Newfiles Copyright 1993 by Mark Herring All Rights Reserved The NEWFILES program lets you view newly available files from a PCBoard bulletin board system and lets you tag files for downloading. NEWFILES can manage up to 2,580 new files in every session. You can always view the original new files list by pressing the [F2] key on your keyboard. Change views ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Instead of simply viewing a text file of new files for this system, NEWFILES lets you locate files fast and easy by changing from different views of the files list. 1) New files list This list of files includes ALL of the new files received by the BBS since your last call. The files are arranged in alphabetical order and each file is identified by a number on the screen. As you scroll up or down the list the files move up or down the number list. Any files that you have 'tagged' for downloading later will have their numbers on the screen blink. You can tag a file for downloading (or 'un-tag' a file) by pressing the number associated with the file. 2) Tagged new files list This list of files shows you all of the files that you have tagged for downloading from this list of new files. You can un-tag (or re-tag) files simply by pressing the number associated with the file. 3) Zippy scanned files NEWFILES allows you to enter a keyword and have it locate any files that contain the keyword in their description. If you have entered a keyword in a ZIPPY scan (described below) this view will show you those files that were found. 4) File count totals This screen simply shows you how many files were found from each conference on the bulletin board system. 5) Edit/Delete manual tags Sometimes you might want to request a file from the bulletin board system that isn't in the list of new files. This view lets you enter a filename to download (or delete a file request that you made earlier). The "New files list", "Tagged new files list" and "Zippy scanned files" views all allow you to use the following commands: (C)hange views This command button will let you select from the previous views described above. (F)ind filename Use this command button if you wish to locate a specific filename from the new files list. (Z)ippy search This command button lets you enter a keyword and NEWFILES will locate every file in the new files list that contains the keyword. NEWFILES then automatically switches you into the "Zippy scanned files" view. Arrow keys If you are using a mouse you can click on these command buttons to move around the files list. If you wish to tag a file with the mouse simply click on the file number or click on the file description. (Q)uit Quits NEWFILES and returns back to the reader. If you have requested files for downloading later you will be asked if you wish to save these changes. Edit manual requests ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ There are three different actions you can perform in this section of NEWFILES. If you have made file requests then the requested files are displayed on the screen. To select a request press the number associated with the file (or click on the file with your mouse). You will then be asked if you wish to EDIT or DELETE the request. If you select the "Add request" command button then you can manually enter a filename that does not appear in the list of new files from the BBS. .REQ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The file requests you make in NEWFILES are stored in the 'BBS' subdirectory for the bulletin board system as .REQ. The format of this file is: TYPE RequestType Filename AS STRING * 12 ' filename to request Conf AS INTEGER ' conf # of filename Status AS INTEGER ' used by NEWFILES Record AS INTEGER ' used by NEWFILES END TYPE