Dear Clip-art User, The clip-art on this sample disk is taken from clip-art volumes that I originally released 4 years ago in .pub format, which was only good with First Publisher. I have blocked and converted the clip-art to .pcx which seems to be the most popular at this time. The disks are also available in .img & .msp. Volumes contain about 50% converted .pub files and 50% new clip-art. Some distributors have my disk (which may go under the name of Skier Graphics) which has 17 images each in .pcx, .img & .msp. This gives you a chance to test the clip-art to see which works for your particular program. To register your disk please send $4.00 to: Ron Soule, P.O. Box 92, Uniontown, MD. 21157. This gives you a mini catalog of art work available. Each page has sample art on the front (not the whole disk) and a contents printout on the back. Also those who register receive any new releases of art work via the sample art work and contents page. Clip-art is available in general art, holidays, sports & etc. [Mixed-art files on the PC-Write clip art sample disk are: sa22, sa3, sa34, sa4, sa41, sa47, sa50, sa55, sa7]