Version History/info - WILDHARE jpeg tester 12-08-95 1:07:57 am -- version 0.1 WILDHARE JPEG tester, command line DOS version. Wrote this for users who would like to know if their JPEGS are going to pass the PCBoard version of this util when they upload, before they waste time doing it. Special thanks to PCCLARK for making me think of this. 12-08-95 9:28:34 am -- version 0.2 Fix for file size > 300k bug. 12-12-95 11:25:04 am -- version 0.3 Responding to requests for this thing to handle wildcards, I gave it that ability (wildcards) as well some other stuff. Run with no options for command line help. -W. Mike Hare email: bbs: WILDHARE (919) 834-1323