²f4 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ABLE SOLUTIONS GAMEPAD STANDARD ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ²f0 Able Solutions is currently designing a NEW GAMEPAD STANDARD for use on PC Compatible computers. It is being completed with input coming from games programmers, users and technicians. It allows the connection of either SEGA or Super Nintendo (Famicom) Gamepads via 1) a standard printer port, or 2) it's own dedicated card. The standard will include the use of 1) SNES Multitap 6 player adapter. 2) SEGA 4 Player adapter. (With an option to inc. to 6) Any Contributions/suggestions can be left for me at the following BBS: ²f4 White Lightning BBS Sysop - Craig Allsop FidoNet 3:640/225 WorldNet 61:6700/180 Australia (07) 344 3867. International 61-7-344 3867. Leave messages for Jason Burns. PROGRAMMERS!! Call this BBS if you would like to support the new standard with your current project, several games programmers are already doing so. A file will be available, early August, detailing the new standard. ²f0 Some of our reasoning for the standard we've chosen follows; A. Using an existing gamepad eliminates the NEED to invent one. B. Distribution chains/Suppliers already exist. C. Both are recognised gamepads and already have tremendous support from both third party manufacturers and users. Many gamepad makers in the Asia-Pacific region manufacture variations on the origonal Gamepads. E. Games writers will find the code very simple. The time spent reading the gamepad is minimal, especially compared to the Analog joystick. F. Writers can include an option in the SETUP section of a games to indicate 1) the PORT address of the gamepad and 2) the TYPE of Gamepad. This doesn't complicate things to much and will allow users the choice of buying a dedicated plug-in card or buying an adapter to run off the parallel port. G. Users of the new gamepads will maintain compatibility with their old games through a device driver similar to SNES PRO!. H. The new dedicated ports could be 1) on their own seperate interface card or preferably 2) built into a standard Multi I/O interface card. ²f4 * * E N D O F F I L E * *