What's new in Offline AutoPGP version 2.2á3? 1. Added support for PGP 2.6.2i and ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1. 2. UseOldFormat now even works with PGP 2.6.2. 3. New 'progress bar' in status window. 4. Improved INSTALL program. Support for more readers. 5. AutoPGP can now utilize XMS memory. 6. You may now specify optional parameters to PkZip, Arj and Lha. 7. Added option to automatically retrieve keys from a public keyserver. 8. Fixed lots of minor bugs and buglets. What's new in Offline AutoPGP version 2.2á2? 1. AutoPGP has got a new visual appearance. 2. Added support for PGP 2.6.i and 2.6.2. 3. Better handling of encryption to multiple recipients: a. AutoPGP will now attempt to encrypt a message to all the addresses specified in both the To: and Cc: headers. b. You may now specify multiple keys directly in the AutoPGP directives: [PGP ENCRYPT user1, user2, user3...]. c. The KEYS.DAT file now accepts group aliases: [PGP ENCRYPT MyGroup] will encrypt the message with all the keys specified for MyGroup. 4. If you have more than one secret key, then AutoPGP will let you specify which one to use for signing messages: [PGP SIGN userid]. 5. AutoPGP now lets you insert key revocation certificates in the messages. Type '+' from the public key pick list to see all the keys, including the revoked ones. 6. A new AutoPGP directive has been added: [PGP VIEW KEY userid] 7. A number of bugs in v2.2b have been fixed: a. Fixed a bug that could cause a runtime error if the disk was full b. ENCRYPT does not insist on encrypting with more than one key c. INSTALL will find correct path names for RoboMail 1.3 What's new in Offline AutoPGP version 2.2á? 1. AutoPGP now supports MIT PGP 2.6.1. 2. AutoPGP now supports the "For your eyes only" (-m) PGP option. 3. AutoPGP now tries to optimize the command line passed to PGP.EXE according to the PGPVersion setting, in order to get it shorter than the maximum 127 characters allowed by DOS. 4. The public key pick list is now even more user-friendly. You can now do a 'quick search' by typing the first few characters in the surname. 5. A new AutoPGP directive has been added: [PGP ARMOUR] 6. Many new variables have been introduced in AUTOPGP.CFG: UseOldFormat = Yes/No EncryptToSelf = Yes/No AutoSign = Yes/No/Prompt RecompressMail = Yes/No TmpDir = DoAreas = KeepHeaders = RemoveHeaders = 7. A number of bugs in v2.12 have been fixed: a. AutoPGP will now read PGP's CONFIG.TXT file in order to find the correct filenames for the public and secret keyrings. b. AutoPGP now allows you to specify both keyids and userids in all AutoPGP directives. c. Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause AutoPGP to claim that a pass phrase was typed incorrectly even though it wasn't. d. It is no longer necessary to answer 'Y' when using Lha on QWK files and other files with extensions that differ from '.LZH'. e. INSTALL.EXE will now recognize ViaCrypt PGP 2.7 properly. f. CHECKSIG.BAT will now work correctly with PGP 2.3a. 8. Installation is now even simpler than before. See README.1ST for an explanation on how to install and upgrade AutoPGP. What's new in Offline AutoPGP version 2.12? 1. A number of bugs in v2.11 have been corrected: a. ENCRYPT will now handle multiple REP files correctly. b. DECRYPT will not abort with a run-time error if the AREAS file specifies a non-existing *.MSG file. c. MarkPGPUsers now works properly with empty name fields. 2. Added support for ViaCrypt PGP 2.7. 3. A new variable has been added in AUTOPGP.CFG: EncryptTag = Yes/No 4. AutoPGP directives do not have to be written in capital letters. What's new in Offline AutoPGP version 2.11? 1. A number of bugs in v2.10 have been corrected: a. AutoPGP will no longer hang on QWK files produced by the QMAIL or CAM-MAIL doors. b. AutoPGP will recreate the NDX files properly. c. AutoPGP will not leave lots of .DAT files with strange names in your AutoPGP directory. d. DECRYPT will not claim that a signature is FALSE if it's not. e. INSTALL will read the correct CONFIG file for Yarn. 2. Added support for PGP 2.7b. 3. MarkPGPUsers and Greeting now work better with SOUP readers. What's new in Offline AutoPGP version 2.10? 1. The name has been changed to Offline AutoPGP in order to avoid confusion with Emacs Auto-PGP, a PGP utility for Unix. However, all filenames are unchanged and the distribution archive is still called APGPXXX.ZIP, where XXX is the version number. Also note that the abbreviated forms AutoPGP and APGP are still used. 2. AutoPGP now supports PGP versions 2.3a, 2.6, 2.6ui and 2.6n. PGP version 2.5 (MIT beta-release) is NOT supported. Please observe that AutoPGP will be able to read incoming messages generated with any PGP 2.x version, even if you are using PGP v2.3a after September 1, 1994. 