FreeDOS Alpha 5 release (August 10th, 1996) ALPHA TESTING NOTES ------------------------------------------------------ WHO IS AN ALPHA TESTER? ----------------------- Anyone who uses FreeDOS release Alpha-5 or later. Who has at least some working knowledge about PC's in general. And, who will take the time to let use know about any bugs or glitches that are found. WHAT IS INVOLVED IN ALPHA TESTING? ---------------------------------- Very little actually, you can simply use FreeDOS for your normal every-day computer needs. As you come across problems, you write them down, and send them to us. We then will take all of the bug reports, and give them to the developers so that they can fix them in there programs. This process will continue until all or as close to all of the bugs have been fixed as possible. WHO DO I SEND BUG REPORTS TO? ----------------------------- Currently, all bug reports should be sent to the following address : FREE-DOS@SUNSITE.UNC.EDU You can also visit our web sites to find out what the latest bug reports are, and to get patches to already fixed bugs. YOUR SYSTEM INFORMATION ----------------------- The first time you send us a bug or performance report, please also tell us some information about the computer you are using, speed, name, brand, memory, hard drive stuff, any special or non-standard hardware configuration you use, ect. This will further assist us with bugs in which only certain users experience.