BRUCE610.DOC 1 Revised: 10-30-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact information For the following routines: AV, BFIND, COPSINCE, DATES, DIRCOMP, DIRTOTAL, EUMAIL, FILL, FIXTEXT, FORTUNE, HTMSTRIP, PAGINATE, READINIT, READMAKE-created files, and TXTABLE: Bruce Guthrie Wayne Software 113 Sheffield St. Silver Spring, MD 20910 fax: (301) 588-8986 e-mail: For the following routines: CHANGE, CONVERT, FILUPDAT, READ, and READY: Bruce Guthrie Room H-4885 U.S. Dept of Commerce/ESA/STAT-USA Washington, DC 20230 fax: (202) 482-2164 voice: (202) 482-3234 e-mail: Please provide an Internet e-mail address on all correspondence. Since these programs are typically "freeware" (with the exception of people trying to make money from them instead of me), they generate maybe $100/year in revenue for me. As such, my ability to afford wonderful customer support is somewhat restricted. Please do not leave messages saying "Call me long distance". Also, please be specific about what problems you encounter and include command-line inputs as well as any control or INI files that you're using. WIN/NT AND WIN95 USERS: All of these programs are DOS applications. This means that they expect 8.3 filenames, short paths, etc. If you use long paths or illegal characters in your file names or whatever, these programs may not work for you. This is not a "bug" in the software. That's just the way DOS apps are. Standard disclaimer in this society: Wayne Software disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, data integrity or protection. BRUCE610.DOC 2 Revised: 10-30-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction This documentation provides some overview information on a number of utilities. All programs described herein were written by Bruce Guthrie. Most are distributed with a Wayne Software copyright. Others were written for the U.S. Department of Commerce. All are free for use provided relevant documentation is kept with the programs, no changes are made to the programs or documentation, and they are not bundled with commercial programs or charged for separately. CHANGE, CONVERT, FILUPDAT, READ, and READY are excluded from the commercial-packaging restriction. These programs are owned by the U.S. Department of Commerce and may be re-distributed without restriction. People who need to bundle AV, BFIND, COPSINCE, DATES, DIRCOMP, DIRTOTAL, EUMAIL, FILL, FIXTEXT, FORTUNE, HTMSTRIP, PAGINATE, READINIT, or TXTABLE in commercial packages other than shareware/freeware collections must pay a $50 registration fee to "Wayne Software" at the following address. READMAKE-created files are also subject to this limitation. I don't expect to make any money from these utilities but I don't want others to sell them instead. This collection of utilities were compiled using Microsoft's Visual BASIC for DOS 1.0 compiler. Thomas G. Hanlin III's excellent PBClone routines, release 2.3, provided additional functionality. Since Tom has dropped support for his PBClone routines, some things will are simply not possible for me to do so don't push! The basic routines should be able to be maintained indefinitely as long as DOS continues to exist; we'll see. Keep in mind that they are DOS-based routines so forget long Win95 file names and such. I keep thinking that I should be doing Windows programming but it's hard to get psyched up for that when you think of Windows as a computer virus. Documentation provided in appropriate ZIP files: * routine.DOC: Each utility is separately described in a like-named *.DOC file. * FILE_ID.DIZ: Standard Description In Zip file. * BRUCEymm.DOC: This file serves to summarize all of the various utilities. The "ymm" indicates the release date in year/month format. "601" means 1996, first month (Jan 1996). * BRUCEINI.DOC: Most of the routines have defaults that can altered by using initialization files (inifiles). These are referenced in the regular documentation and further described here. (One thing about *.INI files; if you don't have one, it's in your interests to specify the "/-I" parameter. Otherwise, the program searches your entire DOS path looking for the file.) * BRUCEHEX.DOC: Many of the routines allow you to enter parameters as either hexadecimal or decimal strings. This is referenced in the regular documentation and further described here. All program documentation was created using a text editor (PE2). The PAGINATE command (see below) was used to justify the text and create titles, page breaks, and (where provided) indexes. Beta testers and suggestions are always appreciated. Contact me at Note that all beta releases are done via e-mail so if your gateway can't handle some