o PV3D V2.00 and POVRAY 2.00 / VIVID 2.00 output ============================================================================ ============================================================================ | Une documentation en Fran‡ais de + de 150 pages sous la forme d'un fichier | texte imprimable existe et est en cours d'am‚lioration constante. Elle est | disponible avec la version compl‚te de PV3D. Consulter | le fichier README.DOC (partie Fran‡aise) pour plus d'info. ============================================================================ The version V2.00 include a lot news functions since the version 1.00. I send this version V2.00 of PV3D to help you to use POVRAY 2.0 and VIVID 2.00 trought PV3D. For the news user of PV3D read in first the PV3D V1.00 documentation include in the file PV3DV100.DOC and after read this file to understand the changes. I think the US documentation of PV3D was available in a short time but after the French documentation (actually + 150 pages at 28 December 93). II put here some information to help you to use the POVRAY 2.00 and VIVID 2.00 output and the new PV3D features. o PV3D upgrade ============================================================================ Logiquely I put the last available version of PV3D in some BBS CAD CONNECTION BBS in france 33 1 39 52 98 54 (2400-14400 8 Bits No parity 1 stop bit) GRAPHICS ALTERNATIVE BBS in el Cerrito, CA 1 510 524 2780 (2400-14400 8 Bits No parity 1 stop bit) o News functions Since the version 1.00 : ============================================================================ PV3DV200 28-12-1993 News drawing strategy , for most fast display. fix a lot of minor bug. PV3DB193 08-11-1993 Fix some bug (error in a texture definition in a POV RAY generated file) PV3DB191 05-10-1993 Now PV3D generate POVRAY 2.00 (only) and VIVID 2.00 output CSG available with groupe (POVRAY 2.0 feature) Colors and texture support for one groupe (POVRAY 2.0 feature) Colors or texture support in CSG structure. (POVRAY 2.0 feature) Smoothed triangles in CSG or groupe available trought PV3D2POV VIVID 2.00 output support Just for some primitive sphere, cone, cylindre, plane TXT/RAW file ... No groupe and CSG support External VIVID texture librairie support {right} mouse in 'Vivid_2.0' icone . External VIVID shape librairie support {right} mouse in 'SDF' icone . VID subdirectory to store the VIVID.vo 2.0 Shapes files and VIVID.vs textures files. Test the TXT/RAW shape and supress the degenerate triangle before POV or VIVID script generation. PV3D2POV.EXE V2.00 (in the POV subdirectpry) Read POV or VIVID input file and generate POVRAY 2.00 POVRAY 1.0 or VIVID 2.00 output file with smoothed or patched triangles. Use of the MSC 8.00 Some bugs fixed PV3DB181 05-09-1993 Mouse bug fixed New function bug fixed Some bugs fixed PV3DB180 07-04_1993 many news functions French documentation (110 pages) Include mapping bumpping functions with some options (POSTER autoscale, once, ...) MAP subdirectory to store the GIF TGA files for mapping/Bumpping External POV textures libraries POV.pit files in the MAP subdirectory Fast draw mode {Right} mouse on the 'Draw' icone. Test the file before open to save Replace file ? message box iif the file allready exist. All menu with mouse support New colors menu GIF viewer for mapping and bummping function. Height Field support (GIF only) New R-M-S menu New GUI look XMS support (12000 triangles) HIMEM.SYS or other XMS drivers is necessary now to run PV3D. Some bugs fixed And more ... PV3DV100 Fix scale error in some menu Fix and input a new function in R-M-S menu Fix the plane POV generation error Input limitation for the no registered version MAX 100 shapes in a POV files. 195 in registered MAX 10 frames in animation. DOS limit in registered. PV3DB62 03-14-1993 Fix some 3D view error and new 3D view interface 3D view with multiframe for animation New animation function implemented Multi frame Duplicate function Morphe function EFFect library for animation VALue library for animation SHA Extra POV primitive library implemented Alpha color implemented POV animation file implementation PV3D now is a FreeWare PV3DV060 02-02-1993 Fix the 'delete' error New Groupe function , to use the composite function of POVRAY PV3D OBject Library implementation POB files CSG Contructive Solide Geometry support Multiple Blob structure More Shape, 195 And some bug fixed PV3DR050 01-01-1993 Fix the bug in the POV generation file with look_at before right. 