compilation as-is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. You are using the information in this file at your own discretion. The author assumes no responsibilities for damages, either physically or financially, from the use or misuse of this data. I would like to thank all the people who have assisted me in keeping this list current. Please help by sending corrections/additions to me rather than distributing a modified version of the list. You can reach me: RIME: ->NOFRILLS (#1299) in the OFFLINE MAIL, Mail Doors, Software Reviews and Shareware conferences. Internet: The entire file is updated monthly and is available as QWKPyymm.ZIP. -=-=-=-=-=-=-<>-=-=-=-=-=-=- QWK-format Mail Readers - GUI OS/2 (text) Filename Release Author ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATP 1.42 ATP07OS2 930911 Thomas McWilliams Blue Wave OS/2 2.12 BW212OS2 940121 George Hatchew MR/2 2.10 MR2_210 940924 Nick Knight OS/2 (PM) ~~~~~~~~~ KWQ/2 1.2e KWQ12E 940309 Kurt Westerfeld MR/2 PM 0.99L MRP_099L 940814 Nick Knight PMQWK 1.00 PMQWK008 930422 Oberon Software UNIX ~~~~ ATP 1.42 (LINUX, etc) ATP07* 930911 Thomas McWilliams QWIX 2.2 QWIX220 Dave MacRae Windows ~~~~~~~ CMPQwk 1.42 CMP142 940922 Derek Backus ColorQWK 1.1 CLRQWK11 940807 Derek Stutsman DSTReader DSTRB2 931112 DarkStar Technologies MailPro 2.0 Michael Nelson Orator 2.00 (w/ODB2PA 940622) ORADB2B 940530 Nick Dyer PacketBoy 2.12 PB212 941116 Glen Neal Powerline Offline Reader 1.20 POW120 941102 Gina Davis QReader 1.0 QRDR10 941103 David Szlucha TQwk 1.00 TQWK100 941016 Tony Miller VB Reader 2.20 VBRE220 940905 Daniel Page Wave Rider 1.20 WR120* 940409 Doug Crocker WinQwk 2.00b WINQ20B 920822 Doug Crocker WinRead 2.2 WR22 910529 Ollivier Civiol WMM 1.1 WMM11 941024 ? UniQWK 3.3a UNIQWK3A 940607 Carlos Pires