pretty big mail attachments, you definitely do NOT want to be a beta tester for me! Modifications that are not of mainstream use can be contracted for. BRUCE610.DOC 3 Revised: 10-30-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding the programs--Current version is 610 (1996 October) The utilities are uploaded with a ZIP name that includes the year and month of the release in a "ymm" format (mm-number month where 01=January, and 199y for year). The files are posted directly by the author to two places. The following Web site, provided by Hans Schrader, has the current versions of *all* programs: Major revisions are directly posted by the author to the following: * Simtel (Coast-To-Coast): ( * Simtel (Keith Petersen): ( * ZDI Software Library: No idea where that is! Simtel locations and versions ..arcutil/ ..arcutils/ Archive View: Free ZIP etc directory viewer ..batutil/ ..batchutl/ Warns you in advance of birthdays etc Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options ..dirutil/ ..dirutl/ Copies files modified since given date Updates files based on source directory Directory lister and totaller Copy updated files based on a control list ..diskutil/ ..diskutil/ Stuffs as many files as possible on disk ..offline/ ..mailnews/ Eudora utility for nicknames, boxes ..spredsht/ ..spredsht/ Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3 ..textutil/ ..txtutl/ Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END) Change strings in text/binary files Translate text file characters en masse Reprocesses HTML pages for humans to read Paginates text (indexes, sorts, tables) Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing Generates text tables If you're using a version of the programs that's more than a year old, it's almost always the case that there's a newer version. Please check for an update. If you can receive binary attachments, contact me at for free updates. Alternatively, send $10 made out to "Wayne Software" to the Wayne Software address above and I'll send you everything on diskette. (If you need anything other than 3.5" high density, specify that too please.) The versions of each program posted on SimTel are documented below along with the directory information for this site. The *current* versions of *all* programs are posted on the Web site in Norway. BRUCE610.DOC 4 Revised: 10-30-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short program descriptions AV.EXE: Archive directory viewer. Presents list of files in archive (ZIP, ARC, etc) and lets you sort as desired. Also allows resetting of the file date based on the archive's contents. BFIND.EXE: Allows Boolean-type FIND requests. For example, find any line with one string AND another one, or any line with one string OR another. Also allows wildcarded input file names. CHANGE.EXE: Processes change commands in files. Files can be of any size and type (e.g. binary or text) and are processed quickly. Up to thirty change commands can be processed in a single pass. Also provides ability to remove trailing spaces from text files. CONVERT.EXE: Converts between data formats: FROM dBase, ASCII-delimited (typically commas between fields and quotes around strings), and fixed field TO Lotus WKS, ASCII-delimited, dBase, and fixed field. COPSINCE.EXE: Copies all files modified since a given date. Primarily used for making sure you have a back-up of files and also to copy updated programs to another place. Lets you define your own groupings of files if desired. DATES.EXE: Program that warns you in advance when an event like a birthday, anniversary, or holiday is coming up. The idea is to give you advance warning so you can send a card or get out of town in time. DIRCOMP.EXE: Similar in some ways to DOS's REPLACE command but adds ability to delete extra files in the destination subdirectory, copy hidden and system files, and prepare a report showing inconsistencies. Is frequently used by network administrators to update workstation files. DIRTOTAL.EXE: Prepares report showing files in subdirectory or drive. Allows restricting search based on date, size, attributes, etc. Works on networked and CD-ROM drives. Produces more formalized report than some utilities do. Also allows you to look for duplicate file names. EUMAIL.EXE: Eudora mail summarizer. Dumps your Qualcomm Eudora mailbook as well as summarizing the contents of all of your Eudora boxes and folders. FILL.EXE: Program designed to move files off to floppy diskettes, taking the biggest files first and skipping those that won't fit. Also provides option of splitting large files, creating a status report, and other features. FILUPDAT.EXE: Program which compares a selected