01-02-1993 Generate multi directory for PVD POV TXT PRO file for fast access to the file. New function 'Path' to select the search path directory for the standard file of PV3D. (PV3D.CFG file) The standard directory for the PV3D file it is. PVD\ : for *.PVD *.PVT PV3D scene description file TXT\ : for *.TXT triangle file POV\ : for the POV and PTX generated file IMG\ : for the PV3D texture file PRO\ : for the PRO profil file TEMP\ : temporary directory used by PV3D in some case 01-04-1993 Fix the 'New' function with old orbital status PV3DB030 12-25-1992 New function 'View 3D' for see the scene in 3D with the camera and Look_at position. PV3DB021 12-13-1992 fix big box around the shape with the first loaded shape fix Stack overflow R6000 with the 'SaveTXT' icone 12-15-1992 clean help aera with the 'spline' (PRO) call fix the lose of the shape parameter with the load of PRO file û o PV3D V1.00 files and PV3D V2.00 compatibility ============================================================================ PV3D V2.00 support the PV3D V1.00 files, PV3D V2.00 translate all of the old PV3D file to a news. o PV3D V2.00 Colors and Textures troubles with old files ============================================================================ With POVRAY 2.00 is possible to assign in a CSG structure one different color or texture for all shape of the CSG. With the version V1.00 of PV3D the first color/texture of the CSG structure define the color/texture of all csg shape. Now is possible to assign different color/texture in the CSG. WARNING : Now the first shape of the CSG not define the color/texture of the CSG. If you want assign the same color/texture for all shape. Create one PV3D Groupe with no shape color/texture and assign one color/texture for this groupe when you load this groupe in the master. See the samples file : CHESS2 o PV3D V2.00 and the old POVRAY 1.00 texture name : ============================================================================ Some textures (Silver_Metal for example) existing with the version 1.00 of POVRAY was now not available with the version 2.00 of POVRAY. USE : Gold_Texture at the place of Gold_Metal Silver_Texture at the place of Silver_Metal ... ... o POVRAY 2.00 warning message with PV3D POV files ============================================================================ For PV3D now one groupe was automatiquely one CSG union of all the shape. If one groupe of shape have less then 2 shapes POVRAY generate one warning but it is OK. o PV3D2POV options ============================================================================ The VIVID 2.00 output replace the PV3D2POV option. Now PV3D generate only a files with triangle (POVRAY) or polygon (VIVID). If you want smooth or patch this shape use directly the PV3D2POV V2.00 tools. PV3D2POV sample.pov sample1.pov -s120 -o2 PV3D2POV sample.v sample1.v -s120 -o3 Generate the file sample1.pov in POVRAY 2.00 format with all triangle shape smoothed. (Run PV3D2POV /? for the syntax) Generate the file sample1.v in VIVID 2.00 format with all triangle shape patched. (Run PV3D2POV /? for the syntax) if you want smooth or patch only some TXT/RAW shape of your script change the name of the shape: If the first character of the shape name was $ PV3D2POV not smooth or patch the shape. Why : PV3D2POV compute only the lignes with \ttriangle or \tpolygon (\t = tab) for PV3D2POV the triangle or polygon definition is only in one line and one blank line stop the shape . If the name of the TXT/RAW shape start with $ PV3D generate the output file with no \t (\t = tab) and PV3D2POV pass the line during parsing. o Height Field support ============================================================================ When you select one height field shape PV3D load one BOX structure to limit in a space the height field. The pyramid in a box define the down/up (normal) of the height field. The Box define the height field limit for all colors 0->255 if your gif file have only 16 color 0->16 the box limit was not good. Now with POVRAY 2.00 is possible to use one height field in a CSG structure. PV3D generate one water_level 0.001 to supress the color 0. o Fast draw mode ============================================================================ {right} on the 'Draw' icone start the fast draw mode. With the MSC 6.00 compiled code I have some troubles with function With the MSC 8.00 compiler the troubles are gone. PV3D V2.00 use one new stategy of draw shape for a more speed display. o External POV texture Support ============================================================================ With this version of PV3D is possible to use all POVRAY texture. To create your texture file definition just edite one text file in POVRAY 2.00 syntax. 