This is a commercial product distributed as shareware, price excluding handling: $34 U.S. Is the price within your means? What you have downloaded is not a free offering. Coeli sits imprisoned on your hard disk in the privacy of your very own computing environment. You probably salved your conscience with the thought " I possess it. Why should I pay?" Yet as you know, in the case of information, possession is not 9/10 of the law. Not with books, and especially not with software, unless the author voluntarily surrenders his rights. The shareware producer does the user a service by allowing full and free access to his product for a limited period; are you about to repay his trust with what the law defines as theft? - millions of people who have never contemplated a 'real' crime in their lives do it routinely. We've all done it: we're all guilty. But that's no excuse... Look at the benefits of letting shareware work. Shareware will only flourish with your willing and active co-operation. Or it will die. Which alternative do you prefer? Press [L] for life, [D] for death...