list of files in a source path against those in another path and copies those that have been updated. Similar to DOS' REPLACE command but works from a stored list of files (controlled updates) and can handle any number of directories. FIXTEXT.EXE: Program which applies a user-definable character-translation table to a text file. Can allow you to convert graphics characters to their text equivalents, lowercase letters to uppercase letter, etc. Can also be used to translate DOS text files to Mac or Unix text files and vice versa. Can also expand tabs, remove trailing spaces, and remove backspaces. BRUCE610.DOC 5 Revised: 10-30-96 FORTUNE.EXE: A tuner-upper for the DOS FOR command. Generates a batch file which does all those wildcard things you wished FOR could do (like "FORTUNE IN (*.BAS) DO RENAME %A %2*.*" to remove parts of file names). Lets you do all sorts of things including distinguishing file name roots from their extensions as well as incrementing file names by specified values. HTMSTRIP.EXE: Goes through downloaded pages from the Web and removes embedded HTML commands. Reflows paragraphs and tries to make it basically readable. Can function on individually-saved pages or else process your entire disk cache. Awarded a "Best" rating by "PC Computing" in their July 1996 issue. Includes MOZ.EXE which renames the files in your Web cache subdirectory so you can identify them more easily. PAGINATE.EXE: Reformats text files with embedded formatting codes. Handles things like titles, footers, indexes, alignment, justification, multicolumn listings, etc. Also provides support for embedding tabular data in ASCII-delimited or dBase formats which can be embedded and/or sorted in your reports. READ.EXE, READY.EXE, READINIT.EXE, and READMAKE.EXE: Text file browsing utilities. READ--Supports marking, copying text, reading Unix and Mac text files, etc. Handles files of 16,000 lines or less (approx 800,000 bytes). READY--truncates or wraps lines over 255 characters in length but handles files of an unlimited number of lines. READMAKE--Takes an ASCII-text file and makes it self-viewable (using a READ clone). TXTABLE.EXE: Program to generate text tables. Allows inputs to be HTML-based as well as one-record per cell. BRUCE610.DOC 6 Revised: 10-30-96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision history Detailed revision histories for the programs are only maintained for the last three releases. After that, you get the major revision summaries only for the next three releases or so. In any case, if your version of any of these programs is more than a year old, your version is definitely obsolete. Hop onto the Web or e-mail me or something and get the new version! -------------- (full detail; revisions made 1 to 3 releases ago) Release 96/10: All routines: /inull (in lowercase) didn't used to work... Sigh. All routines: If you pass in /DEBUG, among other things the programs will show you the return code before ending. BFIND: Added /W, /W0, and /-W parameters, mainly to determine pausing when run run under Windows. Should no longer fail on some truly ugly files with no CR/LF's anywhere. [Replaces] CHANGE: Added /W, /W0, and /-W parameters, mainly to determine pausing when run run under Windows. [Replaces] DATES: The program now defaults to pausing if being run from Windows. [Replaces] DIRTOTAL: Added /TREE, /A, and /TOP=n parameters. Sorting by date (/OD) didn't work; fixed. [Replaces] EUMAIL: Documentation now includes lots of information about country date formats and such. Pass in /DEBUG and the program will do more checking of dates used. Having said all of this, added a /SHOWINT parameter (which is the default) that uses the internal date/time stamps instead of the ones shown in the menus so errors should not happen at all. Added subtotals for each folder. Added "% of msgs" column in summary as well. Fixed error with /SPLIT when files were in a folder. Added /HEAD=xxxx parameter. [Replaces] FILL: Added attribute selections (/ATTR=x) and no longer has problems dealing with read-only files when it moves them. [Replaces] FILUPDAT: Fixed error with /FULL parameter. [Replaces] HTMSTRIP: Documented the return codes used. Fixed some alignment problems using /BORDER=N. [Replaces] Release 96/09: BFIND: Fixed a bug with "BFIND NOT string" searches. [Replaces] CHANGE: Fixed a bug where it would repeat processing of some files. This created some very flaky results and made the return codes worthless. Now forcing /BINARY mode if you include a /FROM with CR or LF in it. /V and /-V options did not work anymore; fixed them. Fixed a bug with "/IN NOT string" conditions not working. [Replaces] CONVERT: Fixed up