- Coeli Electric Planisphere - DESCRIBE.DOC - C O E L I (TM) --------------- Electric Planisphere -------------------- D E S C R I P T I O N A N D -------------------------------- A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------- Last updated: February, 1997 This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe the Coeli package. Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name(s) for BBSs: ---------------------- The Coeli program package and documentation must reside within a single archive file. Please use the following name: COELI***.ZIP Coeli - Electric Planisphere If the program is compressed using some other file compression method, then please use the name COELI*** with the appropriate extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, etc.). NOTE: *** denotes current 3-digit version number, ie 380 Keywords: ~~~~~~~~~ astronomy, planisphere, planetarium, star chart, star map, ephemeris Category: ~~~~~~~~~ Educational / Home & Hobby / Recreational / Science / Astronomy Program Name, Category, Keywords: --------------------------------- COELI / Coeli - Electric Planisphere // Educational/Recreational/Home & Hobby // astronomy / planisphere / planetarium / star chart / star map / ephemeris Short Description: ------------------ Coeli - Electric Planisphere . Super VGA model of the skies as seen from Earth. Coeli combines practical ephemeris and planetarium with real-time star chart. View the heavens from any place or time with advanced star & constellation search in a point/click interface. Readouts include rise, set, & transit times, apparent & absolute magnitudes, astronomical twilight, distance, co-ordinates, phase, and much more. Coeli will run under DOS and Windows. Long Description: ----------------- Coeli - Electric Planisphere Coeli offers a real-time prospect of Earth's skies with unrestricted zoom (even resolving close doubles like Castor) plus advanced star & constellation search in a point-and-click interface. Viewpoints are adjustable from zenith to horizon with 360 degree traverse from any position on Earth or point in time. Features world map 'location browser', Bayer nomenclature with Greek letter & genitive, plus full expansion & common names. Extensive readouts include rise, set, transit times for sun, moon, planets, & stars, astronomical twilight, apparent & absolute magnitudes & co-ordinates, distance, phase, hours of darkness and more. Coeli combines practical planetarium with ephemeris and real-time star chart. 5 SVGA modes & 4 projection models ensure both versatility and compatibility across a range of PC hardware from 386 to Pentium. Coeli will run under Windows and DOS. Special requirements: a separate VESA driver must be pre-installed (UniVBE V5+ recommended). SVGA graphics hardware should have at least 512 kb of video RAM (1 Mb recommended), and must be VESA compatible. Registration Information: ------------------------- Our newest registration service is online ordering via our WWW site (all major credit cards accepted). Simply navigate to one of the following: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/coeli/homepage.htm or http://www.sci.fi/~elk and follow the links. A convenient registration facility is available from within Coeli itself. The file REGISTER.FRM (registration form) is also included amongst Coeli's files. If you decide to make an electronic transfer of funds to our Finnish bank account, you may also e-mail us your completed registration form. (attached, for example, using MIME) Registration brings lifetime support by mail, the integral Sky Quiz(tm), the Complete Messier Catalog in ImageIcons, automatic eligibility for future upgrades, the capacity to load up to 7000 more stars, and removal of registration reminder screens. Registered copies are also customised to load the user's preferred settings and home location at startup. For complete user registration information please refer to the manual (COELI.TXT) and the file REGISTER.DOC, or point your browser at one of the Coeli Web sites. WHO PRODUCED COELI? ------------------- Swimming Elk Software - a company managed by Roger Hughes. The company is based in Finland. At Swimming Elk Software service and support always come before profit. This pledge is fundamental to our approach to product development, production, and marketing. Although we are proud to be a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals, unlike the current consensus in the ASP, we DO NOT COUNTENANCE CRIPPLING. We intend to go on offering fully -- and continuously -- functioning programs for our potential customers to evaluate at their leisure. Swimming Elk Software swims against the current in another sense, since we are also committed to producing top quality software at REASONABLE PRICES. These tenets, we believe, are and always have been fundamental to the shareware ideal, indeed the ONLY things setting true shareware apart from the mere commercial demo. Please feel free to get in touch whenever you have a question, a comment or a complaint. We can be reached by mail at the following address: Roger Hughes Swimming Elk Software Manskiventie 1031 16790 Manskivi Finland We can also be reached electronically as follows: CompuServe: 106217,2576 Internet : Swimming.Elk@sci.fi ( preferred method ) For last-minute information, feedback, and support, just point your Web browser at: http://www.sci.fi/~elk or http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/coeli/homepage.htm _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER