======================= >> QUICK HELP COMMAND INDEX << ====================== (Print out a copy of Quick Help as a guide to learning Deep Space 3-D) Abbreviations used in the both Extended Help and Quick Help: Mm = Main Menu, initial menu in text mode Dm = Display Menu, initial menu in graphics mode (top left corner) < > = a single keystroke, such as , , , etc. [ , , ] = a sequence of keystrokes used to achieve the stated purpose Conventions: = Used to terminate a number or word entry or to accept a default command = Used to toggle a check mark on or off in a selection menu (any number of items may be selected in this kind of menu) = Exit or retreat to previous menu (../../..) = Choose one, (such as (Y/N), (A/B/C), etc.) = in zoom mode [Dm, F3, F1], or 3-D mode [Dm, F9, (F1/F2)] to change size of zoom box; in text mode, to jump up or down one page = During data entry, accept all defaults and jump to last item = During data entry, go to previous or next item (even if the items are arranged side-by-side. = used to position the cursor within an item for editing purposes When in doubt about what data value to use, accept default value. When in doubt, use the key to quit an item. 3-D charts, printout [Dm, F10, (F2/F3), to move box, to change size of box, , ...] 3-D Option defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, 3-D Options, ...] or [Dm, F9, F3, ...] 3-D Planet depth [Dm, F9, F1, , , ] 3-D Star depth [Dm, F9, F2, , , ] Almanac [Mm, Almanac, ...] Alter Map, Menu [Dm, F4, ...] Asteroids, (see under "Comets/Asteroids") Catalog & Order Form [Mm, Catalog & Order Form, ...] Category, ... [Mm, Observing List, ...] ...browse [... Browse Category (2nd Browse), (select category), to scroll, ...] ...create new [... Create New Category, ...] ...edit [... Browse Category, (select user-defined category), C, , , ] or [Dm, F7, F2, F5, , , ] ...erase [... Erase Category, (select user defined category)] Chart Features, alter default settings [Mm, Modify Configuration, Chart Features, ...] Chart Projection, alter default setting [Mm, Modify Configuration, Chart Features, (select projection), ...] Charts, Special [Dm, F2, ...] ...Circular Day-and-Time [... C, ...] ...Horizon View [... H, (select direction), ...] ...Match-the-Sky [... M, ...] ...Pole-to-pole [... P, ...] ...Whole sky [... W, (Select coordinate system), ...] Color, Text, set defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, Text Colors, ...] Color, stars, on/off [Dm, F4, F3] Comets/Asteroids, (From Main Menu) [Mm, Ephemeris, ...] ...create new file [... , (enter file name), (proceed with first entry), ...] ...delete file [... (position cursor on file), , ...] ...delete item [... (select item), ] ...edit elements [... (select file), (select object), E ...] ...enter elements [... (select file), , ...] Comets/Asteroids, (From Display Menu) [Dm, F6, F2, ...] ...create new file [... F2, , (enter file name), (proceed with first entry), ...] ...delete file [... F2, (position cursor on file), , ...] ...delete item [... F2, (select file), (select item), ] ...edit elements [... F2, (select file), (select object), E ...] ...enter elements [... F2, (select file), , ...] ...orbit diagram [... (F3/F4), ...] ...plot paths on map [... F2, (select file), (select object), ...] ...positions on orbit (plot orbit), then (plot path) ...recovery mode (for finder chart only, not orbit diagram) [... F5, ...] ...scan & plot current positions [... F1, (select file), (choose criteria), ...] Configuration, for GSC [Mm, Modify Configuration, Guide Star Catalog, ...] Configuration, Modify [Mm, Modify Configuration, ...] Constellation lines, ... [Dm, F5, ...] ...all [... F2] ...bright constellations only [... F1] Constellation names, ... [Dm, F5, ...] ...add [... F3] ...use abbr. name in printout [... F4, ] ...use full name in printout (this is the default setting) [... F4, ) ...move [... F4, to move, to cycle forward, to cycle backward, to quit] Constellations, show all [Dm, F5, F2] Constellations, redefine bright constellation list [Mm, Modify Configuration, Bright Constellations, ...] Coordinate Grids, set defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, Coordinate Grids, (toggle choices)] Coordinate Grids, display default grids [Dm, F5, F5] Coordinate Grids, select grid lines during printout [Dm, F5, F6, ...] Coordinate system of map, alter [Dm, F4, F8, ...] Coordinates of map center [Dm, F4, F2, ...] Crop map [Dm, F4, F10, ...] Cursor, ... [Dm, , ...] ...move [... to move, for cursor menu, to quit] ...measure angular distance/separation [... to move cursor to begin. position, to set counter to zero, to move cursor to second position, Read difference in display box at top of screen Cursor activated features, ... [Dm, , , ...] ...jump to nearest star [... F1] ...jump to nearest planet, comet, etc. [... F2] ...jump to nearest deep sky object [... F3] ...place target circles [... F4] ...zoom to Guide Star Catalog (CD Rom required) [... F5] ...point LX-200 Telescope [... F6] Date, Time, Set [Mm, Set Day and Time, ...] Deep sky, edit categories (See Category, edit) Deep sky, Add [Dm, F7, F1, ...] Deep sky features (after deep sky objects are displayed) [Dm, F7, F2, (to cycle through objects), ...] (These features are also available on an object-by-object basis with the cursor key. Use jump to deep sky object [Dm, , , F3,...]) ...labels (a label appears as the cursor jumps to an object) ...move labels [... ] ...use 1st name [... F1] ...use alt. name [... F2] ...label on/off [... F3] ...symbol on/off [... F4] ...edit log [... F6, (enter notes), or F10=quit, Y=save] ...read catalog info [... to scroll catalog info. box] Deep Sky, user-defined coordinate positions (eg. novas, etc.), ... [Dm, F7, F4, ...] ...from direct input [... , (file name), (equinox of data), (coordinates)] ...from text file [... to select] Direct/Reverse map, (toggle mirror image/direct image) [Dm, F4, F4] Display Current Map (=Default chart for first chart) [Mm, Display Star Chart] Display Default Map (Discard previous charts) [Mm, Begin New Chart Stack] Earth orbit diagram [Dm, F6, F1, F5, (specify long-lat-dist of observer in space)] Ephemeris, ... (see Comets/Asteroids) Eyepiece field of view, ... (to draw field of view circle) [Dm, , (move to desired position), , F4,...] ...low power [... F1] ...med power [... F2] ...high power [... F3] ...binocular or finder field [... F4] ...Telrad target [... F5] GoScript (This is the Postscript printer utility for non-Postscript printers. See Extended Help under Printers or GoScript.) Grid Lines,... [Dm, F5,...] ...default grid lines (specified in configuration) [...F5] ...select type of grid lines [...F6] Guide Star Catalog, set defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, Guide Star Catalog, ...] Guide Star Catalog, zoom to (See Cursor Activated Features) Help Topics (Extended Help) [Mm, H-Extended Help, (select)] Horizontal/Vertical chart format [Dm, F4, F9] Hubble Guide Star Catalog (See guide Star Catalog) IC catalog objects (See Deep Sky) Load saved chart [Mm, Load Saved Chart] or [Dm, F1, F2] LX-200 default settings, [Mm, Modify Configuration, LX200 Settings,...] Magnitude limits, Alter [Dm, F4, F1] Magnitude limits, set defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, Magnitude Limits, ...] Measure distances, separations [Dm, to zero counter, to move, read Diff in box] Messier objects (See Deep Sky) Moonrise/Moonset times [Mm, Set Day and Time, ...] New Chart Stack, Begin [Mm, Begin New Chart Stack] NGC objects [See Deep Sky] North Up/South Up [Dm, F4, F5] Observing List (consists of deep sky objects that have been labeled) [Mm, Observing List] Observing log (See Deep Sky) Order Form [Mm, Catalog & Order Form, ...] Planets, ... [Dm, F6, F1, ...] ...show bright planets for current date (Mercury through Saturn) [...F1] ...show all planets for current date [...F2] ...path for range of dates [...F3] ...orbit diagram [...F4, (select observer's point of view from space)] ...earth orbit only [...F5, (select observer's point of view from space)] ...positions on orbits for range of dates (display orbits) then (display positions for range of dates) Planet Position Data (Numerical) [Mm, Almanac,...] Planet Rise/Set Graphs [Mm, Almanac,...] Print, ... [Dm, F10, ...] ...Standard Chart [... F1, ...] ...3-D Planet depth [... F2, to adjust scale, to view,...] ...3-D Star depth [... F3, , , to adjust scale, to view, ...] Printer configuration,... [Mm, Modify Configuration, Printer, ...] ...HP Laserjet [...L, P] ...Postscript Printer [...P, P] ...Other printer [...P, F] (use GoScript to send file to the printer) ...Encapsulated Postscript File [...P, F] Projection, (alter projection of current map) [Dm, F4, F7,...] Projection, default settings [Mm, Modify Configuration, Chart Features, ...] Real Time Mode (to display current horizons and object locations at night) [Mm, Real Time Mode, ...] ...Simulation [... (set offset in hours)] ...Turn Off RTM [Mm, Turn Off Real Time Mode] ...Update to Real Time (when in projection) , or (automatic whenever map is redrawn) Recenter map [Dm, , (center cursor on point of interest), , ] (This option will also zoom to a default scale if initially in Default Map, Circular Day-and-Time Map, or Horizon View Map) Remove,... (removes selected components from chart) [Dm, F8, ...] Remove Unnamed Constellations (allowing selective display of constellations) [Dm, F8, F1] Reverse map, (mirror image) [Dm, F4, F4] Rise/Set graph of planets [Mm, Almanac] Save/Load Chart to/from disk [Dm, (F1/F2)] Scale (alter scale of current map) [Dm, F4, F6,...] Search for D/S object [Dm, F7, F5,...] Share DS3D, (Make Shareware Disk) (Copy the contents of the SHARE subdirectory to a high density disk or several low density disks. The directory should contain: DS1of2.EXE, DS1of2.EXE, DS1of2.EXE, and INSTALL.BAT. You may omit INSTALL.BAT if you are uploading DS3D onto a BBS (Bulletin Board System). If you are a registered user, do not give away your REGISTRATION NUMBER or copy DSCONFIG.DSS, which contains your registration information. This file contains your registration information.) Site, select [Mm, Choose Observing Site, ...] Site, enter new site [Mm, Choose Observing Site, ,...] Size zoom boxes (for Zoom and 3-D functions) Star Magnitude, set default [Mm, Modify Configuration, Magnitude Limits, ...] Target fields, set defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, Targets, ...] Telescope Parameters (limiting magnitude, resolution, etc. for given size) [Mm, Modify Configuration, Telescope Parameters, ...] Telrad Target (places target circles on map) [Dm, , F4, F5] Text Colors, set defaults [Mm, Modify Configuration, Text Colors,...] Three-D options (See 3-D) Time of observation, set [Mm, Set Day and Time] Video Card configuration (normally specified during initial startup) [Mm, Modify Configuration, Video Card,...] Zoom,... [Dm, F3, ...] ...in [... F1, to size, to move, to redraw map] ...out (discard current map and return to previous map) [... F2]