a bug related to floating-point fields in dBase input BRUCE610.DOC 7 Revised: 10-30-96 files. Added /Qn parameter to control frequency of record-by-record status messages. [Replaces] DATES: Fixed a bug with respect to flashing foreground characters. New /ODATE=format parameter allows the dates to be displayed in a variety of formats. Program now requires a single character delimiter in the input dates; it probably did anyway but documentation specified otherwise. [Replaces] DIRCOMP: Added ERRORLEVEL 249 for /UPDATE specified but nothing copied, moved, or deleted. Fixed some bugs in deleting empty files and empty subdirectories. No longer blows up when it encounters an invalid date/time stamp for the files. [Replaces] DIRTOTAL: Program would abort if a file had an invalid time stamp. Program ignored /D (date) range tests; fixed. None of the reverse sorting options (e.g. /O-S) worked; fixed. [Replaces] FILL: Program ceases to blow up when it encounters read-only files that you want to "move". [Replaces] HTMSTRIP: Changed /-SPACES so it also removes blank columns and (most) rows in tables as well as blank lines within tables. Added "/" and "*" to the list of characters that are acceptable as numbers when the program's determining this for cell-alignment purposes. Fixed up some problems with translating the "&" string. Added support for HTML command. [Replaces] MOZ (included in HTMSTymm.ZIP file): Now adds a number of fail-safe options, usually requiring parameters to be passed in before renaming everything in the cache. Includes an option to create a graphic view page which, when loaded from your Web browser, displays all graphics in your cache and includes the links for where they came form. [Replaces] READ, READY, READINIT: Allowed for blinking foreground colors (which I hate). Documentation already said they were supported but they weren't. [Replaces] Release 96/08: For some reason, several people chose this month to tell me that my programs had "bugs" in them because they were using long file and pathnames under Windows NT and the programs weren't handling them. All of these programs are DOS applications; they don't recognize anything other than short pathnames and 8.3 file names with valid DOS characters in the file names. If you want to branch out (literally) and use non-compatible names and structures, feel free. However, you give up the ability the use some DOS programs including things like DIRTOTAL and DIRCOMP. That's just the way it is. I can't provide support if you violate these rules. These programs are freeware and it's not worth my time (relearning) and expense (new compilers, new program libraries) to rewrite them from scratch. Sheesh! CHANGE: Fixed up some bugs involving the program not putting you into text mode all the time. More bugs fixed related to column positions and /IN string specifications. [Replaces] COPSINCE: Fixed a bug handling international date formats. Added support for 4DOS. [Replaces] BRUCE610.DOC 8 Revised: 10-30-96 DIRCOMP: Switched /R and /-R to /U and /-U (conflicted with other parms and didn't match DOS REPLACE command switches). Added the ability to specify up to 10 inclusion filespecs. Finally added the ability to remove destination subdirectories that are now empty. [Replaces] FILL: Fixed a bug related to moving files in the non-default subdirectory. [Replaces] FORTUNE: Switched default to /WIPE (eliminate output batch file upon completion). [Replaces] HTMSTRIP: More work on debugging tables. Added /INDENT and /-INDENT parms to allow
blocks to be turned off. More debugging for mostly foreign pages. [Replaces] -------------- (kind of terse; revisions made 4 to 6 releases ago) Release 96/07: AV, DIRCOMP, DIRTOTAL, and EUMAIL: Added support non-US date formats (program reads the system configuration settings). AV: Now prompts for infile spec if not provided. BFIND and CHANGE: Added column ranges (vs column start requirement) for the search parameter. EUMAIL: Added /FORMAT=n handling. FILL: Changed the default to /COPY if no parameters are passed in, and /MOVE if any are. FORTUNE: Added /RUN and /PROMPT parameters. HTMSTRIP: Heady times after an endorsement from PC Computing in their July and August 1996 issues! Improved recovery for huge cells. Added MOZ program to the ZIP file. Release 96/05: AV: Added ability to delete the archive. CONVERT: Program skipped the first record in DBF files; fixed this. DATES: Added the ability to do weekly reminders. EUMAIL: Added /SPLIT and /SCAN options. HTMSTRIP: Added /A=spec, /IMG=spec, and /IMGALT=spec parameters. Release 96/04: FORTUNE: Added /WIPE parameter. HTMSTRIP: Added /ALT parameter. ISAMMAKE/ISAMFIND: Dropped.