** THIS VERSION has been made available to people on Greyhawk BBS ** Please DO_NOT distribute this version. Although I have tested it ** well there are bound to be a few bugettes, so I'm giving you lot the ** chance to play with an early release! You can still use this version ** in your programs though - see the license stuff in section 6ish. ** Don't report bugs to the board - I won't get to log on for quite a ** while. MODOBJ ********** (C) Mark J Cox MODOBJ *** 1992 MODOBJ ***** MODOBJ **************** Version 0.03 Module playing OBJect file I. QUICK START ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The two included programs, TCMOD and TPMOD were created using the unregistered version of MOD-OBJ under Turbo C v2.00 and Turbo Pascal v6.0 respectively. Look at the source code to see how they work. 1. INTRODUCTION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The object file that is part of this package allows programmers to add music and sound effects simply and easily to their programs. Music and sound effects can be played through a large number of sound devices, including the PC Speaker, the Soundblaster and various Covox devices. Music plays in the background and there are a a huge number of ready-made music modules available on the Amiga and the PC (*). Music modules are standard Amiga Noisetracker/ Startrekker/ Soundtracker/ Protracker modules. A music module is made up of up to 31 sampled instruments (instruments can also be things like speech samples or effects). Up to four of these instruments can be played at once and are mixed to form the final sound output. The mixing is controlled from a music track, which can playback notes in sequence and perform numerous effects. The MODPLAY program (currently MPLAY219B) is a stand-alone player for these modules on a PC. It has graphical support, a real spectrum analyser and much more. (And its freeware by Mark Cox) The MODEDIT program (currently MODED200) is a module creator/editor and the documentation with Modedit explains in more detail the structure of the amiga modules. (also freeware by Norman Lin) Please note that not all Music modules can be treated as 'Public Domain'. Each module has a section that lists the names of all the instruments and sometimes this includes a message from the author. Use MODEDIT/MODPLAY to view the messages (or use a file viewer on the MOD file). If a module has a message giving the module author, you are advised to contact them before using their module for ANYTHING. You can obtain modules from many Bulletin Boards, Internet sites or from friends Amiga's. Modules usually come archived in LZH form, these can be unpacked with the excellent LHA program. 2. SUPPORTED PROGRAMS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The OBJ file has been tested with the following software Turbo C v2.0 Turbo Pascal v6.0 but should work with most other C and Pascal compilers. It will soon also support PowerBasic (formally Turbo Basic) 3. FEATURES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ o Does not affect the clock, disk acesses or anything else o Allows samples to be played on a special '5th track' allowing sound effects to be put over the top of the music. (registered version only) o Plays all Protracker 31 instrument module files. (Modules that have 15 instruments can be converted using a program such as MODEDIT by Norman Lin. It will also handle most Soundtracker/ Noisetracker and Startrekker (4 channel) modules, including ones that have samples greater than 64k each in them. o Runs completely in the background, letting your program carry on as normal. o Plays through a wide range of output devices, including the PC Speaker and Soundblaster o No royalties to pay for including it in your program (See License agreement for details). o Module mixing speed can be altered to account for different speed computers 4. TECHNICAL ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Technical details can be found in the technical documentation TECH.DOC 5. SHAREWARE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MODOBJ is shareware. If you intend to use it in anything other than public domain programs you should register it. Registration entitles you to the latest version of MOD-OBJ as well as the ability to play sound samples over the top of the module and other useful functions. See the sections on registering and the license agreement. 6. LICENCE AGREEMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Use of Mod-obj in a Personal or Public Domain Program ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The unregistered version of MODOBJ may be used in any public domain programs (these are programs for which no fee is charged by the author) provided that this document is distributed with the programs and that the author (Mark J Cox) receives credits within the program and documentation. You are strongly urged to register to get the extra routines provided by the registered version however. The registered version of MODOBJ may be used in your public domain programs freely without the need to include this document as long as the author (Mark J Cox) recieves credits within the program and documentation. Use of MODOBJ in Shareware Programs ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The unregistered version of MODOBJ may not be used in any Shareware (fee charged for the software) programs. Registering your version of MODOBJ will entitle you to include MODOBJ in your shareware programs as long as the author (Mark J Cox) receives credits both within the program and the documentation. Use of MODOBJ in Commercial Programs ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The unregistered version of MODOBJ may not be used in any commercial programs. The registered version may be used where agreed in writing by the author. (This will not involve royalty payments, just a one-off fee; contact the author). 7. COPYRIGHT/LICENCE AGREEMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The files MOD-OBJ.DOC, TECH.DOC, MOD-OBJ.OBJ are copyrighted by Mark J Cox. You are free to distribute the unregistered version of the MOD-OBJ package as you wish provided no profit is made from the distribution. The copyright owner hereby licenses you to use this software as stated in section 6 of this document. º NEITHER THE MODOBJ PROGRAM OR DOCUMENTATION MAY BE ALTERED º º IN ANY WAY, OR REVERSE-ENGINEERED BY DISASSEMBLY OR OTHER METHOD. º There is no warranty of any kind, and the copyright owner is not liable for damages of any kind. By using this software, you agree to all the above terms. The software and documentation are Copyright (C) 1992 by Mark J Cox Mark J Cox 29 Lundie Close Stenson Fields Derby DE2 3AN. 8. ELECTRONIC MAIL ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You can contact me via electronic mail m.j.h.cox@bradford.ac.uk (probably until 1995) If that fails, as a last resort try bc732@cleveland.freenet.edu An excellent dial-up BBS in the UK (Derby) is Kingdom of Greyhawk, +44 332 756414 (0332 756414 UK) its got loads of stuff on it, and in the past was voted top UK BBS. Friendly sysop Alan Coates is waiting for your call (300-14k4) - mention you heard about it from Mark Cox! You can check to see if I'm still registered by calling Bradford's Information Server; telnet to info.bradford.ac.uk And log in as user "info" 8. REGISTRATION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To register your version of MODOBJ, send a cheque or postal order payable to "Mark Cox" to the address is section 6 Registration includes a diskette containing some more sample programs, and a registered version of MODOBJ with the extra facilities listed in this document. Please state if you want 5.25" diskette instead of usual 3.5" Cheque in UK currency (Sterling): 15 pounds Cheque in US dollars: 30 US dollars Outside UK (other currency): 17 pounds * Current Exchange rate + 10% for fluctuations If unsure, contact me for an estimate. Coming soon: Power Basic version (maybe, I'm having problems allocating more than 31K at a time) Soundblaster Pro support (at the moment works - but in mono) Adlib Gold support Pro Audio Spectrum support If you have programming details for the above cards (or any other new cards) let me know - Its worth a free registration to the first!