®MageLink¯ - IPX File Transfer v2.01à Copyright (C) 1994 Portal System Innovations Written by Nathan Hartwell ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Disclaimer: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is provided AS IS. I will take no responsibility for any performance drop, data loss, and/or any other effects this program may incurr upon your system. You have the right to delete this program as you see fit. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Registration: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ None is required. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Purpose: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program was written to transfer files from one system to as many as 16 other systems. At the time of this writing, however, it has only been tested with 2 clients. Transfer rates average in the 90000 CPS range. I will be working on improving the speed. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MAGELINK.EXE Command Line: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Use '/' or '-' as the switch prefix. Valid switches are as follows: H - Specifies Host Mode C - Specifies Client Mode S - Skip files that you already have, default is to overwrite. In Host mode you will also specify the source filemask. The filemask may contain a path (ie. *.* or F:\MODS\*.MOD will work). In Client mode, you can specify a destination path for incoming files. If no path is given, the current directory is used.