FreeDOS Alpha 5 release (August 10th, 1996) CURRENT PROJECT STATUS ------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS 1. GENERAL PROJECT STATUS 2. FREEDOS UTILITIES STATUS 3. FREEDOS COMMAND SHELL STATUS 4. FREEDOS KERNEL STATUS 5. FREEDOS SUPPLEMENTS STATUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GENERAL PROJECT STATUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LATEST VERSIONS ------------------- * The latest version of the Command Shell is 0.61 * The latest version of the DOS Kernel is 0.91a * Both of these are included with the Alpha-5 FreeDOS release CONTRIBUTORS LIST ----------------------- Free-DOS would not be possible without the combined efforts of people all across the world. This is not a US thing, or an America thing, but a global effort on the part of everyone. Below is a list of people who have contributed in the area of UTILITIES for the Free-DOS system. If your name is not here, and it should be, please forgive me, let me know, and I will make sure it is in the next release! PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM ----------------------- Senior Coordinator : M. "Hannibal" Toal Utility Coordinator : Bryon Quackenbush Command Shell Coordinator : DOS-C Kernel Coordinator : UTILITY CODING TEAM ------------------- ASSIGN.COM : Steffen Kaiser BIN2C.EXE : Steffen Kaiser BWBASIC.EXE : Ted Campbell CHKDSK.EXE : Dennis Cox CLSX.EXE : Peter Mikalajunas COMP.EXE : Paul Vojta COPY.EXE : Marty Peritsky C_LOCK.EXE : Raevski Maxim DATE.COM : John Hall <> DB.COM : Paul Vojta DEL.COM : John Hall <> DUALMON.SYS : Axel C. Frinke EMACS.EXE : Russell Nelson EMU86.EXE : David Lindauer EXE2BIN.EXE : Raevski Maxim FD.EXE : Darren Bane FDISK.EXE : Chris Stratford FDXMS.SYS : Till Gerken FFF.COM : John Hall <> FIN.COM : Kris Heidenstrom FIPS.EXE : Arno Schaefer FORMAT.COM : Robert Nordier LABLE.EXE : Max Brante LOADHI.COM : Svante Frey MAN.COM : John Hall <> MODE.COM : Kris Heidenstrom MORE.COM : John Hall <> PG.EXE : Bill Weinman REBOOT.COM : John Hall <> RMDIR.EXE : James Lynch SHAREXT.EXE : Gennady S. Kolesnik <* no e-mail address provided *> SORT.EXE : James Lynch SPOOL.COM : Craig Derouen <> SUBST.EXE : Steffen Kaiser TDSK.EXE : Ciriaco Garcia de Celeis TEE.COM : John Hall <> TIME.COM : John Hall <> TOUCH.COM : Kris Heidenstrom TYPE.COM : John Hall <> UNIX2DOS.COM : John Hall <> UNZIP.EXE : Info-ZIP VERSION.COM : John Hall <> XBOOT.SYS : Yury Semenov ZIP.EXE : Info-ZIP ZIP386.EXE : Info-ZIP ZIPNOTE.EXE : Info-ZIP ZIPSPLIT.EXE : Info-ZIP -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. FREEDOS UTILITIES STATUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVER-ALL UTILITY STATUS - As of Augst 10th, 1996 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS : 39 TOTAL ASSIGNED PROJECTS : 69 TOTAL COMPLETED : 50 TOTAL NEEDING SOURCE : 6 TOTAL NEEDING SOURCE\BINARY : 13 * Below is a list of the current Free-DOS utilities, and there current status. A list of contributors for each utility is provided after the below status report. * LAST UPDATED - SUNDAY AUGUST 10th, 1996 Utility Utility | Date | Ver | Ch? | VC? | Source --------------|----------|------|-----|-----|--------- ASSIGN.COM | 08/10/95 | ???? | * | * | C \ ASM BIN2C.EXE | 08/10/95 | ???? | * | * | C BWBASIC.EXE | 06/28/95 | 1.10 | | | C CHKDSK.EXE | 08/27/95 | 0.59 | * | | *None* CLSX.EXE | 03/28/95 | ???? | * | * | C COMP.COM | 09/19/95 | ???? | | | ASM COPY.EXE | 05/01/96 | 2.00 | * | | C C_LOCK.COM | 01/06/96 | 3.37 | * | | ASM DB.COM | 11/19/95 | 0.90 | * | | ASM EMACS.EXE | 03/27/92 | ???? | * | | C EMU86.EXE | 08/30/95 | ???? | | | ASM EXE2BIN.EXE | 12/09/95 | ???? | * | | C FD.EXE | 05/15/95 | ???? | * | | C FDISK.EXE | 09/20/95 | 0.40 | * | | C FIN.COM | 02/18/96 | 1.47 | * | | ASM FIPS.EXE | 08/24/95 | 1.50 | * | | C FORMAT.EXE | 06/17/96 | 0.90 | * | | C LABEL.EXE | 10/19/94 | 1.10 | | | C LOADHI.COM | 11/19/95 | ???? | * | | C \ ASM MODE.COM | 08/05/95 | 1.04 | | | ASM PG.EXE | 04/19/95 | ???? | | | C RMDIR.EXE | 08/30/95 | ???? | | | C SHAREXT.COM | 08/09/95 | 2.00 | * | | ASM SORT.EXE | 05/23/95 | ???? | * | * | C SPOOL.COM | 02/01/86 | ???? | | | ASM SUBST.EXE | 06/30/95 | 3.00 | | * | C TDSK.EXE | 06/05/95 | ???? | | | C / ASM TOUCH.COM | 10/05/95 | 1.43 | * | | ASM UNZIP.EXE | 05/07/96 | 1.50 | * | | C VERIFY.COM | 01/30/95 | ???? | * | | C ZIP.EXE | 05/07/96 | 1.50 | * | | C ZIPSPLIT.EXE | 05/07/96 | 1.50 | * | | C ZIPNOTE.EXE | 05/07/96 | 1.50 | * | | C ZIP386.EXE | 05/07/96 | 1.50 | * | | C --------------|----------|------|-----|-----|--------- Drivers Driver | Date | Ver | Ch? | VC? | Source --------------|----------|------|-----|-----|--------- DUALMON.SYS | 12/20/95 | ???? | * | | ASM FDXMS.SYS | 11/10/95 | ???? | | | ASM XBOOT.SYS | 07/19/95 | 1.00 | * | | ASM --------------|----------|------|-----|-----|--------- KEY : Utility = The name of the utility Date = The last date modified Ver = Utility Version number C = * means utility changed/added since last Free-DOS release -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. FREEDOS COMMAND SHELL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coordinator: Tim Norman The current version of the COMMAND.COM is v0.61. The current version supports: - Full prompt support - Environment handling - Simple batch file processing - Powerful command-line editing (akin to DOSKEY) - Command-line history (again, akin to DOSKEY) - Command-line filename completion - The following internal commands: DIR, CD, MD, RD, SET, VER, DEL, REN, REM, DOSKEY, PROMPT, EXIT - Redirection and piping - Svante Frey's LOADHIGH as a built-in command This infromation courtesy of Tim Norman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. DOS-C KERNEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Pat Villani The current version of the kernel is v0.91a. Work is progressing on a new version of the kernel. Your bug reports will greatly assist Pat Villani in the revision process. The design and architecture of the DOS-C kernel is such that it is capable of virtually 100% MS-DOS compatibility. Notes regarding the current version: - FCB Support - Boot now knows about 1.2MB and 1.44MB drives - sys.exe error handler improved - Kernel and ipl.sys exe loader bug fixed - The following interrupts are supported: 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h 27h 28h 2fh - A list is provided to document supported DOS int 21h functions - Interrupts 28h and 2fh are stubs in this version - Directory updates do not occur until the final open handle to file is closed - Seeks past eof on files with write permission do not extend the file - Reading of config.sys is disabled for this release - Invalid function calls cause a register dump - There are no drivers for aux and lpt devices in this release - Command line editing does not support insert and delete - Error Handling is done entirely within the kernel This information excerpted from the DOS-C documentation by Pat Villani. ----------------------------------------------------------- END OF FILE - STATUS.DOC --------------------------------------------------------------------------