3. Keyids are now 32 bits (0x12345678) instead of 24 (0x123456), even if you are using PGP v2.3a. 4. AutoPGP now supports the SOUP format. However, the support is somewhat limited, as AutoPGP will only process messages in the 'u', 'b' and 'B' message formats, and leave 'm' and 'M' messages unchanged. (If you are using UQWK this shouldn't be a problem, because it only generates messages in the 'u' and 'B' formats.) Also note that AutoPGP will not generate any index (.IDX) files, as these are not really needed and mail readers such as Yarn will ignore them. Later versions of AutoPGP will probably have full SOUP support, provided there is a reasonable demand for it. 5. AutoPGP can now encrypt and decrypt ordinary ASCII files. This means that you can use AutoPGP with almost any mail reader. It also makes it easier to encrypt and decrypt single messages, or to use AutoPGP as an ordinary PGP shell. 6. To encrypt or decrypt a specific file, you can now simply type 'ENCRYPT filename' or 'DECRYPT filename' from the command-line. This makes it easier to incorporate AutoPGP directly into your mail reader. If your mail reader allows you to specify external tools such as spell-checkers, Uuencode etc., then a command such as 'ENCRYPT REPLY.TXT' may come in handy. 7. AutoPGP now supports Lha(rc) in addition to Arj and PkZip. Later versions of AutoPGP may have support for Arc, Zoo and other archivers, but again this depends on the demands from AutoPGP users. 8. AUTOPGP.CFG has been undergoing many changes. Some variables have been renamed and others are no longer needed. The following variables are new for v2.10: ArmourVersion - By setting this variable you can make all your outgoing PGP messages look like they have been created with a different version of PGP than the one you are actually using. ShowRecipients - If this variable is set, DECRYPT will list all persons (apart from yourself) who are able to decrypt a message. In this way you will always know whether the message you are reading was encrypted to multiple recipients and thus can be read by other persons. MakeNDXFiles - If set to 'No', DECRYPT will not recreate the .NDX files after processing a QWK packet. This may save time and diskspace if you are using a mail reader that doesn't need the .NDX files. SkipAreas - Lets you specify message areas (conferences or newsgroups) in which PGP messages will not be processed by DECRYPT. This variable is useful if you don't want to waste time checking PGP signatures in alt.security.pgp and other large newsgroups. Also note that there is no need for more than one configuration file when using AutoPGP v2.10 with multiple mail readers. If you intend to use AutoPGP with more than one mail reader, then all you have to do is to run INSTALL once for each reader. INSTALL will then create one batch file for each new mail reader. 9. A number of bugs in v2.00 have been fixed: a. AutoPGP will no longer corrupt long .REP files. b. AutoPGP will no longer generate invalid .NDX filenames for conference numbers larger than 32767. c. AutoPGP now allows you to specify the TMP directory. d. A number of other minor buglets and oddities have been fixed. 10. INSTALL.EXE will now only scan local disk drives for supported mail readers. It is also possible to abort the scan and choose the desired mail reader before all directories have been searched. 11. The CHECKSIG.BAT file has been improved in order to help PGP novices get started more smoothly. What's new in AutoPGP version 2.00? 1. AutoPGP now allows you to encrypt a message to multiple recipients. If the message that is to be encrypted is marked as 'public', AutoPGP will let you use up to 10 different public keys (including your own). 2. If a message contains an Internet header, AutoPGP will use the 'To:' and 'From:' fields rather than the corresponding QWK fields. 3. The syntax of the [PGP ENCRYPT] directive has been extended in order to let you specify which public key to use: [PGP ENCRYPT userid] 4. AutoPGP now lets you use the following macros in the TagLine variable: %ver (AutoPGP version number) and %regno (your registration number). 5. Fixed a bug that would sometimes give runtime error 203 (heap overflow) when processing very large QWK messages (>60 Kb). 6. Fixed a bug that would not allow you to omit the log file. 7. Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause a sharing violation under DesqView or if AutoPGP was run from inside the mail reader. 8. AutoPGP now displays a warning message before attempting to execute a command line string of more than 127 characters.