RS232 TEST These programs will test various RS232 hardware functions. If they run OK then The Weak Link and The $25 Network should run on the hardware. 1) hook up the cable between machines 2) run TMT.COM on one machine 3) run RCV.COM on the other machine 4) the screen will display all errors RCV runs continuosly until any key is pressed. It prints "z" characters while the other machine is dormant. TMT runs once and then exist to DOS. COMPAT also runs once and then exits to DOS. All three programs assume you are using COM1 to communicate. If not then enter the COM number on the command line when you run the program: A>TMT COM2 or A>RCV COM2 The TMT program initiates the test. The 1st test is to make sure the COM number you specify is really installed. Then each RS232 card that is installed is printed out along with its hardware port address. The total number of ports is then printed. (To find out what ports are on a machine, run RCV.) The 2nd test is of the data channel. If this test fails then the cable may be bad, or it may not be a nul modem cable, or it may be hooked up to the wrong port. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE TWO CARDS INSTALLED AT THE SAME PORT ADDRESS. Unfoutunately a program cannot test for this possibility. But with the proliferation of Multi I/O cards it is a common mistake to put two different cards in a computer with the same RS232 port address. If your computer has more RS232 connectors than the number of ports RCV shows you have installed then it is possible you have 2 ports at one address. After the data line test is the DSR-DTR line test. If this test fails then the cable you have is probably missing these two lines or they are not crossed between the machines. The last test is a string transfer from RCV to TMT. The test string will be printed to the TMT screen. If this message appears then the test is good and "CHECK OK" will be printed to both screens. This program may fail the first couple of times even on good hardware so be sure to run it several times to make sure. As soon as it passes once it should never fail thereafter unless the hardware is reconfigured or powered down. COMPAT is a secondary test for The $25 Network. It should be run right after TMT while RCV is still running on the other machine. RCV should be printing "z" characters on the other machine's screen. COMPAT also assumes you are using COM1, so if not then you must enter the correct COM port on the command line: A>COMPAT COM2 COMPAT also tests the hardware interrupt used by the RS232 (Serial card) port so you must specify the interrupt your machine is using. The interrupt will almost always be INT12 if you are using COM1, and INT11 if you are using COM2. The interrupt is also specified on the command line: A>COMPAT COM2 INT11 Some manuals will mention IRQ0 thru IRQ7 which refer to the interrupt chip not the actual CPU interrupt used (add 8 to IRQ# to get INT# if IRQ < 8). COMPAT will print messages to the screen to inform you of its progress. If it finishes "--> GOOD." then The $25 Network will probably run on that machine. Next, duplicate the test by running the other direction, ie, put RCV on the machine which just ran TMT and COMPAT, etc. If you cannot get the network to run on your system even after the diagnostics tests run ok then you will have to break your system down to a bare bones system in order to locate the problem. Remove all cards which are not absolutely necessary. It would be best to have only the motherboard, the display adapter, a floppy controler, and ONE serial port. If you have two serial ports installed then, if possible, remove or diable the second serial port. If you are familiar with removing ICs then remove the 8250 or 16450 from the second serial port. When you get the network running then you can start putting things back together one at a time, testing after each addition. Then you will probably find the culprit. The main sources of problems are, in order: 1) Cable! Make sure the 5 lines needed are wired correctly and only those 5 lines are wired. 2) Interrupts. Often there are two serial cards using the same interrupt (11 or 12). The network cannot share its interrupt with anything else. 3) Mice. Some mouse setups cause the network problems. They may use the same interrupt. 5) Big hard disks Some hard disks > 32 Mb have been formated with special software which sets up sector sizes other than 512 bytes. Such a disk cannot be read or written to over the network. 4) Math coprocessors. On rare occations a 8087 or 80287 causes a problem. If you encounter errors which you cannot decipher or fix then please don't hesitate to call. Don Jindra, Owner Information Modes P.O. Drawer F Denton, Texas 76202 Ph. 817-387-3339