1 - The name of the file was file.PIT 2 - The PIT files was in a INC subdirectories >>>> 3 - The file name of the file was the same than the texture. 4 - Only one POVRAY 2.00 texture definition by file.PIT. sample : MUR1.PIT #declare MUR1 = texture { pigment { image_map {gif "brique2.gif" interpolate 2.0 } } normal { bump_map { gif "brique4.gif" interpolate 2.0 bump_size 5.0} } finish { phong 0.3 phong_size 72 ambient 0.4 reflection .4 } } With this function it is easy to create and use all POVRAY 2.00 texture trought PV3D. û o PV3D V2.00 and VIVID 2.00 output ============================================================================ The VIVID 2.00 output include in the version V2.00 of PV3D not support all of the POVRAY 2.00 output. This new function is here only to help the VIVID user to create more easely some VIVID script. For PV3D in all case you create one POVRAY script and all function of PV3D was available but when you generate one VIVID script some functions was not available and generate one PV3D warning message. o What is supported or not by PV3D for the VIVID 2.00 output. ============================================================================ o VIVID Primitive supported : ============================================================================ Sphere Cylindre X Y Z (closed by ring) Cone X Y Z (closed by ring) Plane X Y Z Cube TXT/RAW file o VIVID Texture and Surface Supported : ============================================================================ All POVRAY color Menu surface { diff R G B } Only VIVID External texture supported : If you want assign a Texture to the shape use the 'Vivid 2.0' icone with the right mouse button. One listbox appear with some external VIVID texture file placed in the VID subdirectory. PV3D call only the texture.VS file of this directory. The syntax of the texture.VS file was the same than the VIVID 2.00 texture definition. Put only one VIVID 2.00 texture definition by file. Only this type of VIVID external texture was supported by PV3D when you generate one VIVID script. Sample of external VIVID.VS texture file for PV3D : WOODSTIC.VS // wood stick surf { texture { pattern noise scale 1 0.01 0.01 terms 2 surf { diff medium_tan*1.3 shine 20 white } surf { diff medium_tan*0.7 shine 30 white } } } o VIVID Clipping function : ============================================================================ PV3D not support the CSG structure for the VIVID output. I work to implemente the clip function of VIVID for the futur version. o VIVID and external shape support : ============================================================================ If you want call one VIVID.VO file put your VO file in the VID subdirectory and press the Right mouse button on the 'SHA' icone. WARNING : PV3D generate one beep and one warning message because the SHA file was no found. PV3D load one Cube to define the limit of your VIVID.VO object in the space. For PV3D the reference scale of the VIVID.VO object loaded was (1 1 1). If your object have not this unit reference you have some trouble when you see the result of your creation :-) o VIVID and the 3D View_point : ============================================================================ PV3D use some POVRAY computation to display the 3D_View function. With the VIVID output the representation was not correct. I work for that (futur version) O VIVID and Groupe stategy : ============================================================================ PV3D no support the PV3D groupe stategy with the VIVID output. Vivid use the right hand coordinate system but PV3D use the the POVRAY system !! When PV3D generate the VIVID script PV3D compute all transformation but all coordinate information displayed to the screen (mouse coordinate) are for POVRAY. POVRAY VIVID X -Z Y X Z Y PV3D Contribution Order ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SEE the file README.DOC for more info