PARMSCAN scans a set of batch file parameters to see if any of them contain a given string. The format is: PARMSCAN string [parameters] For example, "PARMSCAN .REP %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9" (w/o quotes) will scan all the available parameters for ".REP". PARMSCAN does case-insensitive matching, so this line would also find ".rep", or ".Rep". PARMSCAN returns an errorlevel of 0 if "string" is found, otherwise it returns an errorlevel of 1. You can check for a match with "IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1". To see if there wasn't a match, use "IF ERRORLEVEL 1". For the example above, you could use "IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 EXIT" (no quotes) to quit the batch file if ".REP" was in any of the parameters. Remember that, when DOS sets an errorlevel, it also sets all lower errorlevels. That's why "IF ERRORLEVEL 0" can't be used to tell if "string" was in any of the parameters. If you're running a batch file from another application, and want to return to it if "string" isn't found, you can use "PARMSCAN %1 %1" (again w/o quotes) to force an errorlevel of 0 to be returned to the application. This may be needed if the application assumes that an error occurred. ----- PARMSCAN.EXE and this documentation are Copyright (c) 1993 by David Harden. All rights reserved. PARMSCAN is Freeware, there is no charge for using it. You may copy and distribute PARMSCAN provided that PARMSCAN.EXE and this documentation are distributed in their original, unaltered forms. You may not charge any fee for copying and distributing PARMSCAN other than a minimal fee to cover the costs incurred. You may bundle and/or include PARMSCAN with other software, as long as you include this documentation, and do not charge for it. There is no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, covering this software or this documentation. The copyright holder is in no way responsible or liable for any losses or damages of any kind that may result from the use of this software or this documentation, or from inability to use them.