WHAT WE STILL HAVE TO DO TO "COMPLETE" VERSION 2.00 OF GRAFX: - Handle error when reading CD-ROM or floppy disk drives while there is no disk inside. - Automatically go on the last directory visited when changing dir. - FX on the picture (flip, stretch, shrink, ...) - Statistics on the system (Memory, disk space, ...) - Stretch brushes WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE DONE IN VERSION 2.00 BUT WILL DO... SOME DAY: - Text (if not made in version 2.00) - Rectangles filled with gradation - Polyfill - Filled polyforms - Polyformed brushes (lasso) - Distort brushes - Rotate brushes by any angle - fix unknown bugs! :) WHAT WE PLAN TO DO IN NEXT VERSIONS: - Add more video modes and improve the resolution choice interface. - Allow the user to interrupt previews by pressing a key. - Maybe we could draw a palette in the preview window of the file selector for PAL files. - Improve the scrolling lists speed. - Allow to scroll Help with the keys. - Improve clicks on buttons in the menus. - Add more functionnalities with Shade mode. - ...