Upgrading from Earlier Versions You may use either of two methods to upgrade from an earlier version: 1. Start with the new default CONFIG.EZQ file, and make the same changes to it that you made to the earlier version, or 2. Make the necessary changes to your existing CONFIG.EZQ file to reflect the additional config options and other changes included in the new version. Those changes are listed below. In either case, run the new EZQCFG.COM program to install the resulting config settings in the new EZQUOTE.COM. Upgrading from EZQuote 3.0 to 4.0: ================================== Users of EZQuote 3.0 who reconfigured the default key assignments or added new macros may need to make additional changes in upgrading to v4.0. Listed below are the changes in EZQuote v4.0, and its default configuration, which may affect your existing assignments and macros. 1. The various right margin settings have been consolidated into a single "Rightmarg" config setting, and a single "Rightmarg" common-mode function in EZQuote (^f3). The margin setting is the same for both WonderWrap and normal word wrap, and may range from column 36 to 255. 2. "Indentblock" is a new common-mode function in EZQuote which indents a marked block one column. The default key assignment is ^f7. 3. "Freemem" is a new common-mode function in EZQuote which displays remaining free memory in the current mode's buffer. The default key assignment is @m. 4. The Paste, Wrap and UnWrap buffers are now the same size as the main file buffers, so it should now be possible to define macros which reliably Cut or Wrap the entire text. 5. Four new Miscellaneous configuration items have been added: - "Keyboard" determines whether the tandard or xtended Bios keyboard functions will be used. - "Sortdir" turns the sorting of directory listings or . - "Forcecrlf", if turned , will make sure that the file saved when Exiting from Edit Mode ends with CR/LF. - "Mouse" turns EZQuote's mouse support functions or . 6. The "Keynames" reference section in CONFIG.EZQ now contains key sets for both standard and enhanced keyboards. 7. It is now possible to assign both a Quote Mode macro and a different Edit Mode macro to the same key. A bug made such assignments operate improperly in prior versions. 8. You are now limited to defining a maximum of 200 macros. Upgrading from EZQuote 2.0 to 4.0: ================================== Users of EZQuote 2.0 who reconfigured the default key assignments or added new macros may need to make additional changes in upgrading to v4.0. Listed below are the changes in EZQuote v4.0 and its default configuration, in addition to those listed in the previous section, which may affect your existing assignments and macros. 1. WonderwrapQ, QuoteQ, and UndowrapQ, which were Quote-Mode-only functions in v2.0, are now the common mode functions Wonderwrap, Quote, and Undowrap. They are available in both modes at f3, @f2 and @f3, respectively, the same as the old Quote Mode assignments. 2. The three remaining Edit-Mode-only functions have new default key assignments: Function Old Key New Key ------------ ------- ------- SignatureE f2 ^f6 ReformatE f3 f2 SoftfmtE @f3 ^f2 3. The Dos function has been replaced by Dcmd, which shells to dos AND executes a command. It still defaults to @f4. However, "Dos" is also still valid as a new macro at ^f4. 4. Three new default macros have been added: ^f1 Spell Shell to spellchecker "ss" with contents of current window in the temp file "ezqspell", reload new contents of ezqspell upon return. ^f4 Dos Shell to Dos, type 'EXIT' to return. ^f10 Printblock Print the marked block. (You may need to change this macro if your printer requires a driver.) 5. TransferQ no longer inserts a blank line before the text if the Edit Mode cursor is on the top line. 6. If you attempt to Exit from Quote Mode while text remains in Edit Mode, EZQuote asks "Are you sure?". That question is now presented AFTER the filename confirmation. 7. The Save function has been modified as follows: - If there is no marked block, any current macro is aborted. - If an ppend or verwrite selection is included as part of a macro invoking Save, that selection will be ignored if the file does not already exist. So you may routinely include an "A" or "O" selection after the filename in any macro invoking the Save function, even if the file may not already exist. - Conversion of the marked block to ard or oft format for Saving, per the Savemode configuration setting, no longer affects the original text. 8. While not actually a change in v4.0, please note that macros invoking Load should have two 'home' entries between 'Load' and the filename. That will provide an answer to the "load MORE" option which may be presented if the previously Loaded file was oversized. 9. Five new Miscellaneous configuration items have been added: - Bootmode lets you specify which mode gets the command-line file. - HFirst, HNext, VFirst and VNext set mouse sensitivity. 10. A startup macro is now available. If you define a macro which is invoked by the keyname "startkey", that macro will be executed automatically after the command-line file has been loaded, and after auto-xfers, if any, have been performed.